Dragon Emperor/C38 An Illusion(2)
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Dragon Emperor/C38 An Illusion(2)
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C38 An Illusion(2)

The old man was frightened by his granddaughter. As a dutiful grandfather, even if his granddaughter was a little silly and cute, the old man still loved the little girl very much.

The old man quickly picked up the girl and stroked her head. "Okay, granddaughter, don't cry, don't cry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have scolded you. This young man only fainted. His life wasn't in danger.

So you don't have to worry. However, if you let him faint here, he may catch a cold."

"He might catch a cold!"

The little girl who was enjoying her grandfather's pat on the head immediately shrunk back when she heard the word "cold." As if she had thought of something terrible, her face revealed a look of fear.

The old man smiled kindly when he saw his granddaughter shrinking her head in his arms and looking scared.

He put his hand down from the little girl's head and tidied her clothes before asking, "What's wrong, Huan'er? Are you worried about this big brother?"

"That's right. It's so scary for Grandpa to catch a cold. Huan Er doesn't want to catch a cold. It's so uncomfortable to catch a cold."

After hearing his grandfather's words, he shrank back into his grandfather's embrace and felt safe. The fear on her face disappeared! So the little girl told her grandfather how scary it was to catch a cold.

After she finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something. She paused and then said to her grandfather, "Grandfather, let's talk about this big brother of ours. Let's bring him home. Huan'er didn't want this big brother to catch a cold. The last time when Huan'er caught a cold, he felt very uncomfortable. Thus, Huan'er didn't want this big brother of his to catch a cold. "

The old man's heart was filled with emotion at the words of his granddaughter. "Alas, what should I do? My granddaughter has the heart to be a doctor, but why can't she learn our family's medical skills?"

The old man didn't dare to say it out loud. Otherwise, his loosened beard would suffer again. Thus, his own granddaughter said, "Okay! It just so happens that we are also from a medical family, so we can casually treat him."

After he finished speaking, he put his granddaughter down and carried Xu Dong, who was on the ground, on his back.

When the little girl saw that she was being placed on the ground, she looked at Xu Dong with a slightly dissatisfied expression.

"It's this person. If he didn't come here, it would be so warm in grandpa's arms. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have to leave by myself."

The old man saw his granddaughter's eyes and knew what she was thinking. He tapped on his granddaughter's small head and said, "Granddaughter, stop complaining. You can't possibly let this big brother who has fainted walk by himself, right?"

The little girl knew that she had been unreasonable. She helped her grandfather put Xu Dong on his back and took the old man's hand and went home with him.

In the winter, snow filled the sky. On the snowy ground, an old man carried a young man on his back and held a little girl's hand.

He walked slowly on the snowy ground, leaving behind two pairs of footprints. One pair of footprints was small, and the other one was big in the footprints beside it.

The two pairs of footprints gradually disappeared under the cover of the snow.

In the morning, the sun showed up in this cold season, which made the temperature of the place that had been falling because of the heavy snow the day before return to normal a little bit.

Xu Dong woke up in such a beautiful yet not-so-beautiful weather.

"What's going on? Where is this? I..."

Just as Xu Dong woke up and was about to get up, the door to the room opened with a creak.

Xu Dong heard the sound of the door opening and looked over. He saw a little girl about five or six years old sticking her head out and walking in. After she entered the room, the little girl immediately shouted when she saw Xu Dong sitting on the bed and getting ready to get up.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, Big Brother is awake. Where are you? Big Brother is already awake. "

"Alright, alright, stop shouting. I'm right behind you. What are you shouting for?"

Just as the little girl shouted twice, an old man with snow white hair walked in from behind the door. When he saw Xu Dong, he also smiled and spoke of him.

"Young man, you're awake. It seems that you didn't leave any illness behind!"

"No, this old man. Why am I here? "

Xu Dong's body instinctively became alert when he saw that someone else had walked in from behind the door. However, when he saw the old man's kind face, Xu Dong heaved a sigh of relief, but his body remained vigilant of his surroundings.

The old man noticed that Xu Dong was looking around vigilantly, but the old man did not pay much attention to him. He continued to speak with a smile on his face.

"You fainted. In the snow. My granddaughter and I found you. My granddaughter was very worried about you, so she brought you back to her home. How do you feel now? Do you feel dizzy?"

After confirming that he was not in danger, Xu Dong relaxed his vigilance.

"Thank you for helping me, old grandpa. Right now, I feel very good. My mind is very clear."

"Is that so? Do you know why you fainted on the snow? And where is your home?"

After listening to Xu Dong's explanation, the old man could tell from his many years of medical experience that the young man had more or less recovered, so he asked about Xu Dong's background.

"Why did you faint in the snow? Where is your house? Damn it, why can't I remember anything?"

Hearing the old man's question, Xu Dong repeated the question in his mouth and revealed a pondering expression. But after a while, the expression on Xu Dong's face became painful.

"Young man, it's done! Don't think about it if you can't remember." The old man looked at Xu Dong's expression and said worriedly.

After Xu Dong heard this, his mood gradually calmed down, but his eyes became very empty.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with this big brother? His expression just now was so terrifying, but why is he so sad now?"

The little girl who hadn't spoken for a long time jumped out again and said worriedly to Xu Dong.

"What's the matter with you, young man? Why do you have such a sad and empty expression?" The old man did not answer his granddaughter's question. Instead, he continued to ask Xu Dong with a kind smile on his face.

Xu Dong raised his head and looked at the old man with the same kind smile. Perhaps he was infected or something else. Xu Dong said in a hoarse voice: "I don't know, I don't know why, I have forgotten everything that happened to me in the past. I only know that my name is Xu Dong. Other than that, I don't know anything. I feel that I have forgotten a lot of important things. "

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