Doomsday: PUBG System/C55 Berserk
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C55 Berserk
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C55 Berserk

They had bet all their chips on Xiang Jing. Once Xiang Jing's side fell, the other two cities' defense would be in vain.

As a result, they were like gamblers staring intently at the stage, their eyes never leaving the screen. Even the slightest change in their expressions could cause their hearts to race.

Through the image of the drone, they clearly saw Xiang Jing leave the North City Tower and walk towards the Devil-like Monster alone.

When they saw the Devil-like Monster stop moving, they became even more nervous. This meant that Xiang Jing had already attracted the Devil-like Monster's attention.

When the Devil-like Monster stomped its foot out, which was enough to shatter a tall building, they activated all the images and urgently wanted to know the situation.

Seeing that the situation was safe and sound and he had dodged this kick, he felt somewhat at ease.

However, the scene that followed caused them to lose their composure. They had originally thought that Xiang Jing would only need to delay the Devil-like Monster and wait for reinforcements to arrive before thinking of a way to kill it.

To their surprise, after Xiang Jing dodged the attack, he actually threw a scarlet red hammer towards the Devil-like Monster.

Xiang Jing was an existence that was absolutely unshakable when compared to the Devil-like Monster, like an ant standing under a big tree.

When they saw that Xiang Jing didn't make an effective attack with his hammer, they felt that it was reasonable, but at the same time, they felt that it was a bit of a pity.

Return to the Battlefield

After Xiang Jing continuously dodged the Devil-like Monster's attacks, he found the right time to go around to the back of the Devil-like Monster and hammered down on the crook of its leg.

This time, Xiang Jing used a hammer strike that pierced through the mountain and through the thick fur, he injected all of his power into the Devil-like Monster's body, damaging his body and bones.

The Devil-like Monster originally did not care about Xiang Jing's attack, but this strike of the hammer made it howl in pain.

Xiang Jing saw that the attack was effective and stopped probing. Once the energy of the jet thrusters was used up, his advantage in speed would no longer exist.

Activating the propeller with all of his strength, Xiang Jing ran onto the Devil-like Monster's body. The Red Star Hammer focused on attacking the weak parts such as the joints, such as the ankle and leg bends, which he focused on taking care of.

At that moment, Devil-like Monster danced like a clown as it scratched its ears and cheeks, but it could not grab onto Xiang Jing.

He had to tear this damn human into a thousand pieces!

Xiang Jing felt like he was walking on flat ground as he used his jet propeller to the extreme. No matter how big the impact was, it still couldn't knock him down.

After all this, not only did the Devil-like Monster not catch Xiang Jing, it had also been injured a lot by his fist.

Xiang Jing specifically targeted these places, especially the center of the chest and abdomen, the location of the Devil-like Monster. As long as he could destroy that place, he would be finished.

However, it was not good for Xiang Jing to continue fighting. After all, the Devil-like Monster's body was extremely strong and its recovery ability was also extremely abnormal. A little strength could be restored in the blink of an eye.

"Elder Soong, launch 10 missiles at the Devil-like Monster's position. If possible, aim at the center of the chest and abdomen, that's where his Crystal Core is."

Xiang Jing swung his hammer down again and finally broke the skin on the center of the Devil-like Monster's chest, revealing the flesh underneath. At the same time, he asked Elder Soong for help.

Elder Soong, who was in the Military Department, did not care about being surprised at all. He ordered the missile array to fire ten of the most powerful Easterly Wind Missiles, which could sense the heat and lock onto the Devil-like Monster.

As for Xiang Jing's safety, Elder Soong wasn't worried about it. Since he dared to raise this kind of request to him, then Elder Soong had absolute certainty in his ability to protect his own life.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Ten east wind missiles shot out from the military headquarters, flying towards the location outside of North City along the designated path, where the Devil-like Monster were.

Xiang Jing glanced at the ten Easterly Wind Missiles that were shooting at him from the sky.

Although it was not fatal for the Devil-like Monster, if it could hit an injured part of its body, it would at least be able to take some damage.

Xiang Jing ran up along the arm of the Devil-like Monster and smashed his huge and ferocious face with the hammer.

The Devil-like Monster could not take it anymore, and its entire body leaned to the side by a small half a step. And it was precisely this small half a step that allowed its entire gigantic body to be completely exposed from the Eastern Wind Missile's attack.

Xiang Jing used his ejector to help his fall, quickly landing at the crook of the Devil-like Monster's leg. After two strikes across the mountain, his body was temporarily frozen in place due to the pain.

At this moment, the Easterly Wind Missiles came crashing down. The ten missiles hit their target without missing a single one, and they all hit concentrated on the front.

A giant mushroom cloud rose up in the sky. Its powerful might set off huge shockwaves, and even the West City on the other side could feel it.

Everyone in the military tent could not help but cheer in their hearts when they saw the ten Easterly Wind Missiles all hit their target.

He then nervously stared at the screen. If they could destroy this creature with just the Easterly Wind Missile, they wouldn't have to go through so much trouble.

Before the smoke and dust had dispersed, the battle once again began.

In the instant that it exploded, Xiang Jing took out the shield he obtained from Hetero-Space and placed it on his body, successfully counteracting the power of the shock wave.

Immediately after, he ferociously attacked the Devil-like Monster again without stopping.

Coming to the front, he felt that it was extremely lucky. Out of the ten east wind missiles, one had already hit the wound at the center of the Devil-like Monster's chest, and one could vaguely see a Crystal Core the size of its head.

The rest of the Easterly Wind Missiles also caused injuries of varying sizes.

At this moment, the Devil-like Monster raised its head and let out a deafening roar.

The black fur all over its body suddenly glowed with a red light. The Devil-like Monster had entered a berserk state, and the wounds on its body were healing at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.


Xiang Jing thought, "Not good, if he continues to recover like this, then everything he did before would be in vain."

"Ding! The system has detected that the Devil-like Monster has activated its demonic bloodline. Attack and defense increased by 20%, and physical recovery increased by 10%."

Xiang Jing's heart sank. One strike across the mountain and he felt as if he had hit a mountain, causing his wrist to go numb.

A strength of more than a hundred times could only deal a third of the same amount of damage, which was not painful at all for Devil-like Monster that were in berserk mode.

The wind whistled past his ears. Xiang Jing was shocked and quickly moved his body, barely dodging the Devil-like Monster's palm strike.

Under the berserk state, the Devil-like Monster's strength had already increased by 90 times, and was close to 200 times. It could not even take one of his attacks, if it was hit solid, he would be severely injured and fall to the ground.

Under the berserk state, the Devil-like Monster seemed to have lost its wit and kept attacking Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing was highly focused as he continuously dodged.

Right now, it was already difficult for him to dodge the Devil-like Monster's attack as he was completely unable to attack. Furthermore, with his current strength, he could not deal any effective damage.

Even worse, the jet thrusters consumed two-thirds of their energy, so they could not last more than a few minutes.

The situation suddenly became very unfavorable for Xiang Jing.

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