Doomsday: PUBG System/C37 Sword-drawn Anxiety
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C37 Sword-drawn Anxiety
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C37 Sword-drawn Anxiety

After entering the meeting room, Xiang Jing and Lee Qiang sat on the lower seats. The seats were filled with military leaders, representing the top-notch military presence in Chang City.

The door of the meeting room closed, and bright lights shone on everyone present.

The first one to sit was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and he was the only general present. The missile that was aimed at the De City was launched by him.

If Xiang Jing knew this, who knows if he would take out the Crimson Star Hammer and smash his brain on the spot.

After a short while, the general stood up and said, "Hello, my name is Gao Yajun, I'm the commander in chief of the military department in Changchang, I'm very happy to meet you."

Xiang Jing stood up and introduced himself, "Xiang Jing, Rao City belongs to the Infantry Regiment of the Eastern Battlefield, which is a rank Captain."

Gao Yajun's prepared conversation was interrupted by Xiang Jing's sudden introduction. He stared at Xiang Jing and asked, "Who is your superior leader?"

"Tang Yi!"

Xiang Jing said. This rank was useless to him. He just wanted to know how the troop from one year ago was doing. Was someone still alive, or had...

Lee Qiang, who was on the side, was stunned again. He had followed this lucky boss for so many days yet didn't know that he actually had a military background.

As for the others, they were also doing the same. They all looked at Xiang Jing with weird expressions. It was not that they didn't believe it, but it was just that the information was too sudden.

Gao Yajun pondered and asked, "How do you prove your identity?"

Xiang Jing directly took out the authorization certificate from the Interspatial Ring, as well as something like the military badge.

Before he was blown away, the system had helped him store them automatically, so he still had them.

Li Hang handed these items to Gao Yajun. After careful verification, he confirmed that it was true.

But after a moment, Gao Yajun said, "I still can't believe you."

This time, it was Xiang Jing's turn to be confused. Aren't these proof all in front of you?

Gao Yajun noticed the expression on his face and said, "A year ago, the infantry regiment you spoke of was attacked by a corpse tide when it was evacuated. It has been completely destroyed."

"These things are not false, but they do not represent and prove your identity."

Xiang Jing understood what he meant, but what made him a little uncomfortable was that for the first time, Xiang Jing felt a sense of panic, as if he had lost something very important.

Seeing that Xiang Jing was suddenly silent, Gao Yajun did not ask too many questions.

After all, today's objective was not to investigate Xiang Jing's identity, but something more important.

"Identity is actually just a code name, but there's one thing that can't be changed. You're still human."

A lieutenant general beside Gao Yajun said. He wanted to open today's official conversation.

Xiang Jing, however, did not react. At this moment, his brain could not listen to anything. His entire mind was in a mess and his mood was very unstable.

"Brother Xiang" Lee Qiang noticed that something was wrong with Xiang Jing and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, Xiang Jing took a deep breath and a powerful aura burst out from his body. The strong oppressive feeling made everyone present suffocate for a moment.

"Protect the general!"

A lieutenant general shouted and quickly blocked in front of Gao Yajun while looking at Xiang Jing in fear.

The sudden burst of power from this seemingly ordinary young man was too terrifying. He had no doubt that as long as Xiang Jing wanted, no one in this office would be able to get out alive.

The other generals also drew their weapons and stood in front of Gao Yajun, aiming straight at Xiang Jing.

Lee Qiang did not hold back. He stepped in front of Xiang Jing to block, water flowed in his arms and lightning flashed.

Although he didn't know why Xiang Jing suddenly became like this, Lee Qiang was definitely on his side for no reason.

If he had to say it, it was Xiang Jing who accomplished his task today. Otherwise, he would have been a rotten corpse by now.

Lee Qiang clearly remembered the grace of saving his life and the kindness of doing so again.

Xiang Jing's explosive aura and the confrontation between both sides caused the atmosphere in the meeting room to become tense.


Xiang Jing let out a long breath. Then, that extremely oppressive aura was slowly retracted.

"Let's get straight to the point. Don't give me those fake ones."

At this moment, Xiang Jing's eyes were like a thousand-year-old cold pond. There was a domineering killing intent within his coldness. Anyone who came into contact with him would shiver uncontrollably.

It was too terrifying. Just by looking at Xiang Jing's eyes, it could cause fear in people. It was hard to imagine how much killing intent Xiang Jing was suppressing right now.

Everyone returned to their seats and the meeting room returned to its original scene. However, the atmosphere had become more subtle.

As a high ranking general, Gao Yajun was indeed intimidated by Xiang Jing's earlier momentum. However, he was no ordinary person, so he quickly adjusted himself.

