Dragon Frenzy/C2 Bar mitzvah
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Dragon Frenzy/C2 Bar mitzvah
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C2 Bar mitzvah

With a disdainful smile, Tie Xiao Jun did not stay any longer, directly walking past Tie Daniu and leaving this hill.

This was because the familiar sound of a metal bell came from the village. It was long and heavy, indicating the return of those who had left the village.

It was the old Village Head who had returned. Tie Xiao Jun knew where the old Village Head had gone, but he did not say it because the old Village Head had already told him where to go.

"Little Jun." The old Village Head followed the other men into the village. The old Village Head could easily see Tie Xiao Jun, who was standing on the ground, waiting for him.

"Hello, Village Head." When Tie Xiao Jun saw the old elder waving at him, he also went up and greeted him politely.

The old elder nodded his head and said, "Ah, this is the fine steel that I've found. It's not much, so I can only give you this little bit."

"Okay, thank you." Tie Xiaojun took the fine steel and stuffed it into his pocket before bidding farewell to the old elder.

However, it was only for those who were born with the ability to absorb iron and steel. People discovered that as long as the children were provided with enough steel and their bodies were strong enough, they could be promoted to become a steel controller.

He wanted to promote the children in the village to become steel-controller, which was why he quietly followed the men out. The men went out to get the steel, but the old elder went to get the steel, which was usually for the men to eat, because it would increase their physical strength and increase their steel supply.

However, the village chief thought that because he gave the fine steel to the children, it would increase their chances of growing into a steel-controller. However, the village people did not agree, because they believed that it was more important for the children to honestly work to obtain the fine steel and use it.

He wanted to tell the old elder that it was a waste for him to give the refined iron and steel to Tie Daniu, but he did not say it out loud. He guessed that the old elder had given him the refined iron and steel because he loved Tie Daniu, but it was also because Tie Da Niu never exercised his strong body, so his strong body only appeared on the outside. Although Tie Xiao Jun's body looked very lean, it was definitely because he had the strength of his body.

"Forget it, since the old elder dotes so much on Tie Daniu, then I won't go and anger him. It's just that …" Sigh, that piece of trash really got lucky. " He knew how much effort it would take for the Old Village Chief to search for fine steel outside. He had seen the Old Village Chief come back wounded several times, but he didn't tell anyone else, because the Old Village Chief had walked much slower and was very careful. Moreover, he didn't look too good.

Therefore, even if Tie Daniu did not come to find trouble with Tie Xiao Jun, he still hated him a lot because he was a good-for-nothing.

He started to absorb the refined iron and steel. Although he did not need to absorb the refined iron and steel as quickly as he did, Tie Xiaoyan knew that the longer this kind of thing was stored, the weaker the effect would be. Moreover, he knew that it was going to be time for dinner soon.

This time, the amount of fine steel was much less than the last time, so Tie Xiaoyan did not take much time to absorb it. At this time, he felt the toughness in his body increase, which meant that Tie Xiaoyan had taken another step towards the Steel Controller.

After absorbing all the fine iron and steel, Tie Xiao Jun went straight to the roof of his house. Lying on the roof, he looked at the evening sky and thought about something.

About ten minutes later, a sound came from under the roof, "Xiao Jun! It's time to eat! "

Hearing that, Tie Xiao Jun withdrew his thoughts and jumped up, then quickly went down to the roof.

"Uncle Steel Ox!" Tie Xiao Jun looked at the tall man in front of him and said politely.

"Right." Iron Ox nodded and said, "I heard that you and Da Niu have a conflict again?"

"Yes, he came to look for trouble with me again. He even brought three people with him." Tie Xiao Jun said as he followed the iron bull towards the old chief's residence.

Tie Niu sighed and said, "That child is really unrepentant. This time, I must talk with the old elder and let him properly manage the situation."

At that time, it was also the Old Village Chief who picked him up and raised him. Thus, the relationship between Tie Niu and the Old Village Chief was more like that of father and son, whereas the relationship between Tie Daniu and the Old Village Chief was like that of grandfathers and grandsons. Thus, Tie Niu was also very concerned about Tie Daniu's every move.

