Doomsday: PUBG System/C97 Plan Ii
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C97 Plan Ii
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C97 Plan Ii

Corpse King of Linyuan was also in high spirits. He thought that after following such a boss, he would be like this for the rest of his life.

He didn't expect Xiang Jing to be so wise. He acted like the head of the dog army as he continuously came up with ideas.

They discussed until late at night, when they had finally set some basic goals before the meeting ended.

No one would have thought that in this building that was less than 100 square meters, with an ordinary table in front of them, two people and two monsters, there would be a meeting that was about to change the world.

In the next few years, dozens of meters or even hundreds of years, the names of the participants will be recorded in the history books of the world.

This meeting was also known to future generations as — — The New Book of Change.

… ….

All night long, Xiang Jing sat on the table with the proposal in his hand. His brain was working fast, and he would add some content to it with the pen in his hand from time to time.

"Ding!" "According to the host's established plan, the host is recommended to recruit more talents. No matter what era it is, talents will always be the object of competition among the major powers."

"I know that!"

Xiang Jing put down the proposal in his hand and said, "But the world is so chaotic now, and we don't have a firm foothold now. It's very difficult to recruit real talent."

"Ding!" In view of the difficulties encountered by the host, it is recommended that the host purchase a talent explorer: when there is a qualified talent nearby, the explorer automatically captures the relevant information to inform the host. Buying Hunting Points: 100 thousand points. "

When Xiang Jing saw it, he was very moved. Unfortunately, he was just a poor person, with only about ten thousand Hunting Points, he couldn't afford it.

"Yuan, help me add the shopping cart first. Wait for the money to remind me to buy it."

Xiang Jing didn't sleep all night, and there was a lot of content on the proposal.

For example, after they attacked the city, they could either control the local forces or establish their own power.

Xiang Jing went to Fang Guo Hao's office in the morning. He had settled the plague and exchanged the stone tablets, asking him to send a chip to Elder Soong before leaving.

Fang Guo Hao looked at the finger-nail-sized chip in his hand, wrapped it up, and sent the fastest fighter jet to Yanjing City.

He then ordered some people to search for the pitch-black stone tablet that had fallen from the sky.

The people in the room might not have seen it, but the people outside were able to catch a glimpse of it even though they were lying face down.

On their way to find Xia Xin, Xiang Jing and the others wasted a lot of time. Without the control of Corpse King of Linyuan and Beast King of One Hundred Mountains , the monsters started charging forward like dogs that had seen meat bones.

After much difficulty, they finally made it out of the siege and arrived at the encampment where Xia Xin and the others were.

Xiang Jing didn't waste his breath and found a quiet place to tell Xia Xin about the proposal and his thoughts.

Xia Xin was stunned for quite a while when she heard this.

Xia Xin thought for a moment, then tightened the hand holding the proposal before releasing it. The edges of the paper had been pinched so tightly by her that they were starting to wrinkle.

Xiang Jing suddenly thought of something. He laughed at himself and said, "It's not hard, but I was rude too. I didn't consider it from your point of view."

Xia Xin pursed her lips after hearing what he said, guilt filling her eyes. In the end, she handed the proposal back to Xiang Jing and lowered her head, finding it difficult to speak. "Sorry, Big Brother Xiang."

Xiang Jing patted his shoulder and stood up to leave without saying anything else.

Xia Xin was a girl. Even though so many things had happened, the other side of her heart was more or less weak.

In addition to her base, there were almost two hundred people, and one third of them were old, weak, and women. Bringing them along with her was the equivalent of suicide.

Xiang Jing didn't blame her for having a different mindset, situation, and idea. However, the only thing he had left was hope. He could only start his own business from scratch later on.

In the afternoon, in the Spirit Star City, a city that was newly built on top of the ruins, belonged to the Venomous Serpent Gang, a power formed by over a thousand people.

This city was a small-scale city, and the materials used to build it were the most ordinary. There were also no Hetero-Space or large amounts of manpower or materials either.

However, Xiang Jing's first target was these small and medium-sized forces. It was for no other reason but because he was poor.

The Hunting Points were so few that they were about to cry, hence they were all extremely happy while fighting over things while developing.

Xiang Jing was dressed in casual attire, with a cigarette in his mouth, he stepped on the table with one foot, the Thunderstorm Neutron Light Sword on his shoulder and his other hand in his pocket.

He stared at a strong man with a flower python tattooed on his body behind the desk and said with a disdainful tone.

"Hey, now do you understand the difference in strength between us? From now on, this city will be the one to decide."

If not for the backrest of the chair, the well-built man would already be lying on the floor, sweating profusely for a bath.

Seeing the bunch of men behind Xiang Jing who were beaten up and unable to take care of themselves, the strong man tremblingly said, "Y-You're right, this city will be yours from now on."

The person in front of him was too terrifying. He was simply a humanoid monster. Just his imposing aura from the outside was enough to scare anyone to death. To be a tough guy like him was just courting death.

Xiang Jing sat on the table. Although the strong man gave up his seat, it was covered in sweat and he had no intention of sitting down.

"What's your name?"

"Boss, my name is Viper."

Xiang Jing glanced at him and asked, "What's your real name?"

Viper couldn't help but quiver after he was stared at by Xiang Jing. He said the real name that he had never wanted to mention, "My real name is Lee Ergou."

Lee Ergou continued to explain, "This little one is from the countryside, my mom said that slut names are easy to feed. Later on, when you mix in with the society, you can be called Viper."

Xiang Jing said, "Alright then, Ergou, bring me all the mutated Crystal Core in your gang."

"Mutated Crystal Core?"

"This is it." Xiang Jing took out one and said, "Bring me all the things in their bodies after the monsters die."

"This kind of stone. Sure, I'll immediately send someone to get it."

Looking at Lee Ergou's fawning back, Xiang Jing was a little puzzled. How did such a wretched person manage to sit in the position of the boss of more than a thousand people?

Actually, it wasn't that Viper wanted to be so wretched, it was just that the power Xiang Jing displayed was too terrifying. He had to be a little more humble and hoped Xiang Jing wouldn't kill him.

Not long after, Lee Ergou came back with a few bags of mutated Crystal Core with his lackeys.

Ignoring the fact that they were all low-leveled, Director Zero only added up to around 8,000 yuan. That was really pitiful.

If Xiang Jing's thoughts were known by the people from the Venomous Serpent Gang, he might just die from vomiting blood. These over eight thousand mutated Crystal Core were over eight thousand monsters.

For someone as strong as Xiang Jing, it's nothing, but for them, it's all fatal.

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