Dream Explorer/C2 Deeper Contact
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Dream Explorer/C2 Deeper Contact
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C2 Deeper Contact

"You are the one who is cold! Your whole family is frigid! " Zhang Xiaoxiao said snappily. She did not care about her ladylike image at all!

She was still Huang Hua's daughter! He was actually called frigid by an unfamiliar man!

In other words, how could she know if she was cold or not, when she hadn't yet experienced the affairs of a man and a woman?

"Don't be angry, I know you're still a virgin, but I can't judge if you're cold or not." Zhang Minlian said lightly.

"You … How did you know? "Could it be that you …" Zhang Xiaoxiao was at a loss for words. Did this fellow do something to her after she fell asleep? Thinking of this, she became even angrier! How could this guy do this?

Zhang Minlur cleared his throat. 'Don't tell me that the other party thought that I have done something shameful?'

Although he knew that he wasn't a righteous man, he still couldn't be bothered to do something like taking advantage of someone when they were in danger.

"Don't misunderstand me, the 'frigidity' I'm referring to is just a symbol. It's an analysis of the scene of the dog and snake in your dream. I think you might have some resistance towards men."

Zhang Xiaoxiao's face was filled with shock. He could really see the things that appeared in my dreams! Furthermore, he even revealed the knot in my heart!

Seeing the other party's reaction, Zhang Ming knew that he was right.

"Right now, I can only analyze the surface of your body. If we want to do a deeper level of analysis, we need to have a deeper level of contact with you."

Zhang Minamiya looked at Zhang Xiaoxiao with a deadpan expression, but the silver smile in his eyes betrayed him!

Zhang Xiaoxiao glared at him. If she was already stripped naked and lying down together, how could she go any deeper?

Did he have to... That?

When Zhang Xiaoxiao thought of this, her face immediately flushed red. She had never experienced such a shameful thing before.

Could this fellow be a swindler that swindled money and sex?

However, what he said earlier made sense. Since he was able to see the scene in my dream, he must have some special abilities.

"Why are you blushing? Do you think I'm going to... That one? How can you think that? "How can you think of me as so filthy?"

Zhang Miaoran was clearly angry, the other party was simply insulting his character! Although he had a special hobby of prying into the privacy of others, he still understood basic professional conduct!

"I'm already naked and exposed in front of you, but you still have to go deeper! Can you stop me from thinking? It's all like this! "How do we go deeper?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao wanted to get up and leave, but the knot in her heart had not been resolved. She could only choose to continue staying here.

"When I say deeper level of contact, I mean that the two of us need to interact for a longer period of time. That is, living together for a period of time." Zhang Li said.

"Living together? "You wish!"

Zhang Mo Ran had expected this reaction from the other party, so he said without hurry.

"The only dream I can see now is the outermost layer of the dream. Only when two people have been together for a long time will I be able to analyze the dreams that are deeper and closer to your true thoughts! It will help you a lot to untie the knot in your heart! "

Zhang Xiaoxiao thought to herself, if he can see the dogs and snakes that appear in my dreams and tell me the knot that has lurked in my heart for so many years, then should I believe him and continue to interact with him for a period of time?

Zhang Mingran continued, "If I'm not wrong, something strange has happened to you recently."

"Tell me about the strange things." Zhang Xiaoxiao's heartbeat quickened. Recently, she had encountered a very strange matter.

Could it be that Zhang Ming was able to figure out what was happening in reality through his dreams?

If that was the case, it would be worth it even if he had to spend a few more days with Zhang Jiangran!

Just as Zhang Xiaoxiao was daydreaming! Zhang Mingran suddenly stood up and grabbed at Zhang Xiao Xiao Xiao's chest!

"Ah!" What are you doing? " Zhang Xiaoxiao hurriedly retreated. She thought to herself, 'Am I not satisfied just by looking at it?' He was actually going to touch it!

Zhang Minamiya ignored him and directly slapped the man's chest. He quickly retracted his palm and opened it again. A ladybug appeared in the palm of his hand.

"What are you trying to do?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao clearly did not notice the small worm in Zhang Mingran's hands. She only felt that he was trying to take advantage of her.

"Think about it carefully, I want to take advantage of you. Just now, when you were naked and falling asleep, you already made your move. You don't need to wait until now?"

Zhang Mingran looked righteous and righteous, but he didn't blush at all! It was as if he had not taken advantage of her just now!

Zhang Mingran opened his palm once again and walked over to Zhang Xiaoxiao. He said, "Look at what this is?"

"This is …" The ladybug? "

"To be exact, this worm is not a ladybug, but rather a creature that looks very much like a ladybug. It has some sort of special ability, and its name is' Heart's End '."

"Heart of Jue?" Zhang Xiaoxiao was at a loss. This was the first time she had heard of an insect with such a name.

"Have you been feeling that someone is following you? When you look back, there's nothing. "

Zhang Qing's face was filled with mystery as he stared straight at Zhang Xiaoxiao.

Zhang Xiaoxiao was taken aback by his sudden serious look.

"That's right. Recently, I feel that someone has been following me around, but when I look back, there isn't anyone there. I thought I was having nightmares and having a bad sleep and having hallucinations. "

Zhang Xiaoxiao was reminded by Zhang Mingran and immediately recalled the strange incident that happened during the tracking process.

"That wasn't an illusion. You were indeed being followed, and this person is not an ordinary person. The Heart of Jue in your body is the tool responsible for determining your position. "

"There's actually such a bug?" Don't scare me! " Zhang Xiaoxiao felt a chill on her back. Why was there such an insect? Wasn't this a little too supernatural?

Zhang Mingran placed his Heart of Jue into a small bottle, closed the lid, and tightened the lid. Then, he continued to speak.

"This kind of mind sends a signal to its master to tell him where the object he is being followed is. Then, its owner will be able to very well hide and follow the target from a safe location! "

"Who exactly is it? "Who could be so abnormal as to use such a method to follow me?" Zhang Xiaoxiao felt her scalp tingling as she looked at Zhang Mingran for help.

"I think it should be someone who had once confessed to you, but was rejected by you. Furthermore, a type of obsession also appeared in his heart. He must have been extremely fond of you." Zhang Minlian guessed.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's pupils constricted. Her eyes were filled with fear and her face was filled with disbelief!

"Could it be that he …"

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