Doomsday: PUBG System/C39 Transactions
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C39 Transactions
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C39 Transactions

Elder Soong sighed and said, "That's right, the current situation in the entire Yanjing is very chaotic. After the beginning of the apocalypse, the entire China has sunk into turmoil, and almost all those who possess military power become their own kings."

"Even though the most important power is Yanjing, the situation here is even more complicated. The ones who have the authority all want to monopolize the clan and swallow up the other forces, to the point where the scene that you just experienced would happen."

Xiang Jing nodded. Seems like the situation with Yanjing was even more complicated than he had imagined.

Elder Soong said, "This time, I think it's a chance for you to come, a chance to get rid of those wolf-ambitious forces."

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "I'm sorry Elder Soong, I don't really want to get involved with your matter."

Elder Soong nodded. "I understand why you're here, but I want to make a deal with you here."


Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows. For people at the peak of power, every step they took had a huge impact. Usually, when they were taking this step, their eyes would have already seen several tens or even hundreds of steps.

"Right, deal, as long as Yanjing can be unified, I can find a way to reclaim the military force in other places and combine them together. At that time, as long as you want to find someone, I'll definitely cooperate fully."

Xiang Jing understood and continued, "But now that the country is divided, many powers are in charge of their own. Even if you want to help me, you don't have enough power to do so."

Elder Soong nodded. He could see that Xiang Jing was a man who understood the pros and cons.

Wu Tie nodded. Indeed, Elder Soong was right. If he didn't have enough manpower and energy, he wouldn't be able to help him even if he wanted to.

"Alright," Xiang Jing thought about it for a moment before saying, "Then I'll cooperate with the old man and help wash the cards for this large Yanjing."

Elder Soong reached out his hand with a smile and held Xiang Jing's hand tightly.

Whether it was before the apocalypse or during the apocalypse, the mixed forces of the Yanjing had always been a sore point in his heart. Now that he finally had a way to eradicate them, he could finally eradicate these poisonous tumors for the State of Huaxia.

After confirming the related matter, Xiang Jing said, "Elder Soong, the reason you invited me here today is not just for this matter."

Elder Soong nodded. "I've heard about that miraculous injection from Gao Yajun. The appearance of this kind of thing is definitely epoch-making."

Xiang Jing asked, "Elder Soong, what ability do you have?"

"Me?" Elder Soong was surprised for a moment and then said, "My ability is called super brain, but people are already old and have a headache just by using it a little bit. What exactly is this ability that I haven't used yet?"

Xiang Jing did not expect Elder Soong to have special abilities. Furthermore, according to his name, such abilities could be used in the brain.

However, thinking about it, a person like Elder Soong, who had been in a high position for a long time, only dealt with big bosses from all walks of life. It was normal for him to have this kind of ability.

However, after Xiang Jing used the Data Analyser's analysis, he discovered that Elder Soong's strength was only at two levels, which was indeed too low.

Evolver had one advantage, which was that he could increase his lifespan through continuous leveling and strengthening.

For someone like Elder Soong, who had already passed his prime and was at such a low level, it would probably be the end of him in at most another ten to twenty years.

After thinking for a moment, Xiang Jing exchanged the basic Gene Medicine with a special attribute and gave it to Elder Soong.

"Elder Soong, this is a Gene Medicine that is suitable for you. Although it will endure a certain amount of pain, it will be able to extend your lifespan accordingly."

Xiang Jing was very respectful towards this elder. In this peaceful era, the Japan relied on the backing of the M Country to show off their might in the State of Huaxia station and the fish island.

The elder immediately deployed the troops from the two military regions to set up camp in the coastal area. Everyday, he practiced and all kinds of missile shells were fired out like fireworks.

Honestly speaking, this kind of behavior would have a huge impact, but Xiang Jing, as a Chinese, sincerely admired this elder's courage.

Looking at the silver white syringe in Xiang Jing's hand, Elder Soong shook his head. "Child, such a precious thing, if you use one less, you should save it for the warriors who are fighting on the frontline. They need it more than an old man like me."

"Furthermore, I have lived for so many years, so it won't be a problem for me to live for another ten or so years. As long as I can rectify the situation of my country in my lifetime, I am already satisfied with the seniors in the State of Huaxia."

Xiang Jing insisted on handing the Gene Medicine over to him and said, "Don't worry, as long as there are enough materials, there are as many of these Gene Medicine and the State of Huaxia still needs you. If you die, the entire State of Huaxia will collapse completely, and the conspiracy of those people who look forward to your death will work out."

If it was someone else who didn't want it, Xiang Jing wouldn't say too much. Whether one wanted it or not, Elder Soong was now the pillar of State of Huaxia, so once this pillar fell, the State of Huaxia which was initially in danger would completely split.

