Dragon Frenzy/C7 Breakthrough
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Dragon Frenzy/C7 Breakthrough
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C7 Breakthrough

Putting away the storage box, Tie Xiaoyan thought that he had half a day left to assemble again, so he quickly started his cultivation.

He sat cross-legged and placed the remaining few pieces of fine steel into his palms. He closed his palms and recited the chant in his mind.

The villagers were very pedantic and believed that becoming an iron master was a very dangerous thing to do. Only a natural born genius could do this, and ordinary people like them should live a good and simple life.

It was not rare for people to know how to use it in this world, except those ordinary people. However, the old elder had told Tie Xiao-jun that there were stronger steel-controlling masters in the outside world, as well as higher level mnemonics, and they could not only absorb steel, but also use the powerful strength within their bodies to attack. The old elder's words made Tie Xiao-jun's yearning for the outside world even more.

Half a day passed quickly, after absorbing all the fine steel in his palm, Tie Xiao Jun could feel that the heat in his body had increased by a lot. Soon after, with a thought, an even stronger heat spread throughout his body, and in the end, it condensed in his palm.

Looking at the point of fire that was twice as big as before, Tie Xiaoyan revealed a happy smile.

With a wave of his hand, the flame disappeared again. At this time, the sky had already darkened and the fire had disappeared. The room immediately turned dark.

"It's about time to go out." Gazing at the moonlight, Tie Xiaoyan picked up the steamed bun on the table and ate it in a few bites, and then drank a few mouthfuls of cold water, which was considered as having finished dinner.

When he arrived at the old Village Head's door, he found that a lot of people had arrived, but Tie Xiao Jun was in no hurry. He found a corner and sat down, waiting slowly.

This is the last chance for those who haven't passed the test," he said. "If they haven't, they'll be back for half a month's strict training, and then I'll take the test myself. Okay, Steel Ox, you take them to the camp, and the men should be waiting for you there.

"Yes, Village Chief." Iron Ox nodded his head in agreement. Then, he waved his hand and shouted, "Follow up! Hurry up! If it's too late, it will affect the duration of the frontlines!"

The vanguard was a form of address for the men, because no matter what happened outside, the men would go out first to investigate, so they were called the vanguard.

After everyone acknowledged the order, they trotted along and followed the iron bull towards the camp.

Seeing that he was about to continue on his way without stopping, Tie Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment. Because he was busy absorbing fine iron and steel, he did not have any rest, so he was still feeling a little dizzy. Now that he was going to accelerate his journey, Tie Xiaoyan did not know if he could still eat or not.

However, Tie Xiao Jun wasn't very worried, because although he felt a bit dizzy, there didn't seem to be any big physical problems.

After more than two hours of accelerating on the road, some children started to pant, but no one shouted that they were tired, because they had all rested before, but Tie Xiao-jun was pleasantly surprised to find that he was not panting, and his body did not feel tired at all, only his head felt even more heavy, so now Tie Xiao-jun was not tired, but rather he was tired.

"Alright, since we're already here, I'll leave now. I'll leave this place to you!" Iron Ox said as soon as he saw the leader.

The leader nodded and said, "Don't worry."

"I know about some of your matters through the letter sent by the village chief, so I will not say more. Tomorrow, I will show you again, you must see clearly, the difference in posture will affect the consumption of your strength and the extent of your strength, so you must see clearly, otherwise, if not, just wait for the village chief to personally educate you!"

After saying that, the leader looked around at the children. He noticed that there were some of them had indifferent expressions, as if they were watching a good show. Others had bitter expressions, as if they didn't know what to do. Dismissed! Tomorrow morning! "

With that, the leader turned around and left, the children also disbanding by themselves.

Tie Xiao Jun held onto his stuff as he walked towards his previous position, but on the way, he saw Tie Da Niu, who had a helpless expression on his face.

He wanted to leave immediately, but he knew that Tie Daniu would not pass this time, so he said: "Oh, so it's Boss Niu. What's wrong?" Beated? His expression is not too good! "

"You!" When Tie Daniu heard these words, he immediately raised his head in anger. However, when he saw that the one speaking was Tie Xiao Jun, he could not say anything else.

