Doomsday: PUBG System/C88 Xanthine
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C88 Xanthine
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C88 Xanthine

This was no longer something that could be explained with simple techniques. It had already exceeded the scope of Luo Ang's knowledge, unless this man could fly. However, it was simply impossible for a human to fly.

Luo Ang didn't know that he had already guessed the answer, but he had already rejected it.

For Xiang Jing to be able to do all this in such a short period of time, besides his own strength, he also had the help of the Wings of Steel.

Otherwise, no matter how fast he was, he wouldn't have been able to reach the top of a 25-story building in less than a second.

Xiang Jing pointed his gun at Luo Ang's brain and said, "I'll ask you a question, if you answer it, I'll let you off."

With the current situation, even if Luo Ang didn't agree, he still had to agree. He nodded and said, "Speak, as long as I know, I can tell you anything."

"Have you seen this little girl?" Xiang Jing took out the picture of the girl and placed it in front of Luo Ang, "Watch carefully."

Luo Ang looked at the photo closely, then shook his head and said, "Never seen it before."

Xiang Jing stared at him and knew that he was not lying. He could not help but feel disappointed.

"Boss, the sentries nearby have been cleaned up."

"Brother Xiang, everyone inside has been controlled. We didn't find the person you were looking for."

From the Communication Chip in his ears came the voices of Corpse King of Linyuan and Lee Qiang.

The Communication Chip had a signal receiver and a mini signal base station, which could maintain communication within 10 kilometers. It was not expensive, 500 Hunting Points each, so to make it convenient to contact, Xiang Jing had to pay one each.

Xiang Jing stood up, sighed with disappointment and said, "Got it, wait for me."

He then knocked Luo Ang out with the butt of his spear, then headed towards Corpse King of Linyuan's direction.

With the Wings of Steel unfolding, it did not take long for them to arrive above a luxurious villa with a swimming pool and garden.

There were quite a number of empty gardens below. It seemed like they were the survivors.

Xiang Jing retracted his wings and naturally fell from dozens of meters in the sky.

With a "dong" sound, he created a hole in the ground and stood firmly on the ground.

Lee Qiang walked over and said, "Brother Xiang, there are a total of 137 people here. The garage behind was turned into a freezer and there's a storage room underground. The one wearing a bathing suit over there is their boss."

Xiang Jing nodded and looked at a girl in front of the crowd who was wearing a bikini swimsuit.

Xiang Jing habitually analyzed the other party's data.

At the twenty-eighth rank, a battle strength of forty times was considered quite strong in this apocalyptic era.


Xiang Jing suddenly remembered something. This woman, why did she look so familiar?

He looked at the name on the Data Analyser: Xia Xin.

The memories in Xiang Jing's mind flowed at the speed of light. The scene from a little more than a second ago gradually surfaced in front of his eyes.

In comparison, in addition to some physical characteristics, their appearances had gradually overlapped with the ones in his mind.

But he remembered that Xia Xin was a gentle looking girl with long hair. How did she become like this?

Her long hair had turned into clean short hair, her fair skin had turned dark yellow, and there were quite a few scars on her body.

The worst part was the centipede-like scar that ran from his left shoulder to his left wrist.

The originally gentle smile on her face was replaced with a frosty expression and a pair of weak eyes brimming with an ominous glint.

Xiang Jing walked up to Xia Xin, squatted down and looked at her. He said softly, "Xia Xin, long time no see."

Xia Xin had thought that the matter would be settled just like that after she had replied to Luo Ang. She had not expected that the headquarters would suddenly be attacked.

All his powers, including his own, were defeated by Lee Qiang in a matter of minutes.

When he saw Xiang Jing suddenly descend from the sky, he knew that he was the boss and the pressure he felt was even greater than Lee Qiang.

If facing Lee Qiang was like an ant trying to shake a tree, then looking at Xiang Jing was like looking up at the sky, untouchable.

Xia Xin was still thinking about how to escape when she saw Xiang Jing in despair. In front of absolute strength, everything was futile.

After a year of experience, he deeply understood this point.

Just as her hopes were dashed, a familiar and unfamiliar voice rang in her ears.

Xia Xin suddenly raised her head and looked at the young face before her, subconsciously calling out, "Big Brother Xiang."

Immediately after, memories of Xiang Jing started pouring out.

Xia Xin was stunned for a moment. She didn't even notice that Xiang Jing had untied her.

At this time, Beast King of One Hundred Mountains and Corpse King of Linyuan arrived here one after the other.

Xiang Jing instructed them to disperse these people and settle them down. Then, he brought Xia Xin into a villa beside them.

Corpse King of Linyuan walked up and looked at the mansion Xiang Jing went to. He winked at Lee Qiang and said, "Isn't this boss lonely too? He wants to vent his anger, but that woman is just so-so. She looks hard to tame, isn't she?"

Although Corpse King of Linyuan was a King Corpse, he also had intelligence and imperceptible emotions. After getting along with him for a long time, he understood how to get along with Xiang Jing.

Do the work seriously, and must be diligent, usually any Xiang Jing will not care about you.

Because of this, after spending so many days together, even though they hadn't said how good the two of them were, they could still joke around with each other.

Of course, only he and Lee Qiang, Beast King of One Hundred Mountains didn't know about this at all. Beast King of One Hundred Mountains was 80% sure that he would be beaten if he dared to tell Xiang Jing about it.

Lee Qiang glanced over and said lightly, "I think he's someone that Brother Xiang knew in the past."

"Old sweetheart?"

Lee Qiang rolled his eyes and said, "When you were still a human, you were definitely a pure diaosi, working hard."


Corpse King of Linyuan sighed and helped Lee Qiang dissolve these people. He told them to stay back and not to run around.

Beast King of One Hundred Mountains , on the other hand, had the orders to run errands and carry back all the people at the sentries that were knocked out.

After the initial agitation, Xia Xin also calmed down.

The two of them roughly told each other what had happened over the past year.

Of course, other than the recent events, Xiang Jing was making everything else up.

He knew from Xia Xin's words that she had had a hard time over the past year. It could be said that her previous life had been no different from living in hell.

It turned out that the sudden change in the tornado had caused everyone who was trapped to fly up into the sky.

When Xia Xin woke up, she found herself in Sichuan Province.

He was a girl without any power to protect himself, and had been swept into a Sichuan Province that he was unfamiliar with. This was even in the apocalypse, and to her, this was undoubtedly something that was scarier than death.

Although Xia Xin said it very simply, she only said a few sentences and everything was over. For example, when she lacked the strength, she was taken over by evil people, hunted down by others, robbed by others, and so on.

She was able to reach this stage step by step. Everything she had suffered was not something that could be explained with just a few words.

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