Dragon Frenzy/C6 Storage box
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Dragon Frenzy/C6 Storage box
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C6 Storage box

Each qualified person represented the power of the next batch of new recruits, so Tie Xiao-jun's passing made the leader very happy, because the number of new recruits he passed this time had already reached their expectations, and he had successfully completed the things he had planned.

There wasn't much time left for Tie Xiaoyan to rest, only a short hour. In addition, he also had to pack up his things, register his property, and so on.

However, even though Tie Xiaoyan was exhausted, he didn't complain too much. After all, he had passed this time's test, which meant that he would have three days of rest after returning home. These three days were a reward to the children as well as a way to train those who failed.

From the camp, the leader led the group at a speed that exceeded their usual endurance. Although many of the children had painful expressions on their faces, the leader still did not have any intention of stopping. Just like that, four and a half hours later, the leader led the group back to the village.

At this moment, the children were all lying on the ground in exhaustion, but the adults didn't have time to think about it, so they just went back to sleep and called the women to take care of them. Tie Xiaoyan didn't want to stay here, so he waited for the chilling wind to cut to the bone.

Tie Xiao-jun could understand a little about this seemingly merciless action. After all, if they went back late, the men wouldn't have the energy to work the next day, but the children were different. They would have at least three days to rest, and even if the children didn't pass, they could still rest in peace at night.

After returning home, Tie Xiaoyan washed up simply, casually threw away his clothes and shoes, and fell into a deep sleep.

In the past, in order to be able to understand that simple fighting technique in the old Village Head's house, he hadn't slept for several days and nights. It was because of that little bit of inspiration that he had finally grasped in his hand, and it was because of Tie Xiaoyan's persistence, that he was not afraid of any children. Even if the enemy was stronger than his own body, as long as he made a move, the enemy's formidable momentum would not break itself.

He slept until the next morning before he opened his sleepy eyes. However, the moment he opened his eyes, Tie Xiao Jun forced himself to get up from his bed, thinking about the dozens of fine steel in his arms. Even if Tie Xiao Jun slept, he wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

After taking out the fine steel, Tie Xiaoyan's face was a bit gloomy. Because there was no special protection after mining, the fine steel was actually smaller. Although it wasn't very obvious, the difference in size was very obvious when Tie Xiaoyan compared it with his little finger.

"Forget it, who asked me not to have professional equipment?" Tie Xiao Jun could not help but shake his head, and then he sat down on the bed and began to absorb the finest iron and steel.

After placing the top-grade steel in his palm, he closed both of his hands and recited the incantation in his heart. An abnormal heat energy was born in his body, and then slowly spread throughout his body, and finally converged onto the palm of his hand, and then a faint fire started. This was the fire of refining, in the beginning, in order to condense and refine the fire, one had to rely on one's own ability and talent, the comprehension ability was only to grab onto the fire of refining hidden in the air. After mining the top-grade steel, the natural talent of refining fire that was hidden in the air for no reason, was the ability of controlling and sensing the fire between heaven and earth.

In the beginning, it was very difficult to obtain refined fire, but after successfully absorbing the energy from the refined iron, it was different. In the beginning, it was very difficult to obtain refined fire, but after successfully absorbing the energy from the refined iron, it was different.

After releasing the refining fire, the fine iron and steel began to slowly melt. Just like this, Tie Xiaoyan sat in meditation for two whole days, until someone knocked on his door.

"Duk Duk Duk Duk" sounds rang out, interrupting Tie Xiaoyan's cultivation. Frowning, he opened his eyes and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Uncle Tie Niu. Old Village Head wants to gather all the children for a meeting." The iron bull's voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this, Tie Xiao Jun unwillingly opened his closed palms. There were only four pieces of fine steel left, and they were only the size of a fingernail.

"Seriously, if I'm given another half a day, I'll be able to absorb all of it. Who knows how much time I'll have to waste this time's meeting. Ai." With a sigh, Tie Xiaoyan knew that he had to go to the old Village Head. Even if he didn't go, he didn't have the right, not to mention the fact that the old Village Head had never let anyone leave without getting sick.

They followed the iron bull to the old village chief's door.

"Village Head, Tie Xiao Jun has arrived." Tie Niu said as he looked at the old elder standing on top of the hill.

I am very satisfied, because 50/60 of the examinees have passed, but there is still one sixth who has not. This is something that I am very angry about, I told you before that you must be very careful and slow down when demonstrating, and from the looks of the results from this time, you have done well, so the remaining children who have not passed are all because of their own reasons. I do not believe that your brains are stupid. It's because you guys are lazy to learn, so those who didn't pass went through two days of hard training. Therefore, if no one passes by the time we go for the second test tomorrow, I'll have to personally teach them! "

After the Old Village Chief said those last few words, a few people in the crowd immediately became restless. It was clear that they were extremely afraid.

This time, I have called you here not only to announce your results, but also to give rewards to those who passed. Those who pass will get a new hoe, which is a hoe that has been strengthened by my hand. This hoe has a steel component, so it is more durable and sharper. The Old Village Chief looked to the crowd and said loudly.

Hearing this, the children who passed laughed in pleasant surprise, because once they obtained this hoe, it undoubtedly gave them a great boost. As for those who didn't, their faces were full of regret and jealousy.

"The reward is even more than that." Seeing the different faces of the children below, the old elder couldn't help but laugh. He then continued, "Amongst those who passed, many of them were outstanding. This makes me very happy, so I will definitely increase the reward system!"

With that, the old elder took out a worn-out metal box under the expectant gazes of everyone.

The moment this box appeared, many people let out sounds of disdain and were obviously dissatisfied. However, after seeing the box, Tie Xiaoyan's eyes lit up. He naturally knew what that box was, so his eyes were shining as he stared straight at the box.

Hehe, everyone, don't worry. Let me explain slowly, this is not some broken stuff, it is a low grade storage box made of high grade iron and steel. It is extremely rare, and the number of things I have created is not much. With that, the old elder waved to the iron bull, signalling him to start his work.

Iron Ox waited on the side for a long time. When he saw the Old Village Chief's gesture, he immediately nodded his head. His body, which was leaning against the wall, straightened up as he walked up to the crowd and loudly said, "Next, I will announce the people who will be in the top ten this time."

When he finished announcing his name, Tie Xiao Jun heaved a sigh of relief. He was in seventh place, although he was at the back, he did not care about the name of the storage box. He did not care about the 10th place, it was just that it was a bit more dangerous.

"Alright, let's go to Uncle Tie Niu for the reward later. This will be the end of the meeting!" After the old elder finished speaking, he turned around and descended from the high ground.

The children also scattered in a crowd, leaving only those who wanted to receive their prizes.

After getting the storage box, Tie Xiaoyan's heart was filled with joy, while the surrounding people were all mumbling to themselves about the usefulness of this broken box.

Tie Xiao-jun ignored him and went straight home, studying the storage box.

The reason he knew about this storage box was from the Old Village Chief. The Old Village Chief must have obtained a lot of fine steel when he came back from the outside.

Seeing that there was a button in front of the box, Tie Xiaoyan lightly touched it and his vision blurred. The scene in front of him completely changed. At this moment, Tie Xiaoyan was in a room with a third of the room laughing.

After a while, Tie Xiaojun's mind moved, and the few pieces of fine steel that he held in his hands appeared in the storage box. Looking at the fine steel on the ground, Tie Xiaojun smiled happily, and with another thought, the fine steel returned to his bosom.

"Haha, this thing is really good, and I heard from the village chief that this thing can slow down the melting speed of fine steel. It's really a good thing for me!"

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