"Our thoughts are very simple. We want to know why you all are still alive after enduring the explosion of the missile."

Xiang Jing glanced at them and said lightly, "It's simple, because we are strong enough."

Xiang Jing was not wrong about that. They were indeed the most powerful ones. Even if they didn't use the quantum shield, they could still survive.

Gao Yajun took out a piece of data and said, "Based on your DNA testing, our scientists have developed all of your body's skills far surpassing that of Evolver, and there is also a strange energy in your genome that cannot be analyzed."

Xiang Jing leaned back in his chair and said to Gao Yajun, "I know what you guys want to know. I can tell you the method, but I have conditions. I don't know if you can accept them."

"What condition?" As long as it's something we can accept, we can promise you. "

Originally Gao Yajun would not have lost his composure like this, but this was very important to the entire human race.

"Don't say it so early." Xiang Jing looked straight at Gao Yajun and said, "I can give you what you want, but only if you help me find someone. Not just all the military departments in the province, but all the military departments in the whole country must help me find someone."

If it was in the past peaceful times, don't even mention finding a person, even 18 generations of ancestors could find one for you. But now, the entire human civilization has suffered a devastating blow, many of the sophisticated equipment has already been destroyed, and people can only rely on manpower and material resources to find them.

However, such a loss was undoubtedly enormous. In some extremely dangerous places, an army of tens of thousands of soldiers might not even be able to leave.

Gao Yajun frowned and asked, "How can I trust you?"


Xiang Jing looked at Li Hang, who was sitting beside him, and asked, "What's your current level, strength, and ability?"

Although it could be seen through the Data Analyser, Xiang Jing didn't want to reveal too much.

Li Hang didn't know why Xiang Jing was asking him these questions. He glanced at Gao Yajun and answered, "Level 21, 21 times strength. Ability is control over metals."

After saying that, Li Hang opened his palm. The pen on the table flew into his hand as if it had been pulled.

Xiang Jing nodded and bought a [Level 1 Metal-attributed] Gene Medicine from the system store. He magically placed it on the table and said, "Inject this."

Li Hang was surprised for a moment. He looked at the syringe that had suddenly appeared and clenched his teeth. He picked it up and injected it into his arm.

Very quickly, the Gene Medicine's effect was unleashed, Li Hang's entire body fell to the ground, wailing in pain, as if he was suffering the pain of a thousand cuts and ten thousand cuts.

Everyone looked nervously at Xiang Jing, but they only saw him sitting in his seat casually, as if he was already used to this kind of situation.

Not only him, even Lee Qiang was the same.

In his opinion, Li Hang was lucky to have obtained a Gene Medicine.

Half an hour later, the effects of the Gene Medicine were completely absorbed by Li Hang, and the first layer of the genetic lock on his body was opened.

Xiang Jing looked at him and said, "What about now? How much stronger are you? "

Li Jun stood up. She could feel that her body was brimming with power. He could clearly feel that she had become stronger, and not just by a little bit. It was just that her strength had increased by a lot.

In order to verify their authenticity, Gao Yajun had someone bring over the military's strength testing machine.

Xiang Jing took a look at the Strength Testing Machine. It was made of metal with the shape of a sandbag, and it looked very heavy.

This should be a product of the Hetero-Space, but it was too cumbersome. There were many things in the system store that were lighter, had better performance, and were able to withstand the stronger powers.

With this kind of cumbersome strength testing machine, 50 times the normal strength was the limit. If it was Xiang Jing or Lee Qiang who took the test, they would probably beat the crap out of it.

When the equipment was ready, Li Hang took off his jacket, gathered his strength, and punched the soft cushion of the testing machine.

Next, a virtual screen displayed Li Hang's data.

There weren't any other changes, but there was one more Level (Level 1 Evolver). His strength had increased by ten times, reaching 31 times.

Besides Xiang Jing and Lee Qiang, everyone was shocked.

Just by injecting that strange liquid just now, Li Hang's overall strength had increased tenfold. This was too shocking.

Even someone like Gao Yajun, who had experienced a lot, was having a rough time.

Previously, he had guessed that the reason Xiang Jing's group was so strong, was it because they had met with some sort of fortuitous opportunity, or entered some unknown Hetero-Space, and obtained a strong technological treasure.

He didn't expect it to be just a small syringe.

And looking at Xiang Jing's casual attitude, it was obvious that he didn't care.

Li Hang felt his strength increase, but he still couldn't believe it when he got it out. He had tested his strength 31 times over and over.

This result shocked him. His previous heroic spirit had now turned into excitement.

Gao Yajun calmed himself down and said seriously, "I need to report this to my superiors." When it came to the national level, Gao Yajun had to be careful.

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