Doomsday: PUBG System/C90 What Is Needed to Build a City
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C90 What Is Needed to Build a City
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C90 What Is Needed to Build a City

Ever since she came to the Sichuan Province, Xia Xin had been wandering between life and death, and had managed to escape death several times until now.

By pulling up such a team, she already felt that she didn't have enough energy. It would be enough for her to have a foothold.

As for the city, she had been to it before and had lamented the greatness of the person who had founded it. However, that was all she could do.

To him, she was an unreachable existence, separated from him by who knew how much.

Not even having such a thought, much less thinking about it.

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "If we don't try, how would we know that we won't be able to do it?"

Xia Xin said with melancholy, "Big Brother Xiang, I know you're very strong. I don't know how strong you are, but based on my intuition, you should be stronger than most people in the world."

However, the establishment of a city is not something that a single person can do if they are strong enough. "

Xiang Jing chuckled and said, "Then tell me what else you need."

"I still need to." Xia Xin opened her mouth, but finally sighed and said, "What's the use of knowing so much?"

"If you don't want to tell us, how will you know that it's useless?" Xiang Jing stretched his back and said lazily, "There are a lot of things. Don't make up your mind so early. How will you know if you don't try?"

Seemingly infected by Xiang Jing, Xia Xin pursed her lips and said, "In order to build a city, first, one must have a good location, preferably a place that is easy to defend and hard to attack, and secondly, inside the city, there must be at least one Hetero-Space."

Xiang Jing asked in confusion, "What does the establishment of this city have to do with having Hetero-Space?"

He believed that building a city required a large enough area. Good materials and strong people were enough, but now, it seemed that building a city was not as simple as he thought.

"Big Brother Xiang, are there Hetero-Space in every city you pass by along the way?"

Xia Xin didn't answer Xiang Jing directly, instead, she asked.

Xiang Jing thought about it, and that was indeed the case. No matter if it was in Yanjing City or Xiang City, there was a Hetero-Space inside.

Ye Zichen nodded and said, "Yes, there is."

Xia Xin continued with a smile, "That's right, Hetero-Space has a pivotal position in this apocalyptic world. The strength of a city has a great deal to do with the Hetero-Space that exists within it.

The higher the level of the Hetero-Space, the higher the level of the items taken out.

Xiang Jing nodded in agreement. Because he had the system's reasons, his understanding and understanding of Hetero-Space was not that deep.

Thinking back to it now, this Hetero-Space was an enormous treasure to the other people and powers in this world, and they would definitely try to snatch it away at all costs.

Xia Xin continued, "In addition to these, there are the blueprints and materials for the construction of the city. How big a city is to be built, which areas will be divided into, what impact and effects these areas will have on the city, the defensive facilities, the houses on the road, and so on, will require detailed blueprints before we can start construction."

And to do that will require not only senior engineer architects and designers, but also a lot of manpower and material resources. "

Hearing about the blueprints, Xiang Jing wasn't worried about this. If he remembered correctly, there was a blueprint area inside the system store and there were all kinds of blueprints inside. Even galactic battleship blueprints could be produced for you.

The only problem was that the Hunting Points he wanted to trade with was a little high, but that was not a problem. In the future, it would not be a big problem to change to a better blueprint.

It was this manual labor problem that could be easily handled by Corpse King of Linyuan and Beast King of One Hundred Mountains to summon their subordinates. However, it was the kind of thing that could only be done by engineers.

Xiang Jing thought for a moment and thought that there must be some people like this in those well-built cities. If he were to go and get some for him at that time, he really couldn't ask Elder Soong for help.

How about he just directly snatch those cities away.

Xiang Jing thought about it and felt that it wasn't bad. However, he didn't feel the sense of accomplishment that he had achieved.

While Xiang Jing was thinking about how to solve these problems, he continued listening to Xia Xin.

"There's also the issue of materials. Ordinary materials to these monsters are no different from thicker newspapers, and they can be easily broken through. Thus, high strength alloys are required, or special materials unique to Hetero-Space.

However, these things were not easy to obtain. Even if he could get some of them, it would be nothing compared to getting an entire city.

Even if the city is finally built, a floating population, permanent residence, production line and defensive power are all problems. "

Xiang Jing nodded. It seemed that he had taken this too seriously. This city was not something that could be built so simply.

Those who were able to erect their own cities within such a short period of time were all capable individuals.

"The last point is the indispensable point. It is also the point that we have right now. The strong are in charge of every city, and each city has a strong expert in charge to ensure the peace of a city."

Xia Xin said as she looked at Xiang Jing. Although she didn't know how strong Xiang Jing was, he definitely had that kind of strength.

After listening to Xia Xin's general introduction about building a city, Xiang Jing smiled and said, "Don't you know a lot about it?"

Xia Xin spoke so much in one breath, feeling her mouth go dry. After drinking some water, she smiled bitterly and said, "Big Brother Xiang, now you know how difficult it is to build a city, right?"

Xiang Jing leaned back in his chair and said lightly, "Maybe."

Xiang Jing didn't know whether it was because he had the system or because he was strong enough, but after listening to Xia Xin's explanation, he felt that building a city was a little complicated, so it wasn't hard at all.

But in other words, he had no use in building a city. Perhaps it would be more of a hindrance when it was built.

Right now, the main goal was still to find the little girl, and the rest was not important.

Time slowly passed by as the sun slowly set. Lee Qiang and the other two only returned when the sky was about to turn completely dark.

They each drove a large truck with pickup trucks and some cargo trucks behind them. The trucks were loaded with supplies, including live chickens and ducks. It was a rare sight to see in the apocalypse.

Lee Qiang got off the car and clapped his hands, "Brother Xiang, it's all settled. There are still 40 women and children behind the car. I thought it would be okay to bring them back to wash clothes and help with some menial work, so I stayed behind without permission."

Xiang Jing looked towards the last bus, there were dozens of people huddled together, they were all women who were still four or five years old, the oldest was probably only seven years old, they all lowered their heads in fear and didn't dare to look outside.

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