Dragon Emperor/C41 Awareness(1)
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Dragon Emperor/C41 Awareness(1)
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C41 Awareness(1)

Xu Dong looked at his sister who was still being played around with by Little White and shook his head. He really could not stand it any longer. He grabbed the two little things off his body.

"Alright, Little White, granddaughter. Stop playing with each other."

As he spoke, the old man came out. Looking at Lil'White and his granddaughter playing at the door, he shook his head like Xu Dong and was not surprised.

This situation had happened many times in the past two years. At first, the old man would advise them on the side, but now the old man only smiled when he saw them.

"Grandfather, why did you come out? It's so cold! Hurry up and go back to your room! You might catch a cold later."

Xu Dong said worriedly when he saw the old man leave the house.

When the old man heard Xu Dong's words, he smiled and said disapprovingly.

"Alright, old man, I am a doctor after all. If I catch a cold, I won't come out. Besides, my body is still healthy!"

When Xu Dong heard this, he smiled bitterly and did not say anything.

For some reason, although the old man was old, his health was very good. He rarely even got sick.

However, Xu Dong did not think too much about it. He only thought that it was probably because his godfather had taken good care of him. After all, it was not surprising that a good doctor knew something about health.

The little girl had been out playing for a long time and no one was holding her. Feeling bored, she went back to her room to warm up. Xu Dong also put the herbs in the pharmacy and warmed himself with his sister.

As for Little White, it ran straight into the house after playing with the little girl. Xu Dong didn't even notice when it ran back into the house until Xu Dong went back to the house.

But before Xu Dong could sit down, the old man called Xu Dong to the pharmacy.

When he arrived at the pharmacy, he saw the old man, Xu Dong, who was constantly picking herbs, and asked.

"Grandpa, why did you call me here?"

Hearing Xu Dong's voice, the old man stopped picking herbs and said.

"It's nothing, it's just that the medicine in the pharmacy has been used. Grandpa, I originally wanted to grind some medicinal powder, but after grinding for a while, my hands became very sore, so I want you to help me grind some medicinal powder. It seems that I'm really getting old."

"No problem grandpa. In the future, you can rest assured and let me do this kind of thing boldly."

Xu Dong, who was worried about his grandfather's health, said this.

The old man didn't say anything, but looked at Xu Dong with a kind face.

"I say, grandson. How do you feel about these two years?"

Hearing the old man's words, Xu Dong seemed to have thought of something and his expression suddenly became extremely terrified. However, it quickly returned to normal as he spoke to the old man.

"I feel that these two years have been very good. My sister is very cute, and my grandfather is very kind to the villagers. But..."

"But what?"

Hearing Xu Dong's answer, the old man asked.

"It's nothing. I just feel that everything is too good!" So good that it was a bit fake.

Of course, Xu Dong didn't say the last sentence. He knew what to say and what not to say. He felt that if he said it out loud, then everything would go far away from him.

"Is that so? If that's the case, then you can live here happily! Alright, hurry up and grind the medicine. You still have to go to see a doctor tomorrow."


Without saying anything else, Xu Dong lowered his head and continued to grind the medicine. His deep eyes were as boundless as the starry sky. No one knew what he was thinking.

The next morning:

As usual, Xu Dong woke up at dawn. He saw his foster grandfather practicing a set of health boxing on the snow as usual.

He still did not wake up his sister, because Xu Dong knew what would happen if he woke up his sister.

He didn't want to hold his sister all day long. Although his sister was comfortable to hold, Xu Dong still had to see a doctor today, so it would be inconvenient to carry her.

"Good morning, Grandpa."

The old man ignored him and continued to practice his health boxing.

Unsurprisingly, in the past, no one would disturb an old man practicing his health fist technique. This was the conclusion Xu Dong came up with a year ago.

After greeting his godfather, Xu Dong took the key and went to open the door of the medical center.

After putting the powder that had been grinded yesterday at the designated place, he sat down at the doctor's seat and looked at the medical book passed down from his foster grandfather's family as he waited for the first patient of the day.

Not long after, a burly man with muscles all over his body and a simple and honest face walked in. Hearing that someone had entered, Xu Dong also looked up and saw the burly man Xu Dong talking to him with a smile.

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