"It's no use, he has that kind of personality. Simply speaking about him would be useless. Otherwise, the Old Village Chief would not have said so much for nothing. Moreover, Tie Daniu came to find me while the Old Village Head was not around." Tie Xiaojun said bluntly. In his opinion, if Tie Daniu did not change his way of thinking, no matter how many times the Old Village Head said it, it would be useless.

"This …" Iron Ox did not know what to do when he heard this. He had no children, so he had never had any. His education was also very poor. He was one of the top two with regards to this problem.

Tie Xiao Jun did not say anything else. After all, he did not deserve to know how to resolve this situation.

Tie Xiaoyan's residence wasn't too far away from the old elder's, and it only took him about ten minutes to arrive.

The reason was very simple. The old elder wanted the children of the village to become steel-controlling masters, so he would frequently ask about their training. Since he couldn't let the people of the village know about it, the old elder would tell them to educate the children and teach them some knowledge. In fact, he had done so before.

"Village Head, Tie Xiao Jun is here." the old village chief said as he pushed open the door to the living room.

Although he was relatively close with the Old Village Chief, the Old Village Chief still told the iron bull to call him the Village Chief.

"En, come take a seat. Everyone, get ready to eat." Hearing this, the old elder nodded his head and greeted him.

Tie Xiaoyan walked over and stealthily glanced at the old elder's face. He discovered that he was a bit gloomy, but he was actually relieved. He knew that the old elder was angry at Tie Daniu and not him.

"Hmm, before this, let me tell you something bad happened today. While I was away, Tie Daniu actually went to find Tie Xiaoyan. This is an extremely bad thing, so Tie Daniu!" You stand up and apologize to Tie Xiaoyan. " The old elder said in a deep voice.

Ah!" I, I don't have any! " When Tie Daniu heard this, he was stunned. He did not think that the old elder would ask him to apologize to Tie Xiao Jun, and not Tie Xiao Jun.

"That's right, Daniu, I heard that you even brought three people with you!" Hurry up and apologize! No one really cares about you anymore! " Tie Niu also spoke up when he heard this.

When the old Village Chief heard this, he could not help but raise his eyebrows and then asked with a serious expression, "What? You actually brought people to cause trouble? "

After that, the old elder turned his head and looked at Tie Xiao Jun: "Are you alright?"

"Mm, I'm fine. They didn't do anything to me." Hearing this, Tie Xiao Jun nodded.

"Oh, that's good." Hearing that, the old elder nodded his head, then turned to look at the children around the table and coldly said, "Which three are they? Stand up! "

Hearing this, the dining table immediately went into an uproar. The three children then stood up with trembling hands.

Looking at the three children, the old elder said, "Alright, I'll remember. This time, I'll read you as my first offense so I won't punish you. But if I find out again in the future, I'll definitely punish you severely!"

Hearing this, the three children immediately nodded their heads as if they had received amnesty.

"Alright, you three sit down! Tie Daniu, hurry up and apologize! " Following that, the old elder looked towards the ugly expression of Tie Daniu.

Tie Daniu originally wanted to be shameless, but after seeing the three of them come out, he knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only stand up and apologize.

When the old elder saw that Tie Daniu was finally willing to apologize, his complexion slightly improved. Soon after, the old elder said, "Hmm, what Tie Daniu did is not a good thing, I hope you guys will take this seriously, or else I will punish you severely. Next, I will announce that the annual adult ceremony of our village is coming, and after three days, when you go back, tell your parents that they are going to prepare well, and that it will be at my home."

Hearing this, the children nodded their heads.

"Mm, alright. Since you already know everything, let's start eating. After talking so much, the food is also a bit cold." Seeing this, the old elder nodded his head and said.

The food in the old elder's house was naturally better than theirs. That was why the parents were willing to bring the children over to the old elder's house, and while the children were eating happily, the old elder's work had also begun. As he ate, he asked each child about their recent training, whether there were any special changes in their bodies, and whether they felt anything different.

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