Dragon Frenzy/C20 Guard
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Dragon Frenzy/C20 Guard
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C20 Guard

Tie Xiaoyan could only express his helplessness in the face of such an outcome. He never thought that no one would sign up.

The square should have been the venue for the competition, but when Tie Xiao Jun arrived at the stadium, he found that there was no change in the decorations. As he was wondering, after knowing that no one had signed up for the competition, he immediately understood the situation.

"No wonder there's no one here. I thought I came early." Tie Xiao-jun was sitting on a flight of stairs, looking at the empty arena.

"Why didn't you go to work?" A teacher who was passing by saw Tie Xiao Jun sitting on the ground and immediately recognized him as a famous person. He asked with some curiosity.

"Uh, isn't today the janitor's city competition?" Hearing this, Tie Xiao Jun was actually curious, he never thought that there would be someone who didn't know about this.

As if he had thought of something, the instructor's expression immediately turned ugly. "Aiya!" Damn it! I actually forgot about this matter and made it into the arena! "

Hearing this, Tie Xiaojun's eyes widened as he looked at his mentor. He didn't think that his mentor would even forget about such an important matter.

"Really?" How could you forget something so important? " Tie Xiao Jun really couldn't believe it, logically speaking, this once a year serious competition should be something that he would never forget.

Seemingly feeling very guilty, the instructor explained, "It was originally like this, but because the freshmen's aptitude is obviously weaker these few years, the number of people who can reach the level 1 iron controller is zero. Since they haven't even reached the most basic requirements, they are naturally unable to participate in the competition.

"So you forgot?" Tie Xiao-jun knew the whole story, but he had to get to the bottom of this matter. After all, he was responsible for this.

Of course, Tie Xiao Jun's dissatisfied instructor had heard it, but there was nothing he could do about the apology, so he could only say to Tie Xiao Jun: "Then you wait here, I'll go check out the contestants this time."

"Oh." Tie Xiaoyan looked at the empty field. It was obvious that he was the only competitor here, but since it was possible that someone had come here and found no one, he left without changing the place. Tie Xiaoyan also felt that it would be better to check the list.

After waiting for a while, the teacher hurriedly ran over and said with a relaxed expression, "Fortunately, you're the only one participating this time, so congratulations on obtaining the right to advance."

"Am I really the only one?" Hearing this, Tie Xiao Jun helplessly shook his head.

"Yes, you have earned the qualifications. You can choose to stay here, or you can directly advance." The instructor said as he held a list in his hand.

"I choose to level up." There was no point in staying here. The people here were too weak. Even if they were strong, they didn't have the mood to go up. It was dull and boring.

"Alright." The teacher nodded and wrote something down in a notebook.

"When can I go?" Tie Xiao Jun asked after he finished recording.

"Wait for a moment at the dorm. A coach will show you the way." The instructor said as he looked at Tie Xiao Jun.

"Thank you very much." Tie Xiaoyan thanked him and returned to his dorm.

After he had packed up his things, Tie Xiao Jun laid on the bed waiting for someone to come pick him up.

The people came very quickly, and not long after, someone knocked on Tie Xiao Jun's door.

As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned.

"Lord Manager?"

"Hehe, congratulations. Iron City hasn't absorbed any fresh blood for a long time." The Head Supervisor said with a smile.

Even though there were hundreds of workers in the Iron City, they were not considered the fresh blood of the Iron City, because without becoming a guard, without becoming a Level 1 Iron Master, they could not be considered the combat strength of the Iron City. Although a Level 1 Iron Master was only one step away from an ordinary one, but in terms of strength, it was a one-to-one concept, absolutely not as simple as one plus one, so the Iron City, who possessed absolute strength and influence, had no interest in ordinary Steel Masters at all. Even a Level 3 or below could not catch their interest.

"I still have to thank Steel City for providing this support. If it wasn't for that large piece of fine steel, I wouldn't have been able to reach this level." Tie Xiao Jun, on the other hand, had put all his efforts into Steel City. Immediately, Tie Xiao Jun lost his arrogance and became extremely modest.

