Doomsday: PUBG System/C70 Klien One
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C70 Klien One
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C70 Klien One

Whether it was fate or coincidence, Xiang Jing's group was located in the most holy land of the natives.

Now that they had been trampled on by foreign races, it was undoubtedly a great disrespect to their sacred faith.

Immediately, those creatures made a peculiar sound as they held their weapons and quickly approached Xiang Jing and the others.

"What the hell?"

Xiang Jing looked at the surrounding creatures in shock.

They were basically no different from humans, two arms and two legs, two eyes and one mouth, but their skin was a brownish yellow with bark stripes.

He was wearing clothes made of some unknown animal skin, and the weapons in his hands were all made of wood. It looked just like a primitive tribe.

It was unknown what they were talking about, but Xiang Jing didn't understand at all.

"Ding … recommended host to purchase translation chip, to buy the required Hunting Points 1000 points."

"I'll buy it."

"Ding! Purchase successful. Translation chip × 3. Deducting 3,000 Hunting Points points, put into Interspatial Ring. Please check."

Xiang Jing took out the chip. It was a light blue chip about the size of a fingernail, and it was placed at his temple.

The A.I. Chip quickly integrated itself into his brain, and the words spoken by these creatures became understandable.

By the way, he would give one each to each of his two henchmen. It would be easier for him to do business if he understood what was being said.

"Who are you, and why are you here in our Sacred Ground?!"

"Outsider Clan, hurry up and leave!" Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite! "

"Alien creature!" Could they be in cahoots with Uta? "

"Expel them! We cannot let these alien creatures invade our holy land! "

Xiang Jing heard all of them talking at once, and didn't understand what they meant at all.

He raised his voice and shouted, "Hey! Which one of you here has the final say! "

Xiang Jing did not speak Chinese, but the language of these creatures.

In addition to allowing him to understand the language of these creatures, the chip could also speak their language.

Hearing Xiang Jing talk about their needs, the creatures all retreated in fright.

Then the crowd parted on either side, and an elderly creature appeared.

He leaned on his walking stick and said to Xiang Jing and the others, "Outsider! "Who are you people? What are you doing in between the clouds?"

Xiang Jing looked at this elderly creature and estimated that it was about the same position as the village chief. He rolled his eyes and said, "We are God's messengers sent by the heavens to your holy land to give you the protection of the gods. Hurry up and kowtow!"

Xiang Jing stood with his hands behind his back and his head held up at a 45 degree angle. He had an enigmatic look on his face.

These creatures looked like uncivilized primitive people. They looked like they were easily deceived. They wanted to see if they could get anything useful from them.

The leader looked at one of the crutches and said, "We only believe in the Earth God who gave us life, we never believe in any god. Leave us quickly, or we won't be polite anymore."

As he spoke, the creatures once again took out their weapons and surrounded him.

Xiang Jing stood on the spot embarrassedly. Damn it, isn't this wrong? Isn't it said in novels that God's Envoy has descended to the mortal realm? Isn't this the Ten Thousand Gold Oil? Why is it the God of Earth again?

Xiang Jing coughed dryly and said calmly, "Our Lord God of Heaven and your God of Earth are good friends and has also sent messengers."

As he spoke, he secretly gave Beast King of One Hundred Mountains a look and told him to show off.

Beast King of One Hundred Mountains then slapped the ground and the ground under his feet suddenly rose up, lifting him up.

This scene was like a miracle in the eyes of these aboriginals. Immediately, the old man trembled with excitement as he knelt down. He continuously kowtowed and even muttered the words "God of Earth, protect me from the clouds!".

His tribesmen all knelt down, kowtowing to Beast King of One Hundred Mountains and praying for the God of Earth's blessing.

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows at Beast King of One Hundred Mountains and asked him to say a few words.

Beast King of One Hundred Mountains nodded and said, "We are the emissaries of the God of Heaven and the God of Earth. We are here to give you and the others the blessing of the God of Earth. Why aren't you opening the way and welcoming us?"

With Beast King of One Hundred Mountains 's brain, he definitely couldn't say such a thing. It was Xiang Jing who told him this.

The old man in the lead quickly stood up, waved his hand and the group of clansmen quickly moved, welcoming Xiang Jing and the others into their residence.

Along the way, Beast King of One Hundred Mountains was supported by all the aboriginals in the clouds and escorted into the living area. Xiang Jing and Corpse King of Linyuan were basically ignored.

After Xiang Jing coughed dryly, Beast King of One Hundred Mountains continued, "The God of Heaven's Envoy is our pioneer, we have to listen to everything he says, and this God of Earth's Envoy also has to listen to his arrangements."

The moment Beast King of One Hundred Mountains said this, these aboriginals began to pay attention to Xiang Jing, the God of Heaven's Emissary that they had never heard of.

If one looked closely, one would find that Xiang Jing, the God of Heaven's Envoy, was much more pleasing to the eye than Beast King of One Hundred Mountains , the Earth Envoy.

After all, Beast King of One Hundred Mountains is a beast, and Xiang Jing is a human. Most of these aboriginals have signs similar to that of a human, so it would be much more comfortable to look at them.

Xiang Jing followed them and got to know some basic information.

These aboriginals were a race called Klein, and the place where they lived was similar to a tribe.

The old man was the cloud puppet. He had the same status as the tribe leader, and his name was Yun Mulu.

According to him, their clan of Klein had lived here for generations, and the place where they were at just now was their clan's holy land.

It was the first time in thousands of years that a situation like this happened to Xiang Jing and the other envoys of the God of Heaven and Earth.

While chatting like this, Xiang Jing and the others entered the living quarters amidst the clouds. The construction here made Xiang Jing a little dazed.

Because, other than the structure and styles, the materials and style of the buildings used were almost exactly the same as the ones he saw in the dead city.

Xiang Jing asked casually, "Did you build these houses?"

Yunmu Lu looked at the houses and said, "Senior envoys, do you mean these rooms? These were left behind by our ancestors and have been here since a long time ago."

"We built those …" Yunmu Lu pointed to another area. There were similar buildings on top of them.

Xiang Jing walked over to have a look. It was no different from the buildings he had seen before, it was just that the materials seemed to be quite new.

Xiang Jing had a bad association with the buildings in the dead city, which were the same as the buildings in the clouds.

If the ancestors of the clouds were originally aboriginals of the dead city, they would have to settle here for some reason.

So what had happened in that dead city that caused an originally super modern race to fall to their current state?

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