Doomsday: PUBG System/C96 Plan I
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C96 Plan I
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C96 Plan I

"Chap Cha!"

There was a clap of thunder in the clear sky, and a bunch of dark clouds suddenly gathered together. A clap of thunder suddenly struck down, passing through the layers of roof and landing directly on Xiang Jing's head.

Xiang Jing, who didn't know what was going on, was completely stunned. His hair stood up straight like a hedgehog's, and he was completely dumbfounded.

"Ding!" This is just a warning punishment. If the host continues to react negatively, then there will be an even more horrifying punishment. "

"I fucking!"

Xiang Jing lost his temper, pointed to the sky and shouted, "If you have the ability, kill me!"

"Chap Cha!"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I will definitely take this mission seriously and will not slack off."

After being ruthlessly ravaged by the lightning, Xiang Jing was terrified.

It wasn't that he was afraid of death, it was that this lightning was truly worse than death.

"Ding!" In order to motivate the host to complete the mission, each reward will carry with it the information that the host wants to know the most. "

Xiang Jing's eyes lit up as he asked, "You can also know if it's news about my sister."


"Fine, it's just a mission. I won't be the one to bring it if I'm a little bit more scared. It'll be done if it's just a plate."

Although Xiang Jing's emotions were a bit fluctuating at the beginning and some accidents even happened, this was nothing to him. The mission made him happy.

Xiang Jing, who had completely accepted reality, asked, "Yuan, why didn't you post this main mission before, it's now for me."

"Ding!" "Because the main quest will only be released when this planet enters the new era, the previous side quest was only to watch as the host gets abused."

… ….

Previously, he had only issued missions out of empathy for himself.

Xiang Jing felt like he had been humiliated by the system, but he was still unable to refute it.

But then again, putting aside the mission of unifying Galaxy and unifying the world, the S-class mission was not without consequences.

The time limit was three years. It would be fine as long as he could complete it within three years. However, he didn't know the standard. If he could complete it as soon as possible, he would be able to find out about the little girl's information.

Moreover, it was not like they had to fight to the death while on a mission, and they could also search for a little girl at the same time.

Xiang Jing asked, "Yuan, what are the criteria for this overbearing side?"

"Ding!" "The strong and powerful side: The host needs to control the area of the land of at least two provinces, and build 15 small cities, or 10 medium-sized cities, or 5 large cities, with a total population of 1 million."

"Heh heh."

Xiang Jing laughed helplessly.

There are now a total of 34 administrative regions at the provincial level, including 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government and 2 special administrative regions.

The control of land area in the two provinces was equivalent to that of a feudal lord in the ancient times under the feudal system.

He also needed to build a city that covered two-thirds of the entire area.

The total area of the old palace was only 720 thousand square meters. If they were to build the old palace, they would need a total of 195 old palaces.

There had never been a building this big in the history of the world. Even the palace built by Qin Shi Huang in the past wasn't this big.

Furthermore, it's a city, what are you going to do with Xiang Jing?

"There are no difficulties in this world. I'm only afraid of those who want to do it. I believe in myself. I can definitely complete this glorious and difficult task …"

Xiang Jing held his forehead and said, "Don't, I'll admit it okay, please don't give me the chicken soup."

"Ding!" Host, don't worry. I will fully support you and I won't give up until I reach my goal. "

Xiang Jing stopped listening to Yuan Zhou instill the chicken soup into him and turned to look at Lee Qiang and the other two, who were staring at him in shock.

Thinking of his actions just now, his face reddened.

He coughed dryly and said, "About that, I'm fine. Oh right, what happened to you two?"

Corpse King of Linyuan and Beast King of One Hundred Mountains revealed a pained expression as they said, "Our ability to control other monsters has been locked."

"What do you mean?"

Corpse King of Linyuan was also very confused and said, "That power, we don't know why it locked our powers into our bodies. Right now, we are unable to control our other brethren at all."

"Is there any way to solve it?"

Corpse King of Linyuan shook his head. "I've tried many times already, but there was no reaction. It seems like we can only break through after reaching a critical point in our strength."

Xiang Jing then asked Yuan, and got the answer to buy a Pill called 'Breaking Limit Dan', which cost 500 thousand Hunting Points per pellet.

Xiang Jing rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it, we can think of a way to deal with the two of you later. It's enough that you're still alive."

Thinking for a moment, Xiang Jing said to them, "I have a plan to establish our own power."

Since he couldn't resist, then he would just accept it. Xiang Jing wasn't the kind of person to talk. He would put everything into action and turn everything into reality.

Xiang Jing told them his general purpose. First, he set a small goal, which was to take down a province's territory. Then, he would recruit soldiers and expand the territory.

Facing Xiang Jing's sudden plan, besides the three of them being a little out of sorts at the beginning, the rest of them also joined in the discussion very quickly.

The four people became more and more excited as they talked. They took out pen and paper and listed out the outline of the plan as well as some details on the paper.

Of course, most of the time, Beast King of One Hundred Mountains just nodded to the side. To be honest, he didn't understand this either.

His main thoughts were still Xiang Jing and Corpse King of Linyuan. Lee Qiang didn't have much experience in this area and would give some advice occasionally.

Especially Corpse King of Linyuan, Xiang Jing found out that he had a unique brain in this area, with all kinds of ideas emerging one after another.

In fact, the moment he opened his mouth, he immediately captured several nearby cities as his base, and then expanded his territory.

It was not that Xiang Jing had not considered this idea before, but he also thought that it was more suitable for the current them.

His mission was to be the territory of two provinces, and to first set a goal and a province, the first in this province would have to choose the Sichuan Province.

It was only a matter of time before he would have to fight with those forces, but Xiang Jing didn't want those cities. Although they had a certain foundation, they were not his ideal cities.

Since he wanted to do it, he had to do it in the largest and best category.

Otherwise, it would be easier to beat the enemy than to fight the enemy.

However, with their current situation, they could just fight a city and use it as a base.

The core strength was sufficient. With their current strength, other than Lee Qiang, they could pull any one of them down to the next city.

However, the base level staff was gone. Thinking about Xia Xin, Xiang Jing decided to bring them into the gang and start a fight together.

The only pity was that his two king level subordinates had lost their abilities. Otherwise, they would have snatched back a bunch of resources and started from scratch.

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