Doomsday: PUBG System/C86 Pestilence
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C86 Pestilence
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C86 Pestilence

Although there was an order from the higher-ups, Fang Guo Hao was still suspicious of Xiang Jing and co. more or less, but he did not show it.

However, what was worthy of his attention was that these four people were actually unharmed from Yanjing City all the way to here. Looking at their energetic appearances, they were completely unaffected by the harsh environment or some sort of monster.

In Fang Guo Hao's office, Xiang Jing told Fang Guo Hao the purpose of his trip, and also provided photos of the girl and some basic information.

Fang Guo Hao pondered for a moment and said, "I've already sent someone to look for your sister's matter. There are only some similar traces, but I'm not sure."

It's not a problem to find someone for you, but not now. You should have already heard about it on your way here, the Sichuan Province is causing a plague, even the military is not immune to it. "

Xiang Jing didn't force the issue. He understood that he had seen some things on his way here and there was also a large amount of disinfectant smell in the air.

"If it's an ordinary plague, it should be possible to solve it, and with Evolver's physique, he shouldn't be affected by the plague."

Fang Guo Hao nodded and said, "That's right, in other words, the plague is an infectious disease. If it's a recorded epidemic situation, although it can't be completely cured, at least we can control and prevent it from spreading.

Water, food, blood, and other such routes can all be infected. However, our Sichuan Province's medical power is limited, so we are not able to develop a medicine that can be used to restrain ourselves.

Although this matter was reported to Yanjing City, in order to prevent the outbreak from spreading any further, some people were sent over from there.

As Fang Guo Hao spoke, he couldn't help but sigh. The appearance of this infectious disease virus had already exhausted him mentally, and he could only hope that the research team and doctors would be able to develop a drug to restrain him as soon as possible.

Xiang Jing originally thought that once he reached Sichuan Province, he would be able to carry out the plan according to the plan. However, it seems like the plan was far from being able to compare to the change in his current situation, as the plague virus in Sichuan Province had slightly disrupted his rhythm.

At the very least, he could still obtain first-hand information on Sichuan Province from Fang Guo Hao.

"How about this, Captain Fang. Tell me where my sister might be. Give me a map, and I'll head there myself."

Hearing that, Fang Guo Hao frowned. Even though it was not stated clearly, just Xiang Jing's identity alone meant that he had to ensure his safety.

If Xiang Jing insisted on going to find someone, Fang Guo Hao would have to send someone to protect him. However, the recent situation with Sichuan Province was not good, so if he randomly transferred troops, there would be unknown consequences.

Xiang Jing immediately said, "Captain Fang, you don't have to worry about my safety. We only need your information and I can take responsibility for our personal safety. You don't have to worry about it."

Hearing this, Fang Guo Hao wanted to say something, but he ended up not saying anything. He nodded and got someone to bring him a map and a small booklet, then used red and black pen to draw a few markings on the map.

He handed it over to Xiang Jing and said, "The place marked on the map, the red one is where your sister might be. The black one is a restricted area and you definitely can't go.

After Xiang Jing received it, he thanked them and left the office, arriving at the place where Fang Guo Hao had arranged for them to stay.

Originally, this place should have been an undecorated grey house, but now, it was being used as a temporary encampment.

Seeing Xiang Jing's return, Lee Qiang got up and asked, "Brother Xiang, how was it?"

Xiang Jing put down the map and the booklet in his hands on the table. "Let's take a look at these first. We'll plan our route and leave tomorrow."

While Xiang Jing and Lee Qiang were researching the route, they asked Beast King of One Hundred Mountains and Corpse King of Linyuan to ask the controlled monsters what was the plague here.

For an infectious virus like this, if there was a way to suppress it, then it would be solved along the way. Otherwise, if it spread out, it would be a problem.

Xiang Jing flipped through the booklet that Fang Guo Hao gave him.

It recorded the distribution of power in the Sichuan Province.

It turned out that in addition to the military, there were also seven or eight other large and small armed forces here, with the Twin Dragon Clans and the dynasty as the main forces.

Each of these two forces had their own city in Sichuan Province, and each of them even controlled a D-ranked Hetero-Space.

It was said that a new set of Hetero-Space had been discovered recently. The two forces had quarreled extremely hard in order to obtain this new set of Hetero-Space, and if not for the plague, they would have long ago made their move.

Xiang Jing was not interested in these local influences fighting, he mainly wanted to see if there was anything abnormal with Sichuan Province.

There must be something wrong with this situation. Xiang Jing wondered if he could find any clues from these places.

Xiang Jing spent two hours planning and calculating the time lines. Then, he sat in his room and waited for his two lackeys to come back, hoping that they would bring back some valuable information.

As for the meal, Fang Guo sent someone to deliver the food, but the taste of the disinfectant was too strong, causing Xiang Jing to have no appetite. Furthermore, with his power, it would not be a problem to not eat for a few days.

In this special period, everything had to be disinfected. Not just food, but even the toilet had to be disinfected.

Xiang Jing and the others also went through layers of testing and disinfection before coming into the military.

This was also the reason why Fang Guo Hao did not want to send people out. The possibility of them carrying a virus was too high, and those who showed signs of infection in the military were also forcibly quarantined.

Not long after, Corpse King of Linyuan and Beast King of One Hundred Mountains came back one after the other. With their skills, they came and went freely. Plus, they weren't human, so they weren't worried about getting infected.

Corpse King of Linyuan said, "According to the zombies here, this infectious disease virus didn't suddenly appear. It was originally only present in this area."

Corpse King of Linyuan pointed at the map and said, "This was originally a playground, the place where the virus first appeared was here. It was already very contagious, and after a large number of zombies and monsters spread, the virus quickly spread in all directions."

Xiang Jing nodded. This virus was only effective against living creatures like humans, but those monsters were not affected at all. He got useful information from them.

Xiang Jing used a pen to draw a circle on the spot where Corpse King of Linyuan pointed before adding a cross and said, "Go find my sister first. If there's no result, then go take a look here."

At the same time, he also asked if this virus had any effect on him.

Origin told him that this virus was very low-level and could only infect creatures with a maximum of 30 times the strength. As long as he was careful and had enough precautions, he basically didn't have to worry about getting infected.

Xiang Jing calmed himself down. This virus was equivalent to nothing to him, but it was still a disaster for Sichuan Province that didn't have a high level of strength.

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