"Heh heh, what did you say? "Let me tell you, don't count on others. This is your last chance. If you don't cherish it now, you will be taught a lesson by the Village Head himself. When that happens, you can see how disappointed the Village Chief is when he looks at you." However, Tie Xiaojun just left after saying those words. He was only here to provoke Tie Daniu, so he didn't have any plans to argue with him.

As he watched Tie Xiao Jun leave, Tie Da Niu thought about what Tie Xiao Jun had said and clenched his fists tightly.

"Ha ha, hopefully it will be useful …" Tie Xiao Jun knew that this was the last time he would help Tie Da Niu, not because of him, but to repay the old elder for his education.

After setting up his own simple tent, Tie Xiao Jun laid on the ground, looking at the pitch black tent, thinking about what he should do tomorrow.

After thinking for a long time, Tie Xiao Jun fell asleep in a daze.

At dawn the next day, Tie Xiaoyan woke up. Because he always got up early in the morning, he had gotten used to it.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he saw that quite a few adults had woken up. There were only a few children and they were all talking to some adults. It was probably father and son.

Turning around, Tie Xiaoyan put away his tent, lit a fire to cook, and fed his belly. Then, he started to prepare what he needed for mining.

When everything was ready, he was only waiting for the adults to give the order to leave, so Tie Xiao Jun was not in a hurry. When he was preparing, Tie Xiao Jun was surprised to see Tie Da Niu, who always got up late, lighting a fire to cook dinner.

"It can't be, such a state of being in water!" Seeing Tie Daniu take off the lid of the pot, Tie Xiaoyan couldn't help but sigh. "Looks like the old elder only knows how to eat."

But since Tie Daniu could get up so early, he must have made his own plans. Thinking back to yesterday when he provoked Tie Daniu, the corners of Tie Xiaojun's lips curled up, "Heh, it still worked, that means you can still be saved!"

After about half an hour, the leader let out a loud whistle, and the crowd began to gather in formation.

"Is everyone ready! "Then we are leaving!" Looking at the people who were ready to go, the leader loudly shouted and then took the lead.

The leader turned around and said, "Those who have not passed the test, stay behind. The rest of us will gather at the camp in three days. We also need to remind them to come back as early as possible. Don't let so many people wait!"

The last sentence of the leader was naturally to remind Tie Xiao Jun that if it wasn't for Tie Xiao Jun passing the test, the leader would not have let him off so easily.

Now, if everyone left together, it would be easier for them to be found out. It was possible that one of them got a fever and suddenly wanted to leave with you, while Tie Xiao-jun was on the verge of tears, because this would waste three days of time.

It was not a secret that fine steel was not allowed to be mined in the village, and it was not as if fine steel was not allowed to be mined in the village. It was just that fine steel was enough to withstand the high quality of a lot of steel, but it was hard to find fine steel, and in the beginning, there was still a lot of fine steel, but the people of the village had gathered a large number of people and started mining. For them, who did not need to cultivate, fine steel was equivalent to developing a lot of ordinary steel, which was definitely twice the result of half the effort.

It was because of this that Tie Xiaoyan was so secretive. In this situation where fine steel was extremely rare, if someone saw that you had fine steel, they would definitely go and snatch it, because you could claim credit for it when you handed it over.

He quickened his pace and arrived at his destination before them. Before they were ready to watch the show of those who didn't pass, Tie Xiaoyan had already left quietly.

He looked around and found that the traps he had created had not been activated yet. It seemed that this place was relatively safe. Therefore, he put down his bag, took out a new hoe and started to work enthusiastically.

As he worked diligently, Tie Xiao Jun had already forgotten about the time. Unknowingly, it was already dusk, and golden light mixed with black sprinkled down. The dark golden light in front of his eyes made Tie Xiao Jun feel extremely tired.

"Whew, rest." Staring at the 20 something fine steel at his feet, Tie Xiaoyan's face, which had been blackened by the mine veins, revealed a smile, and his white teeth.

Tie Xiaoyan had set up his tent at the place where the tents were set up and started to cook. He was obviously very tired, but his mind was abnormally excited because he discovered that the deeper he went into the mine, the more fine steel he would get. Furthermore, his size was also getting bigger, so how could he not be excited about this good news? At this rate, breaking through to the mortal body would happen sooner or later.

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