Doomsday: PUBG System/C89 Schedule
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C89 Schedule
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C89 Schedule

Xiang Jing couldn't help but sigh. This damned world. A girl who used to be happy in school and have a sweet relationship turned out like this.

However, Xiang Jing could only comfort her with a few words. The things that had already happened could no longer be changed, and what had happened in the past had already happened.

Xia Xin seemed to not have laughed for a long time. When she was talking to Xiang Jing, she looked a little unnatural when she smiled, her eyes were red, and the corners of her eyes were also somewhat moist.

Wiping away the tears at the corners of her eyes, Xia Xin said, "Big Brother Xiang, I'm very glad that you're still alive. However, I'm very sorry that I'm unable to help you regarding little Feng Xin."

Xiang Jing shook his head and said, "I will find her. I just didn't expect that we would meet again in this way."

After a pause, he said, "Will you blame me?"

Xiang Jing abandoned them to protect himself. Although it was a helpless action, he still felt guilty inside.

Xia Xin closed her eyes and shook her head, "If it weren't for Big Brother Xiang, I might have died long ago. Although the process was a bit rough and tortuous, but at least I was still alive, right?"

Xiang Jing smiled, "I overthought it."

After chatting about old times, Xiang Jing and Xia Xin returned to the villa they were in previously.

Due to Xiang Jing and the others' sudden appearance, Xia Xin had to go and pacify the people below her.

After she left, Xiang Jing had Lee Qiang, Corpse King of Linyuan, and Beast King of One Hundred Mountains gather all the food supplies that could be found nearby.

Xiang Jing was planning to go to the place where the plague broke out because he couldn't find any news of the girl.

He didn't expect that he would run into Xia Xin here. Now, it seemed that his plan had to change and he couldn't leave for a while.

It was said that meeting an old friend was the hardest thing to come by. Xiang Jing meeting an acquaintance in this apocalyptic world could be counted as it.

After Corpse King of Linyuan and Beast King of One Hundred Mountains launched a group of low level monsters, the speed at which they collected resources skyrocketed.

Very soon, the garden of the villa was filled with all sorts of materials, comparable to a small storage warehouse.

After pacifying her subordinates, Xia Xin was stunned when she saw this scene.

Although in the last year of the apocalypse, some production lines had already been rebuilt, and by then, they would be in a city that had already been built.

Food supplies had always been a big problem for their groups.

Furthermore, Xia Xin had more than a hundred men under her command. Just the food alone was a huge problem.

Even though there were people out searching for food every day, they couldn't stop the wolves from having more meat.

There wasn't much food in the freezer or storage room, and the daily consumption rate couldn't keep up with the storage.

He hadn't expected that the problem that had been troubling Xia Xin so much would be solved so easily.

Xiang Jing pointed at the mountainous pile of supplies and said, "Send someone to move all these things in."

Xia Xin originally wanted to refuse, but after seeing Xiang Jing's look of refusal and thinking of how he was adamant, she stopped, turned around, and called for someone to move.

Those who were originally afraid of Xiang Jing and the others stared with their eyes wide open when they saw the amount of supplies. They had never seen so much food since the apocalypse.

All of them quickly moved their items to the storage room and the cold storage room behind them as if they had been injected with stimulants.

"You guys go help out too."

Xiang Jing said to the people beside him.

"No, not good!"

Suddenly, someone ran in from the outside and shouted, "Not good!"

Xiang Jing looked back and was slightly surprised. Wasn't that the brat that he knocked out just now?

The person that was carried back by Beast King of One Hundred Mountains and sent out to be on guard.

Luo Ang panted as he held onto the doorframe of the door and said, "Oh no, boss, the Tigerfang Society and those grandsons of the Ju Yi Sect have brought people here again."

Xia Xin put down the things in her hands. Hearing Luo Ang's words, she frowned, and her face became unsightly.

"Enemy forces?"

Xiang Jing saw that the person who came wasn't a good person, so he asked anyway.

Xia Xin nodded and said, "Mhm, this group of people specifically killed and looted those small gangs. They had a conflict with us not long ago because of a supermarket. If there's only one, then we won't be afraid."

Xiang Jing smiled, "What are you afraid of? Your Big Brother Xiang is here."

"You three!"

Xiang Jing turned around and said expressionlessly to the trio, who were busy carrying their stuff, "Go and take care of those trash."


Corpse King of Linyuan quickly threw away the item in his hand.

No matter what, he was still a king level monster. What did it matter if he was asked to move the items? He had heard everything that Luo Ang said just now and was waiting for what Xiang Jing had said.

Lee Qiang also put down what he was holding in his hands. Looking at Xiang Jing's expression, the three of them knew that those unlucky things were dead for sure. When the power exploded, a gust of wind blew in the garden and the three of them disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiang Jing turned around and once again put on a faint smile, "Alright, just leave this matter to them."

Along the way he asked, "Xia Xin, which forces do you have that you're not going to deal with?"

Xia Xin was just about to thank Xiang Jing, but she couldn't help but shudder when she heard his words.

Xiang Jing's meaning was very clear. All those who had enmity with them or her, help her get rid of them.

Although she knew it was cruel, Xia Xin was no longer that delicate female university student from a year ago.

Xiang Jing asked about Xia Xin's recent progress.

If she was able to pull out such a large group, it would probably be considered a mid-tier power around here. Furthermore, to occupy such a large area, it was sufficient to show that they had enough strength.

However, he saw that there were quite a few elderly and children in that group. This was undoubtedly a burden to a group like this. The names of three or four forces, as well as their locations.

Xiang Jing took note of it and used the Communication Chip to send these messages to the three of them.

In the end, he added, "Bring the supplies and other useful items back. Handle the rest yourself."

After dealing with all of these things, Xiang Jing and Xia Xin sat aside and chatted while watching these people busy themselves.

As they chatted, Xiang Jing suddenly thought of something and asked, "Xia Xin, have you ever thought about building a city yourself?"

Xiang Jing was looking at all these supplies and thinking about how to arrange them properly when he suddenly heard a question from Xiang Jing. He couldn't react and asked, "What?"

Xiang Jing looked at her and said, "Have you ever thought of building your own city?"

This time, Xia Xin understood what he meant.

She shook her head and said, "This kind of thing is just a fantasy for me."

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