Doomsday: PUBG System/C67 Inheritance
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C67 Inheritance
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C67 Inheritance

Lee Qiang reached out to take the two items. He had seen Xiang Jing use the jet propeller before, but he couldn't capture it at its highest speed. He never expected Xiang Jing to give it to him directly.

However, this also meant that Xiang Jing was strong to the point where there was no need.

The other thing was the Rushing Thunder Palm. He had already benefited greatly from the Soul Return Tactic and the elemental-body forging technique that Xiang Jing had given him. Now that he took out another secret manual, Lee Qiang could only feel that he was less and less able to understand his boss.

Xiang Jing suddenly asked, "Qiangzi, have you seen anyone who can fly?"

Lee Qiang came back to his senses, thought for a while and said, "Airplane, or something like that, with our current strength, we can temporarily hold the sky. But flying …"

Lee Qiang thought about it, but he still couldn't think of how people could fly in the air.

Xiang Jing smiled. Under the sunlight, a pair of steel wings that were 30 feet long suddenly unfolded behind Xiang Jing.

Perfectly streamlined, with a cold texture and a deep dark silver that reflected a cold sheen under the sun's rays.

Xiang Jing stood against the light as the Wings of Steel unfurled behind him. The light rays shone through the gaps in his wings and onto the ground, causing him to look extremely sacred, as though he was a legendary deity.

Xiang Jing's appearance had already attracted a lot of attention. Now that the cold Wings of Steel was unfolding behind him, everyone's attention was on him.

Including Lee Qiang, everyone who saw this scene had their mouth wide open in disbelief as they looked at Xiang Jing and the huge Wings of Steel behind him.

Xiang Jing bent his knees. When the Wings of Steel on his back was put on, it was as if it was on his back and could be used as if by hand.

Using his mind to control it, he caused the thirty feet long wings of the Wings of Steel behind him to flutter up and down.

At first, he wasn't familiar with it, but soon, it became faster and faster, so fast that one could only see shadows and the wind blowing up a cloud of dust.

When the Wings of Steel was about to reach a certain frequency, Xiang Jing let out a low shout and suddenly flew up to a hundred meter high in the sky in the blink of an eye.

Xiang Jing stabilized his body and surveyed his surroundings from a high altitude. He could clearly see the four walls of Yanjing City, could see the military headquarters, and could see the entirety of Yanjing City.

Xiang Jing could probably understand what the ancients meant when they said "one would be able to reach the peak of the mountain and look down on all the other mountains." The concept.

The feeling he got from the sky was really different. Xiang Jing felt relaxed and happy as he felt the wind blowing in all directions.

Below, Lee Qiang and the rest looked up at Xiang Jing who was standing in the air. Under the sunlight, the dark silver wings gave them a strong visual and psychological impact.

"Humans can grow wings?"

"Humans can fly directly to the sky like this?"

This was a question that filled their minds. However, Xiang Jing had done it. That man above them had done it.

Xiang Jing gave them too much of a shock. If it wasn't for his actions and behavior that proved that he was from Earth, people would have believed him even if he was an alien.

The instant Xiang Jing flew into the air, the Yanjing City Military Department sounded an air-defense alarm, and following that, all of the heavy firepower nearby turned and aimed at him.

At the same time, the military's surveillance department immediately focused their cameras on the big screen.

When the group of big bosses saw Xiang Jing and the Wings of Steel that was emitting a cold luster behind him, they were all speechless.

Elder Soong smiled and sighed. He told them to withdraw the air-defense alarm and let Xiang Jing do what he wanted.

He could not understand this young man either. He could only say that he was a human, and a human with a conscience. Very good.

Xiang Jing also realized that doing so would cause chaos and panic, so he did not stay any longer. With a strong vibration of his Wings of Steel, he directly flew into the clouds and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the outskirts of Yanjing.

Xiang Jing looked around and saw that there was no one around him. He took out a [B] class high class sniper rifle. This one looked like it was in science fiction. It was two meters long and there was a strange light flowing on it.

In order to test the power of the [B] class vector, Xiang Jing spent 5000 Hunting Points points to buy five special high essence sniper rounds.

After completing the loading process, Xiang Jing placed the High Essence Sniper on his shoulder and activated the ability to capture enemies. A virtual screen appeared in front of Xiang Jing's eyes, showing a few red dots.

Xiang Jing directly pulled the trigger after pointing at a certain area.

The sniper let out a roar, and the powerful recoil almost sent Xiang Jing flying.

A beam of laser shot out from the muzzle of the gun and made a turn in the air, shooting straight down.


With a loud sound, a monster that was wandering around a mound was hit accurately and the force of the strike caused the monster to flatten the area.

A small mound disappeared from the ground, leaving behind a large pit that was still burning with flames.

After seeing the effect, Xiang Jing patted the body of the highly skilled sniper rifle. It was indeed a [B] class weapon, its power was not covered, just that this bullet was too expensive.

Xiang Jing was shuttling back and forth in the sky, and the Wings of Steel became more and more convenient to use.

For example, with just a thought, the Wings of Steel would be able to wrap him up and block the attacks from the outside. It would also be able to launch a wave of Silver Wings at the enemy.

When he was ready, Xiang Jing went back to Evolver's Camp, where a crowd was already waiting for him.

Among them were two principals of Research Institute.

Under their relentless pursuit, Xiang Jing got the excuse that he got it from the Hetero-Space. Once the binding couldn't be removed, he sent them away.

However, they were given a few wings to bring back for further study.

As for the others, they were also looking at Xiang Jing with respect. They were already excited when they heard what Xiang Jing said.

Xiang Jing handed the rest over to Lee Qiang to deal with, and then returned to his residence to think about what would happen next.

Now that his strength had increased by a lot, coupled with the Wings of Steel and the highly trained sniper rifle, that scarlet red pillar of light should be enough for him to make it a step further.

He judged based on the strength of Corpse King of Linyuan and Beast King of One Hundred Mountains . With the strength of these two guys and their relaxed appearance, it shouldn't be a problem for him to go there since he was stronger than them.

Moreover, with these two king level thugs following him, if he couldn't let them go, he would escape by himself.

Xiang Jing already knew the general situation of the inheritance that Corpse King of Linyuan talked about.

The inheritance was different from Hetero-Space, it did not have a fixed entrance, a fixed location, and an open time. It would randomly appear in every corner of the world.

Moreover, it appeared in a variety of different forms. This was the first time something so powerful had appeared, so it attracted powerful monsters from all directions.

However, there was one thing that was similar to the Hetero-Space in the inheritance. The inheritance was filled with treasures, and every living being that entered it and came out alive, had a huge increase in strength.

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