Dragon Emperor/C34 The New Xu Residence(2)
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Dragon Emperor/C34 The New Xu Residence(2)
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C34 The New Xu Residence(2)

"Alright, little girl, don't be angry. Let's go find Uncle Tianyi together."

When Qing Lan heard Xu Dong's words, she did not argue with him. Instead, she asked in confusion, "Uncle Tianyi? Who is that?"

When Xu Dong heard Qing Lan's words, he also remembered that Qing Lan had fallen asleep in his arms last night. Therefore, it was not strange for Uncle Tianyi, who did not know about him, to explain. He explained to Qing Lan, "Uncle Tianyi is my father's best friend. He was captured by Xu Moqiu. I thought he was dead, but I found him last night when I came to rescue you, and I rescued him - he was the one who brought the clothes.

Oh, right. I didn't find you anywhere last night. He pointed out that you might be in that underground wine cellar, so you should thank him. Otherwise, I would have been sullied by that beast, Xu Tianlong, if I came a little later last night!"

When Qing Lan thought about what had happened last night, she felt a lingering fear in her heart. If she was tainted by that kind of person, she would definitely commit suicide!

Qing Lan nodded with a face full of agreement: "That's right, Dong. With Uncle Tianyi there, I have to thank him properly."

Xu Dong looked at Qing Lan's serious face, but it was very cute. No matter how he looked at it, her face seemed to be acting cute. He could not help but laugh.

"Dong, what are you laughing at? Hurry up and take me to your Uncle Tianyi. I want to thank him." Qing Lan tried her best to sound very angry, but her weak voice sounded like that of a spoiled child.

When Xu Dong heard Qing Lan's voice, he did not tease her anymore, even though he felt that it was quite interesting.

"But Qing Lan, even if you ask me to take you to Uncle Tianyi, I don't know where he is."

"Then what should we do? It's impossible for us not to express our gratitude!"

Qing Lan was also distressed.

Just as Qing Lan and Xu Dong were feeling distressed, Ling'er's voice sounded beside them.

"The proxy family head asked me to tell you, if you want to look for him, you can go to the Meeting Room to look for him."

"The meeting hall? Why did Uncle Tianyi tell me to go to the meeting hall?"

"I don't know either, but that is what the acting patriarch told me to tell you."

"Wait, acting patriarch? Are you talking about Uncle Tianyi?"

Xu Dong had failed to notice the problem the maid mentioned earlier because of Qing Lan's matter. Now that he came back to his senses, he also realized that something was wrong.

What the hell was the Proxy Family Head? When did his Uncle Tianyi become the Proxy Family Head? Thinking of this, Xu Dong asked the question in his heart: "You don't know?"

Who would have thought that as soon as he finished asking the maid, he would be surprised?

"What do you know? How would I know? Last night, when I returned to my room, I fell asleep. What could I know?"

Hearing the maid's surprised tone, the doubt in Xu Dong's heart grew even stronger.

"So that's how it is."

After the maid heard Xu Dong's explanation, she revealed an expression of realization, but she quickly recovered, and explained in her usual flat tone: "Last night, the Xu Mansion has already been reorganized by the acting Patriarch, and the real ruler of the Xu Mansion is the current acting Patriarch."

"Oh... I see. Uncle Tianyi is really powerful. If the Xu Mansion were to be cleaned up just like that, it would be a disaster."

After praising Uncle Tianyi, Xu Dong turned to Qing Lan and said, "Alright, Qing Lan, since Uncle Tianyi told me to go to the meeting hall and wait for him, then let's go to the meeting hall. A lot of time had been lost. It won't be good if Uncle Tianyi waits too long."

After saying that, he took Qing Lan's hand and said, "Let's go." Then, he walked towards the meeting hall.

"Alright, go down! If you don't listen to me, just kill them and give the other people who resist a warning. The Xu family must be cleaned up both inside and out!"

Just as Xu Dong pulled the little girl's hand and walked to the door of the meeting hall, he heard his Uncle Tianyi speak.

In order to not appear too sudden, Xu Dong knocked on the door.

Just as Xu Tianyi gave the order to continue processing the documents, he heard a knock on the door. He took a sip of tea and said, "Come in. The door is not locked."

"Uncle Tianyi, it should be time to call you Family Head now. I never thought that Uncle Tianyi would be so powerful. It has only been one night and you already have control over such a large family." Xu Dong walked in with a smile on his face.

When she heard Xu Dong's slightly mocking tone, Xu Tianyi did not get angry. Instead, he jokingly asked Xu Dong, "What's wrong? Does your clothes look good?"

When Xu Dong heard Uncle Tianyi's teasing words, how could he not know that he was deliberately giving him that kind of clothes? He immediately broke down: "Uncle Tianyi, you did it on purpose, didn't you? You clearly knew that I wouldn't wear that kind of clothes, yet you still gave it to me!"

Xu Tianyi also laughed when he heard Xu Dong's words, "Alright, don't be angry. Didn't I ask Ling'er to help you?

However, don't be unhappy with me for taking on the role of the proxy family. Sooner or later, this position will be yours!"

"Uncle Tianyi, why are you doing this?"

"Xu Dong, do you know why I was able to control the Xu Mansion overnight?"

Xu Tianyi ignored Xu Dong's surprised expression and continued to speak with a faint smile. Without waiting for Xu Dong's reply, he continued, "Other than Xu Moqiu, who is unpopular, the most important person is you."

"It's me? Why?" When he heard that it was because of him, Uncle Tianyi was able to control the Xu Mansion in such a short period of time, Xu Dong was also incomparably shocked.

Although he was very strong now, they probably didn't know about it. And even if Uncle Tianyi told them that I had become stronger, they wouldn't believe him.

Seeing that Xu Dong was lost in thought, Xu Tianyi could guess what Xu Dong was thinking. He said to Xu Dong, "Don't think too much about it. It's not because of absolute strength. It's because of our friendship."

"Favor? Hehe, do they still have a relationship?" Xu Dong sneered when he heard that.

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