Doomsday: PUBG System/C72 Klein Triad
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C72 Klein Triad
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C72 Klein Triad

After the death of any living creature, an aura of death would appear on their body, but this aura of death would devour all life.

This deathly aura appeared too suddenly. Originally, he had only appeared outside the wilderness, in the forest. The life forms that were nibbling away at the animals and trees were not noticed by anyone at first.

It wasn't until it grew in size and invaded the city that it revealed its true terror.

In just one week, it had nibbled away at a village where all life had been taken away.

It then invaded the larger towns and cities, leaving behind a field of death wherever it passed.

The scientists and researchers of Klein did everything they could think of, but none of them could do anything about this aura of death.

It could not see or feel, but it still existed and continued to nibble at the planet where the Klein resided.

The Prophet of Klein Star had already predicted that the mother planet would soon face destruction.

Under the pressure of helplessness, the king of the Klein planet and all the prophets and sages had made a major decision to decide the life and death of the Klein clan.

They decided to use all of the planet's remaining resources to forge a core of life. They also used the most top-notch technology to isolate an intact space and sent the most outstanding races, science and technology out of the home planet.

Although doing this would definitely put the Klein clan on the verge of extinction, it was still better than true extinction.

In such a desperate situation, even if he had to sacrifice himself, it would be worth it.

This plan was decided by the Klein King, and the most authoritative Prophet and Grand Sage of the entire Klein planet had all adopted it.

This grand achievement of the Klein began on the first day of the plan's grand implementation.

After spending an entire three years of time, when the entire planet only had the capital left and the entire Klein Clan had shrunk to less than a thousandth of its original strength, this vast project was finally completed.

In order to drive the core of life away from the Klein planet, the Klein King himself, the prophet, and many other great sages used their own lives as energy source to activate the core of life.

The rest of the Klein clansmen all entered the core of life, and from then on began to live a wandering life in the universe.

If that was all, according to the high technology and civilization of the Klein Clan, as long as they could find a suitable planet, they could start developing again.

The results were often unsatisfactory, causing people to feel despair.

The deathly aura seemed to have permeated through the entire Klein Clan, and even to the surviving people, when death appeared within them, the deathly aura once again enveloped all of them.

At that time, the only clansmen left in the Klein Clan were the most elite clansmen.

After experiencing their initial despair, they made a decision to help the Klein clan continue to exist.

First, they recorded all of this history and then they developed a batch of the best fertilized eggs, which they kept in the Core of Life.

This batch of fertilized eggs had undergone a new transformation and evolution, becoming even more perfect than the Klein's genes back then. This was their only hope.

Then they split the core of life into two, one of which carried the perfect fertilized eggs to wander in the universe.

That batch of fertilized eggs was born a thousand years later with the most advanced AI guidance, and most of the science, technology and equipment books were there.

As for the living Klein Clan people, they carried the other half of the Core of Life and wandered in the opposite direction.

At the same time, they also raised a batch of fertilized eggs. However, this batch of fertilized eggs had extremely poor genes, even losing a tenth of their original Klein. Their lifespan was only around a hundred and fifty years.

They also put the fertilized eggs into the core of life. However, in this city where the death aura was becoming denser, they silently waited for the arrival of death.

At this point, the historical record was basically over. Xiang Jing slowly closed the book and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

The history of this Klein Clan was too shocking, it was filled with an unfathomable aura of death. Xiang Jing recalled the feeling he felt from the dead city earlier and could not help but shiver.

From the looks of it, that city was the only homeland of the original Klein Clan, unfortunately, it still could not escape the onslaught of the death aura.

The ancestors of the aboriginals here should have been born from those poor fertilized eggs, while the good ones didn't exist in that dead city. Those were the hope of the Klein clansmen.

However, they absolutely did not expect that this batch of lackeys had survived until today.

This should be where half of the core of life was located.

From the looks of it, the indigenous people of Klein did not want the death aura to pollute the core of life.

This also explained why the descendants of the Klein race were so far behind even though they were clearly such a developed civilization.

However, it was also extraordinary that the new clansmen of the Klein, Yun Mulu, could have their clansmen develop to such an extent within a thousand years.

After looking at the Klein Engraved on the book again, Xiang Jing put it back into the chest.

The complete extinction of the Klein Clan had caused a breakdown in their own civilization, causing them to not be able to understand their own ancestor's words, which could also be considered a form of sadness.

However …

Xiang Jing was a little confused. Logically speaking, the life core was wandering around in the universe. How could there be an entrance that appeared on Earth and even created such a big commotion?

Thinking about it, it was probably because in the past thousand years, something had happened in the Core of Life, and the residents inside were too backward, so they probably didn't know what had happened.

Xiang Jing kept the three energy chips and the Hetero-Space key pieces into the Interspatial Ring, and also conveniently loaded the two Laser Gun with energy cubes.

The Laser Gun and the other items were put back into the chest as before. Other than these, the other things inside had no value to him anymore.

The Laser Gun s could be considered as a piece of cake, the Klein s were also a little unlucky, it was not easy for them to be able to live as many clansmen as they did.

Of course, he was not sure if Xiang Jing would do it for free. His eyes were already focused on that set of star power, the half of the life core that was created sounded like a lot.

If it wasn't for the rich breath of life that was everywhere and he couldn't find the direction, Xiang Jing would have already taken action.

Then he called over Yun Mu Lu and told him to call people to move the boxes back. Whether the Laser Gun could discover the uses, would depend on them.

Then, he asked, "Yun Mulu, this Empyrean God Envoy asks you, is there anything special about this place. Aside from your holy land, are there any other ruins left behind by your ancestors?"

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