Dragon In The City/C17 8 Paradox
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Dragon In The City/C17 8 Paradox
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C17 8 Paradox

After dinner, Lin Zhongtian went to the library alone. He wanted to find some information as soon as possible to make up for his lack of drugs. When he came to the library, he found that many students had come to borrow books. It seemed that he was not the only one who was angry. He also felt that this phenomenon was strong. As the saying goes, competition has motivation.

After searching hard, he finally found the four great classics of TCM. These were precious documents in the library and were not allowed to be borrowed. Lin Zhongtian could only randomly pick one and come to the reading room next door. At this moment, the reading room was already packed with people. Lin Zhongtian finally saw someone stand up and leave, so he quickly walked over and sat down.

It was actually the second volume of the four great classics, The Yellow Emperor's 81 Difficult Classics, which was also known as the Difficult Classics. Lin Zhongtian had already read this book in his grandfather's collection. He originally thought that the literature in the university library seemed to be richer, but it seemed that it was only so-so. He closed the book and left. He felt that it would be better to look for a book on wild history. Perhaps there were some unexpected discoveries.

He went to the original location and discovered something. Someone's already here. And she was a rare beauty. Lin Zhongtian seemed to be a little happy. Why did he always meet such a beauty? When he came to the university to report, he met Soong Qingqing and her sister. In just one or two days, he met such an outstanding woman. She was also in that position. Could it be that she is also from our medical college?

The woman was seriously searching. She seemed to be looking for some book. Lin Zhongtian politely said, "Hello, classmate. Can I put down the book?"

The woman raised her head and Lin Zhongtian was attracted by her pretty face. She was even more charming than Wang Xiaoni. She was so pure and clean that she did not eat human beings. He did not know how old she was and she did not know her master. Since there was a chance, he should not miss it.

Lin Zhongtian had a general impression of the woman in an instant. Her clothes were very ordinary and there were some black marks on her forehead. It seemed that she was worried about something. Looking at her carefully, she seemed to be looking for books anxiously. She might have encountered some tricky problem and needed to find a cure.

The woman looked at Lin Zhongtian's polite bow and gave way. Lin Zhongtian quickly put the book back into the distance. He asked with concern, "What kind of book are you looking for? "Do you need my help?"

The girl blushed and explained, "Thank you." She then turned her eyes back to the bookshelf and muttered, "The teacher said it's in this row. I've already finished flipping through it. Why haven't I seen it yet? I'm so anxious."

Lin Zhongtian was even more certain that the girl was looking for some books that she needed urgently. Lin Zhongtian said, "It seems like the student has encountered some trouble. Why don't you tell me and see if I can help you?"

The woman looked at Lin Zhongtian in surprise when she heard him. She thought for a moment and said, "Which academy are you from? What major did you study?"

Lin Zhongtian was stunned for a moment, but he soon realized what was going on. He guessed that the other party really needed someone who knew medicine. He then smiled and said, "I am a student of the medical college. I'm studying pharmacology, but this isn't my major. Actually, I am an expert in acupuncture and studying medicine. It is just to explore the mysteries of TCM in a more comprehensive manner. "

The woman's eyes suddenly lit up. "Do you know the folk prescription?"

Lin Zhongtian was stunned. A folk prescription? Single prescriptions? The medicine didn't have much taste. It had a unique effect on certain medical evidence. It is widely circulated among the people of our country and is generally not included in official medicine or medical classics. However, at the crucial moment, it is able to obtain a better treatment effect.

Speaking of partial prescriptions, Lin Zhongtian thought of what his grandfather had reminded him. A true master would not use partial prescriptions. partial prescriptions were usually used by two knives. Of course, it was not the effect of eliminating partial prescriptions. However, the real side prescriptions had different effects due to the difference in time, region, and physical condition. Therefore, when the side prescriptions were used, the side prescriptions would be used to cure the side prescriptions, and the side prescriptions would be used to cure the side prescriptions, and the side prescriptions would be used to cure the side prescriptions. A suitable side prescriptions had to be chosen according to the location and the condition of the patient, and they would be treated in the right time.

Why did this woman mention a side prescription? Lin Zhongtian asked in confusion, "Can you tell me more about it?"

When the woman saw Lin Zhongtian's expression change, she frowned like a mountain. She seemed to understand what Lin Zhongtian meant. After thinking for a while, she decided not to hide anything and told her the truth. Lin Zhongtian finally understood what was going on. It turned out that this girl's mother had been suffering from a strange illness. Recently, her father had hired a doctor somewhere. After the doctor diagnosed her, he gave her a prescription, saying that it was a secret prescription passed down from a mysterious family. After eating it, it would take effect three times a day. Take it for half a month. According to the doctor's instructions, the girl's mother had taken the medicine for ten days. Suddenly, in the last two days, she feels uncomfortable all over her body. But the whole family was scared out of their wits.

She had invited a few doctors to check on her, but they were all at a loss. This frightened the family. The girl could only hope that she could ask for help with the authenticity of the side prescriptions when she was at a loss. She heard from her classmates that there were detailed descriptions of the side prescriptions in the library, so she went to the library to look through them. She had come here many times and returned disappointed every time.

After Lin Zhongtian asked about the girl's mother's condition in detail, he felt that it should be because of the disordered meridians in her body. Thinking about how she had injured her bones and bones because she was too tired, she had suddenly mistakenly consumed a counterfeit prescription. There's a possibility that these things are causing the meridians to become disordered. Lin Zhongtian decided to go to the scene and see if he could help. It seemed like he could also win the beauty's heart.

Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment and said, "How about this? Take me to your house to take a look. I need to confirm with Auntie before I can come to a conclusion." Then, he looked at the girl with certainty.

The girl revealed a look of disbelief. She stared at Lin Zhongtian for a long time but did not react. Lin Zhongtian took out his thirteen life-saving needles and opened up a path in front of the girl. "Look, these are the silver needles that I carry around to save people. Now you should believe that I can help you save your aunt, right?"

The girl was a student of the Yan Huang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although she did not study medicine, as the saying goes, the first thing to come close to the water is to get the moon. Under the influence of the infection, she knew about the acupuncture needles. Immediately, she confirmed that the student in front of her might really be able to help. As long as there was a little hope, she could not give up or miss it.

She showed a look of hope. The girl said excitedly, "Thank you, classmate. "You're so nice. Can we go to my house now?"

Of course, Lin Zhongtian knew how she felt. Besides, it was not too late now. It should not be a problem to go to her house. He nodded without hesitation and agreed. The girl hugged Lin Zhongtian excitedly and kissed him. Lin Zhongtian was stunned. He thought to himself, "Don't tell me you always hug others when you're so excited?

The girl smiled and ran away. Lin Zhongtian came back to his senses. He quickly followed her out of the school. The further they went, the more remote they became. He suddenly felt that he was being reckless. He thought that the girl lived near the school. Who would have thought that she lived in the suburbs? Such a remote rural area, it was really scary. It was pitch black, nothing could be seen. If someone robbed him, he would have to suffer.

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