Doomsday: PUBG System/C48 Coordination
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C48 Coordination
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C48 Coordination

Hearing the orders, the people behind him all took out their weapons. Basically, all of them were Laser Gun s.

And their goal for coming here was to find this kind of weapon from the Hetero-Space and bring it out.

This was also their first time entering the Hetero-Space. Although they had already been given information, when facing this kind of unknown creature for the first time, they still felt some fear.


The skeleton soldiers felt their territory being invaded and let out a low roar. They waved their blades and charged towards Xiang Jing and the others.

Without saying anything, Xiang Jing waved his Crimson Star Hammer and smashed a skeleton soldier into pieces.

Lee Qiang followed closely behind, waving his Wind Breaking Hammer, smashing those skeleton soldiers until they shattered like plastic toys.

Evolver, who was standing behind Ye Zichen, forced himself to pull the trigger when he saw that his head was up.

All of a sudden, dozens of lasers were shot out. The scene was extremely spectacular.

Xiang Jing and Lee Qiang stepped back to give them more room to attack.

Although it was the first time they had met these Hetero-Space monsters, a terrifying reputation had already spread throughout the military.

What he needed to do was show off his momentum and let this group of people understand that these monsters were not as terrifying as they thought. They were not invincible.

Dozens of lasers shot out and struck the skeleton soldier's body. They could only penetrate and repel the soldier's body. Occasionally, the laser would hit the skeleton soldier's joints to cause effective damage, making it very difficult to kill the soldier.

Xiang Jing quickly grabbed a few of the Skeleton Soldiers' sabers and threw them over, "Take your sabers and attack."

The crowd was stunned, hesitating as to whether they should fight these monsters in close quarters.

Although the damage that the Laser Gun caused wasn't too high, it was still able to clear out the monsters with its continuous attacks. Furthermore, its safety was high as well.

To fight in close quarters was tantamount to fighting with one's life on the line. Many people were frightened.

At this moment, a shadow flashed through the crowd. He picked up a knife with one hand and followed Xiang Jing to kill the monster.

Focusing his gaze, he realized that it was actually Langya. Currently, his entire body was emitting a cold aura, his gaze was as sharp as knives, and there were only skeleton soldiers in his eyes.

He raised his broadsword and chopped down, and with a clean and nimble slash, the head of a skeleton soldier was chopped off.

Xiang Jing looked at him for a second and then took Lee Qiang to the side. He didn't want to attack again.

If these monsters were tough enough to take a beating, then they wouldn't be much better than the zombies outside. If they couldn't deal with this little bit of difficulty, then these people would have lived for nothing.

Seeing how brave and fierce Langya was, Zhu Jie and Black Bear did not back down as they picked up their sabers and rushed forward to fight.

Both of them had used Gene Medicine s before, so killing them was much easier.

With someone taking the lead, there would naturally be people following them.

Seeing the three of them fighting so happily, the rest of them couldn't sit still any longer. They picked up their large swords and charged forward.

After a real fight, they discovered that these skeleton soldiers were unexpectedly easy to kill, and the ones that used Gene Medicine were each one of them.

After braving and unleashing their killing aura, the entire team was unstoppable. Not long after, all of these skeleton soldiers were chopped into pieces.

After the last skeleton soldier fell, everyone let out a cry of victory. The hands holding onto their weapons were trembling.

Xiang Jing looked at them with a smile. After a while, they calmed down and instructed them to quickly clean up the battlefield and take everything they could with them.

The armors and weapons used by the Skeleton Soldiers were immediately equipped by them.

These things were good stuff that could directly enhance their strength.

These men were not afraid to wear it on their bodies in a hurry.

There were only thirty skeleton soldiers in total, so those who had put in the most effort were given the armor weapons first.

Those who were hesitating were regretting that they did not rush forward.

This was very fair. If they put in more effort, they would naturally receive more. No one dared to have any objections.

However, what was strange was that when the last skeleton soldier fell to the ground, all of the skeletons disappeared, leaving behind only armors and weapons. Otherwise, Xiang Jing would have brought these skeletons back to be studied by them.

After arranging everything, the group continued moving forward. Having the previous reference, they, who had tasted the sweetness, rushed to be the vanguard and protected the two strongest forces, Xiang Jing and Lee Qiang, in the middle.

To be fair, how could such a rough job like killing people and setting fires bother the senior leadership to do it personally?

Xiang Jing didn't say much, it was good to let this group of people practice more.

After about five hundred meters, the cave became wider and wider. There were eight lanes between them. Not long after, they met another pile of skeletons.

When Xiang Jing and co. stepped into the area, they had already started assembling. One after another, skeleton soldiers stared at Xiang Jing and co. with glowing red eyes.

However, this group of skeleton soldiers all used long spears. The other skeleton soldiers were no different from the ones that used blades.


Xiang Jing squinted his eyes and activated the Data Analyser.

After analyzing the monsters, he found that their level had risen to 20, which was 10 times higher than the level of the Skeleton Soldiers and 40 times the strength.

