Dragon Frenzy/C10 Leave
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Dragon Frenzy/C10 Leave
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C10 Leave

Tears of mixed emotions flowed down the Village Chief's face. He had never thought that he would meet such a prodigy. Actually, the village chief had a certain connection to becoming a steel-controlling expert.

From the very beginning, he had also been an orphan, living a life of displacement until one day, when he was adopted by someone with a strange power, that person began to nurture the old Village Head. That person seemed to be someone with power, but the old Village Head could no longer remember the specific circumstances, and later on that person brought the old Village Head to participate in various competitions, and because of that person's meticulous nurturing, when they fought with the same age group, they all won against the old Village Head. At the same time, they also received hatred from others.

If he lost that person's help, then the old Village Chief would be nothing more than a piece of cake. Thus, he hated himself very much, hated himself for not having a very strong talent, and thus, he had always been unable to take revenge for his benefactor. It was already late in the night by now, and he had already forgotten about the appearances of those people, so even if he remembered, he still believed that he could only avenge himself, and that he could not rely on anyone else.

Old Village Head was not a selfish person, but he knew that the outside world was wonderful, but there were also many dangers. Therefore, when the old village head found out about Tie Xiao Jun's peerless talent, he was able to let him go without worrying. As long as Tie Xiao Jun put in enough effort, no one would dare to hurt him.

"Elder Tie Long, since it's already so late, why don't you stay in the winter house for a night?" The old elder raised his head to look out the window, only to find that the sun had already set.

When Tie Long heard this, he thought for a moment, then cupped his hands together and said, "Fine, I was planning to head back immediately, but now that I have found such a prodigy in your village, I won't receive much blame if I go back later."

Tie Long's words were too high of a status for Tie Xiao Jun. Originally, Iron City's rules were very strict, but since Tie Long and the others believed they could go back every other day after they had Tie Xiao Jun, they could only do it on a higher level.

Hearing this, the old elder naturally heard the praise and was a bit excited in his heart. However, he was also looking forward to Tie Xiao Jun's success outside.

Due to the presence of important guests, the old Village Head threw the internship problem to Iron Ox. As for those who failed the test, he didn't have the time to bother with them, so he could only let them go and give them another chance.

The people of the village were excited about the arrival of several powerful steel-wielding experts. However, they soon lost interest because they had no interest in cultivation. Thus, they were even less interested in steel-wielding experts.

At the very least, there wouldn't be anyone fooling around, fighting to be accepted as a disciple or seeking advice from others.

He asked the good cook in the village to cook quite a number of good dishes. The old head of the village brought the three people along with Tie Xiaoyan as they sat together. As they ate, they discussed the life of Tie Xiaoyan.

"Elder Tie Long, this Iron City is quite a distance away from our crappy village. I heard that it would take you five days to get here with your strength. Since that's the case, Tie Xiao Jun naturally doesn't have that much time to travel back and forth." The old elder looked at Tie Long and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Tie Long also politely smiled, as he naturally knew what the old elder was talking about. He replied, "Don't worry, since we went to look for him, we will naturally provide him with lodging, because with this child's innate strength, we will naturally give him a room, allowing him to wholeheartedly cultivate. As for food, we will definitely not be stingy with it, and after the child's strength has increased to a certain level, he will no longer need to eat and drink like mortals."

Hearing this, both Tie Long and the old elder trembled. Tie Long was talking about the level eight iron controller, which made him a revered existence in the world. This was because among the known iron controllers, those who had reached level eight were not the big shots in this world.

"Could it be …" Elder Tie Long is a level eight steel controller? " the old elder whispered as he looked at Tie Long's smiling face.

"Hur hur, not worth mentioning." Tie Long didn't hide anything and only politely smiled.

Tie Xiao Jun and the Old Village Head couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. They never thought that the middle-aged man sitting in front of them with a smile on his face was the legendary level eight steel controller.

'No wonder. The other two people have listened to Elder Tie Long's words. It turns out that not only is their status higher than theirs. The real reason is strength suppression! ' Thinking of this, the old elder remembered that Tie Xiao Jun was still young and didn't have any friends in Iron City, so he immediately opened his mouth and said: "Elder Tie Long, I wonder if I can ask you for a favor."

"Oh? "Please, I would if I could." When Tie Long heard this, he only thought for a moment before guessing the old elder's thoughts.

"Un, good, I want to ask Elder Tie Long to take care of this child. After all, we're not familiar with this place in Iron City." The old elder said.

"Humph!" "Don't even think about it, my Iron City has always respected fairness, so don't think about bribing us. Even if this child is a genius, we won't go and cover him up." said the man who had been rude.

Hearing this, the old elder's face couldn't help but turn red, but he also revealed an anxious expression.

"Haha, Old Village Chief need not worry, our Steel City's discipline is strict, so when the time comes, we will investigate everything thoroughly and give an explanation. If it is not for this child's fault, no matter how severe the punishment is, it will not be related to him." Tie Long said while making a bet.

Hearing this, the old elder heaved a sigh of relief, because he knew Tie Xiao Jun was a sensible child, so if that was the case, then Tie Xiao Jun should be fine.

"Hehe, since that is the case, I am relieved. I still have one last question. I wonder when my child will be able to come back?" The old village chief asked the last question. Although Tie Xiao Jun was not his child, he was responsible for the whole thing since he was from this village. Since he had sent Tie Xiao Jun out, he must ensure Tie Xiao Jun's safety and not let him suffer any harm.

Yes, we Steel City already have a clear rule regarding this issue. In order to nurture our children, our Steel City will certainly invest a lot of resources, and in return, these children will have to work for Steel City in the future when they become a pillar of talent. Of course they won't work hard, they will only be able to stand up when Iron City meets danger. Tie Long said with a smile.

When the old elder heard this, his face became unsightly. If that was the case, then wouldn't it be very difficult for him to see Tie Xiao Jun again? Not only that, but he didn't even know if Tie Xiao Jun was safe or not.

However, you don't have to worry, although we in Steel City forbid students to go home and visit their families at will, we have our own special personnel to provide communication services, and every once in a while, you will be able to send a message. In order to prevent you from suspecting us, you can use any code or text you like to write, and you can change the code every once in a while as well. These are all decided by you, of course, if you trust us, you can also change your communication codes, and we will absolutely not do anything to peek at you. Tie Long seemed to be reading some kind of treaty, he was very careful, and in fact, this was also their job. After all, no one could give up their relationship with children for the sake of their future, even if Tie Long didn't know that the old Village Head and Tie Xiao-jun were not related by blood.

Listening to Tie Long's speech, the old Village Chief could not help but exclaim at how clear the probability was in Iron City, and he couldn't help but laugh, "Good, good, good, since this is the case, then I am relieved. Very well, I have asked my questions, hurry up and eat, it's getting cold."

"Right." Because of his strength, he didn't care about eating, but in order to be polite, he still ate one mouthful at a time. As for the others, they were already hungry and started to eat in big mouthfuls.

After dinner, the old Village Head arranged a few very secluded rooms for Tie Long and the other two. Then he pulled Tie Xiao Jun's hand and began to give orders.

"Come on, Little Jun, you are leaving tomorrow. We will clear up the matters regarding the letter. Although Tie Long said it well, for safety's sake, we have to make our own arrangements." The old elder said.

He was deeply moved by the old elder's concern. To be safe, the two of them racked their brains and thought of many methods. Finally, they ended the conversation with the unanimous consent of the Old Village Head. It was already late at night.

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