"Hehe, this is something you should get. Alright, let's not talk too much about it. I'll bring you to a new faction to report." The Head Supervisor was very satisfied with Tie Xiaoyan's modest performance. He stroked his beard and smiled.

"Then I'll be troubling you, Lord Manager." Tie Xiaoyan bowed respectfully and followed the steward to his new camp.

In front of a building brimming with a metallic aura, dozens of well-equipped soldiers majestically stood to the side, as if respectfully welcoming Tie Xiao Jun and the Head Supervisor.

"Hello, Head Manager!" Seeing the arrival of the Head Supervisor, the dozens of soldiers shouted in unison.

"Mm, where is your leader?" The steward nodded, then looked around, but did not see the person he was looking for.

"Reporting to Lord Manager, the leader has led the troops out of the mission!" He knew you were coming and told me to wait here. " The leader of the soldiers said.

"Oh, so it's like that. Then I'll leave this child to you all. When the leader comes back, let him know." Since it was spring, many magical beasts and beasts had already begun to give birth. The best time to tame a magical beast was from the moment the young were born, so many of the surrounding powers began to search for and compete for the strong magical beast cub.

These things weren't any secret, and although the handymen weren't very strong, they all yearned for the powerful iron gate controllers in Iron City. Therefore, when Tie Xiao Jun was eating, he tried to listen in on these topics, and it was precisely because of this that Tie Xiao Jun, who had always wanted to see the outside world, was also very curious.

The Head Supervisor left after saying a few words to the soldiers, while Tie Xiaoyan followed the soldiers to his dorm.

This is your dorm, there are already a few people living here, according to your number, you might not be assigned to live with them, but because of the number of dorms, you can only live here." This is your dorm, according to your number, you might not be assigned to live with them, but due to the number of rooms, you can only live here. The captain knew that Tie Xiao Jun was the target of special attention, so he naturally became a bit more polite. Otherwise, he would never shout loudly when facing new soldiers.

"Alright, thank you." Tie Xiaoyan looked inside the dorm and realized that it was as big as his original ten. Of course, it could also fit fifteen people.

"Mm, then organize yourself first. Your bed is the innermost area, and because you came late, you have no other choice." The captain pointed to the innermost bed and said.

"Oh, okay." Hearing this, Tie Xiaoyan didn't mind at all. Since they were no longer his teammates, he could just live alone.

He originally wanted to give Tie Xiao-jun a separate dorm room, but there wasn't enough space, so there was no other way around it. It had to be known that in the army, even if a team of guards wasn't a team of guards, some people with bad tempers wouldn't let their own people get away with it, so it was not an accident or a hobby that Tie Xiao-jun had trained his throat well. There was no way around it, what the captain was worried about was that the other fourteen people would not get along with Tie Xiao-jun.

As an experienced general, he might not be very strong, but he had to be very good at judging the battlefield, so the captain definitely wouldn't hesitate for too long on one matter. Even if the Mayor himself had sent it, he had no other choice but to ignore it, even if the higher ups would blame him, he wouldn't stay for too long on this matter.

"Captain, is that really how it is?" I can give him my bed. " A soldier saw the troubled expression on the captain's face and knew what he was thinking. He planned to sacrifice himself to save the captain from getting into trouble.

Hearing this, the captain shook his head and said: "No need. If that's the case, then I'll be selfish. Even if I had to give it up, it wouldn't be realistic because it would affect the formation speed."

The captain had thought of this a long time ago. He was just worried that it would affect the entire team, because the dorm wasn't only arranged by numbers, but also by the distance from the dorm to the assembly place.

"If something happens at that time …" The soldier still didn't feel right.

It's fine, you can look for me if you have something to do. If you just change the dorm, then it will be a violation of the rules. Don't let others know when you change the dorm. The captain mentioned some particularly domineering people and couldn't help but frown.

"There's no other way. The upper management's competition is too intense, so it's hard to mess with them. So they chose to stay here." When the guard heard this, he naturally knew what the captain was referring to. However, those people did not want to climb up, and since their own strength far exceeded that of a Level 1 Steel Lord, there was nothing they could do about it.

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