"As much as you want?" Elder Soong apparently only noticed the first half of the sentence and asked, "You mean, you have the recipe for this thing called Gene Medicine?"

As expected of a country's leader, he accurately captured and analyzed Xiang Jing's words.

Xiang Jing nodded, and then took out the basic Gene Medicine recipe he got from the Interspatial Ring and put it on the table.

Xiang Jing took a deep breath and said, "Elder Soong, what I'm going to say next might change your opinion. But please believe me, everything I say is true."

After Xiang Jing organized the words, he briefly told Elder Soong what a gene lock was and what a Gene Medicine was, so that he could understand it.

Other than some secrets related to him, he basically told everything that could be said to Elder Soong, which also allowed him to have a whole new perspective on Evolver from then on.

As for how these things came about, Xiang Jing said that he had accidentally entered the Hetero-Space and discovered them.

Although Elder Soong was already that old, his mind was still as sharp as ever. Not only could he understand Xiang Jing's intentions, he could even occasionally make a different comment.

He did not delve too deeply into the Gene Medicine and the formula, as everyone had their own secrets.

Furthermore, it was already enough for Xiang Jing to take out these precious things in this crisis.

When Xiang Jing was done, Elder Soong took a deep breath, closed his eyes and let it out slowly.

He understood what Xiang Jing was saying, but he needed time to digest it.

A few minutes later, Elder Soong stretched out his hand solemnly. "Mr. Xiang Jing, you are a great man of our State of Huaxia, and even the entire world's humans. On behalf of all our compatriots in the State of Huaxia, I wish to thank you for your contributions to the whole world."

Xiang Jing stretched out his hand and tightly held Elder Soong's hand. He could see the excitement and excitement in this elder's eyes. He had seen hope, saw hope for all mankind.

After obtaining Xiang Jing's approval, Elder Soong brought over Principal Jiang and Vice Principal Han from his Research Institute and not only explained the gene lock and Gene Medicine, he also gave them the Gene Medicine's formula.

As for the two people in their fifties, after hearing Xiang Jing's explanation and obtaining the Gene Medicine's formula, they were so happy that they were dancing like children, excitedly holding Xiang Jing's hands and expressing their gratitude nonstop, almost kissing.

After hurriedly bidding Elder Soong farewell, the two old children carefully put away the formulas as if they had obtained treasures, then happily ran back to the Research Institute to do research

Of course, before that, Elder Soong had already used the Gene Medicine that Xiang Jing gave him.

As expected of someone who had experienced a lot, when faced with that heart wrenching pain, he didn't even bat an eyelid, and just sat there like a mountain.

After the two principals left, Xiang Jing smiled and said, "I wonder if those two principals will blame you."

Elder Soong, who was on the side, had a radiant face after injecting the Gene Medicine. He looked like he had grown ten years younger, and his pair of deep eyes revealed an even more unfathomable light.

"That won't happen. These two old fellows are close friends with me, at most the strongest will not let me go."

Wu Tie nodded and said, "Elder Soong, I'll go first then. See you tomorrow."

Elder Soong said, "Thank you for your hard work." Then, he watched Xiang Jing leave.

Lee Qiang leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest. He was waiting quietly, and so was Xu Han.


The heavy iron door opened. Without saying a word, Xiang Jing took Lee Qiang and left the steel building.

This time, they moved to another residence, a large independent compound five hundred meters from the steel building.

The people who lived here were all famous gentlemen of Yanjing, as well as the elders of the military. There were all kinds of people, and in short, it was a place where all kinds of powers were mixed in.

Yet the people here seemed strangely peaceful on the surface, maintaining a delicate sense of balance.

However, this sense of balance was destined to be broken by Xiang Jing's arrival.

After the car stopped, two people got off, but only Xiang Jing entered the courtyard.

He followed the soldiers in the guardhouse and moved to the third floor on the east side. The rooms were simple and were standard single-person residences.

Xiang Jing didn't have any luggage. After taking a shower, he fell onto the bed and started snoring.

At noon, a person was sitting at the entrance of the courtyard basking in the sun. Under the trees in the courtyard, there were two middle-aged chess players. Three of them were using public fitness equipment while four of them were playing cards in a small pavilion.

A few hours later, sunset, Xiang Jing woke up with a yawn. After washing up and eating the food he brought over, he laid on the balcony looking around in boredom.

But this was a military compound, not a beach in the summer, and there were no beauties in sexy bikinis.

Feeling bored, Xiang Jing went back to his room to read some books about political and military affairs and four famous books.

After a few glances, Xiang Jing couldn't help but fall asleep again.

As night fell, the chess player disappeared. The fitness player disappeared. The card player was also missing. Only the sun-basked person was still sitting at the entrance to the courtyard, leaning against the wall as if he was waiting for something.

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