Dream Explorer/C13 The Secret of Being Buried
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Dream Explorer/C13 The Secret of Being Buried
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C13 The Secret of Being Buried

Zhang Ming looked at the surrounding scene and tried his best to recall it.

Was this the street from before?

Zhang Minghan thought to himself as his consciousness returned to the street where Ma Peng had just walked.

The scenes in the dream were all based on memory, so this street must have been seen by Ma Peng before. Zhang Yang looked in the direction Ma Peng had come from, trying to find what he had missed.

Eleventh South Street!

A road sign caught Zhang's attention.

Earlier, Luo Li had given Zhang Mingran a note with the address of the Ma Peng Hospital on it.

It was this South Eleventh Street.

He searched carefully, trying not to let his eyes miss any of the signs.

Ma Clan High Medical Club!

Zhang Minlur walked into the clubhouse. The decorations of the entire clubhouse gave off a high-end atmosphere, without the cold and empty feeling of a hospital.

On the contrary, it gave people a comfortable feeling.

Rich people were indeed different!

It's such a high requirement for a patient.

However, if Zhang Ming had the money, he would be willing to come to this kind of place to see a doctor.

Compared to the hospital's indifference towards life and death, this place was much warmer.

Probably because it was in Ma Peng's dream, every office was empty, and even the doctor's exhibition board was empty.

On the contrary, the nurse's exhibition board at the side had many pretty faces.

It seemed like Ma Peng didn't know much about his own hospital either.

A bastard who only knew how to be lustful.

He strolled around the office and found nothing but empty rooms on the bottom floor.

Standing in the elevator, Zhang Minghan suddenly felt that the button on the 1st floor was exceptionally clear.

Level 1?

Isn't that the underground cold storage?

Zhang Min-gran pressed the button, and as the elevator descended, Zhang Min-gran came to the -1 floor.

In contrast to what she'd imagined in her dream, there was a row of white ceiling lights in the hallway.

The surrounding walls had a white plastic material stuck to them, giving off a feeling of science and technology.

Under such an environment, Zhang Mingran was able to see the location of the mortuary and underground cold storage with a single glance.

But in Ma Peng's dream, the contents of the mortuary and underground cold storage were also blank.

This confused Zhang Ming.

How could a good-for-nothing who could not even remember his own doctor's and doctor's principles remember the -1 level so clearly?

Zhang Minlur touched the wall, unable to make sense of the situation.

"Eh?" Zhang Mingran casually knocked on the wall. Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the end of the corridor.

Zhang Minlur looked at the wall carefully. Because it was covered with white material, and this place was at the end of the corridor, if no one looked closely, they would not have realized there was a door here.

Passing through the door, a familiar scene appeared before Zhang Mingran's eyes.

A specially made operating table was placed in an empty operating room. The leather buckles used to bind his hands and feet were exactly the same as Ma Peng's had in his first dream.


No matter how deeply he hid, his dreams were still transparent.

Zhang Mi Ran opened his eyes, put Ma Peng's phone in his pocket and left Ma Peng's house.

Thinking of the phone call that Zhang Xiaoxiao had made just now, Zhang Mo called a taxi and went straight to Zhang Xiaoxiao's home.

"I'm back!" Zhang Qing Ran opened the door and said softly.

Just as he expected, Zhang Xiaoxiao was already asleep.

Fortunately, before I left, I took the key to Zhang Xiaoxiao's house. Otherwise, I would be sleeping on the streets tonight.

Zhang Maoran quietly opened the door to Zhang Xiaoxiao's bedroom.

F * ck me!

Was it that exciting?

Zhang Minmian looked at the two soft pairs on the bed, almost drooling.

With Zhang Xiaoxiao's figure, it was already enough to move his heart. Furthermore, Luo Li...

Zhang Mingran could not hold it in any longer.

Zhang Xiaoxiao and Luo Li were sleeping soundly, so they did not feel the fiery gazes on them at all.

Zhang Xiaoxiao had been tired for the entire day, but when she returned home, she realized that Zhang Dan was not there.

I was going to call him back.

But since Zhang Mingran said he had something on, he didn't have the nerve to say it anymore.

What's more … Asking Zhang Mingran to come home sounded a little too outrageous...

So he had to call her back.

After Zhang Mingran's analysis, Zhang Xiaoxiao no longer dared to live alone at home. If there really was someone following her, it would be easier to deal with them with a companion.

He did not expect that the pervert did not come. Instead, he allowed Zhang Mingran to see this alluring scene.

Zhang Yangran shook his head, closed the door, and fell asleep in the bedroom next door.

After running for a whole day, Zhang Ming was also a bit tired.

Fortunately, he had had a bountiful day.

"Did you wake up from your sleep?" As soon as Zhang Mingran opened his eyes, Luo Li's smiling expression appeared in front of him.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao and Luo Li woke up in the morning and found him sleeping soundly, they were too embarrassed to call him.

As for Zhang Xiaoxiao, she had left for work early in the morning, leaving only Luo Li behind to wait for Zhang Mingran.

The more he looked at her, the cuter she became. He had wanted to give her a kiss when she was sleeping, but he had woken up the moment he had bent over her.

Lori was wearing a tight black dress today, and Zhang could see the gaping hole in her chest just as she bent down.

Good boy!

You want to show me such a tempting scene so early in the morning?

"Mm …" Zhang Mingran tried his best to suppress his desire and sat up.

"Where's Zhang Xiaoxiao?" Lifting his head to take a look, Zhang Shen was unable to see the figure of Zhang Xiaoxiao.

"He went to work." She sat up and sat on the edge of the bed.

The skirt perfectly matched Luo Li's figure. Zhang Minghan had just woken up, and seeing this, his already rising body became even more stiff.

"Don't you need to work?" In order to alleviate the awkwardness, Zhang Min Ran tried to look away from Luo Li's body.

"Me? Xiaoxiao came to work because I came to work! As I don't know how to do anything, I invested my money into Xiaoxiao's company. Therefore, I can be considered as a shareholder in Xiaoxiao! "

"How is it, do you need it?" "Little handsome brother?" She grabbed Zhang's chin with one hand and moved closer to him.


What part of me looks like a pretty boy?

This big brother has hands and feet, his hands and feet can support him.

Besides, he could even touch a little girl with his hands.

How could he be kept by you just like that!

"You've worked hard all day, do you want to eat something?" Luo Li continued to ask when she saw Zhang Ming's lack of reaction.

To grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach first.

Luo Li usually had nothing to do, so she would occasionally go home to learn how to cook and make some small cakes.

"Yes." With that said, Zhang Ming felt a bit hungry.

After a busy day yesterday, he hadn't eaten a single meal. In addition to those disgusting things in his dreams, even if he had appetite, his appetite was gone.

"Oh right, do you know where Ma Peng usually lives?" While Zhang Mingran was eating the cake, he suddenly had a plan in his mind.

As for this Ma Peng, Zhang Shen Ran wanted to anger him, but he also wanted to make him helpless.

Being rich is amazing?

It's not just doing those abominable things.

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