Xiang Jing frowned slightly and shouted, "This group of Skeleton Soldiers is very strong, do not fight alone. If you don't use Gene Medicine s, team up with the four people that you used before, team up."

However, it was already too late when Xiang Jing noticed something was amiss and issued the order.

The people who had not received their weapons and armor, when they saw these skeleton javelins, their eyes lit up, they immediately raised their weapons and charged forward. Those skeleton javelins also held their weapons and rushed forward.

Clang! The sound of metal clashing resounded.

Black Bear held his saber and clashed with a Skeleton Lance. However, the scene that he imagined of killing with a single slash did not occur.

Black Bear felt as if his hand was shaken to the point of losing its grip on his saber, while the Skeleton Spear Soldier didn't even take a single step back.

The same scene was happening to the others as well.

However, they didn't have the strength of Black Bear. They were directly sent flying several steps back before regaining stability.

Those who did not use them were in an even more miserable state. Those who were beaten up to the point of vomiting blood, some even fainted on the spot.

A person as strong as Lang Ya also quickly left the battlefield with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, Xiang Jing's order reached their ears.

Seeing that these fellows were about to be stabbed through the intestines by the Skeleton Soldiers, Xiang Jing and Lee Qiang quickly joined the battle.

With their speed and strength, they were able to directly blast apart these Skeleton Soldiers and save these idiots.

Zhu Jie and Black Bear also reacted quickly, quickly getting everyone to form a team and join the battle.

At this time, they had long since lost the distinction between special recruitment and military personnel. They cooperated with each other, handing their backs to each other as they worked together to fight.

With the help of Xiang Jing and Lee Qiang, the battle was a safe and sound victory.

Aside from a small portion of the people who were injured, the majority of the people were still safe and sound. After two consecutive battles, coupled with the formidable strength of the Skeleton Soldiers, they were all somewhat exhausted.

There were a total of seventeen people who were heavily injured, six lightly, and eleven severely injured. Most of them were people who did not obtain any armor or weapons, nor had they ever used any Gene Medicine.

There was no way for them to continue forward, and they couldn't send them out now.

After this Hetero-Space entered, and until the specified time was closed, once someone left, it would be closed prematurely. If they opened it again, they would only be able to wait one month.

Therefore, Xiang Jing couldn't send them out right now, otherwise, this trip would have been in vain.

Fortunately, these severely injured people were not fatal, and after emergency handling, their lives weren't in danger.

Furthermore, there were so many Pill in the system store. Just any one of them could give you a Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead as long as you were alive. It was outrageously expensive, so Xiang Jing would not use it carelessly.

Even if one killed these monsters in the Hetero-Space, the experience gained would be about the same as that of the Hunting Points outside.

After the decision was made, Xiang Jing left three people to take care of these injured people and carried on with the rest.

After two rounds of baptisms, the sixty soldiers continued forward, each of them carrying their own weapon and protective gear. They put away their contempt and continued forward cautiously.

As the space gradually expanded, Xiang Jing and the others once again encountered the Skeleton Soldiers. However, this time, it was the Skeleton Axe Soldiers that wielded a large axe.

Xiang Jing didn't let them rush up, he first analyzed the skeleton soldiers' data.

After analyzing, the corner of Xiang Jing's eyes twitched. These skeleton soldiers are all level 30, but their strength is 60 times more abnormal.

Other than Lee Qiang and himself, no one else was a match for these skeleton axe soldiers.

However, Xiang Jing did not intend to give up. After all, they had the advantage in numbers.

Moreover, he discovered that as long as he maintained a certain distance, these skeleton soldiers would no longer chase him.

Xiang Jing got the ten of them to form a team of five. These people all used Gene Medicine s before, the remaining ten people used Laser Gun s to help them from afar.

The higher Evolver's strength was, the greater the difference was between heaven and earth. Even now, Xiang Jing had to force the ten of them to form a team to deal with the Skeleton Axe Soldiers.

After all, the difference of strength between the two was more than ten times. If he wasn't careful, he would be hacked to death by an axe.

After all, the axe was a heavy weapon. Every strike made a cut.

After getting ready, Xiang Jing had Evolver, who was of wind attribute, attract the skeleton axe soldiers. With Evolver's wind attribute and ability, he could at least guarantee that he wouldn't be caught, but at the same time, he could attract the skeleton soldiers.

The Wind Attributes Evolver, who was entrusted with such an important task, woke up from his daze to try and lure the monsters. Seeing the Skeleton Axe Soldiers roaring at him, he activated his ability and used all his strength to retreat.

The few Skeleton Axe Soldiers behind him charged forward.

When they reached a certain range, the people who had been lying in ambush rushed forward and started to stab them.

Once the Skeleton Axe Soldier had its eyes on him, he would quickly retreat and pull back, then his teammates would madly attack.

Against these powerful yet mindless Skeleton Soldiers, pulling like this was undoubtedly the most effective method.

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