Dream Fulfilled System/C2 Newbie Mission
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Dream Fulfilled System/C2 Newbie Mission
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C2 Newbie Mission

"No way, if this keeps up, I'm going to be done for."

Zhou Ming struggled to his feet, his limbs shaking uncontrollably. He made his way to his room, shakily picked up his phone, and ordered several items of takeout. Then, he collapsed onto the floor, practically lifeless.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Ming's phone rang, coinciding with the doorbell. It was as if someone on the brink of death had been jolted awake; his eyes snapped open, and he scrambled to the door on all fours.

"Bro, are you alright?"

As soon as the door swung open, the delivery guy was startled. A young man with a ghostly pale complexion was sprawled on the floor, gazing up at him with a desperate look. Oh, wait, he was actually fixated on the takeout in his hands.

"Help me."

Zhou Ming extended his hand to the delivery guy, hoping for assistance to stand. But his appearance was that of a victim in some distressing situation.

Sure enough, after Zhou Ming uttered those words, the delivery guy's face went pale, he dropped the takeout, and bolted away...

"All I wanted was a hand up, hey!"

Zhou Ming was at a loss for words, his hand awkwardly outstretched.

"Whatever, I'll just eat like this."

Resigned, Zhou Ming dragged the bag of takeout towards him and began to eat while still lying on the ground.

After cleaning up the fast-food containers scattered on the floor, Zhou Ming leaned on the doorframe and managed to stand, albeit with great difficulty. He couldn't help but marvel at his own digestive capabilities. Normally, it takes some time for food to be converted into glucose and protein, but in his case, it vanished instantly.

The energy supply to the host body was restored, and the system rebooted.

A luminous window popped up in Zhou Ming's mind, followed by a crisp notification tone.

Zhou Ming's face darkened as he couldn't stop the stream of curses flooding his thoughts. Damn it!

Warning! The host's attempt to insult the system has been muted.

The conspicuous window continued to pop up in his mind, fueling Zhou Ming's rage.

"Damn you... Damn you... Damn you..."

Zhou Ming yelled out, but all the expletives were replaced with a resounding "Damn you!".

The host is overly emotional. Please refrain from provoking the system, or you will face the consequences!

The system advised.

"What? I nearly died because of you, and I can't even let off some steam?"

Zhou Ming was truly frustrated, but he had no choice but to hold back his anger.

Currently, the system and the host are in a symbiotic state, which grants it the authority to correct the host's improper actions.


Zhou Ming found himself unable to express his anger. He sighed in resignation, "So what exactly happened earlier?"

Due to the host's metrics being below the average human's, the system can't operate normally. As a result, the host needs to consume a substantial amount of food to replenish energy. To elaborate, given the host's compromised physical condition, the system cannot perform energy cycling independently. It will assist the host in absorbing energy from food. Should the energy prove insufficient, the system will extract it directly from the host's body.

"You're trying to kill me, aren't you? And after eating so much, why am I still hungry?"

Zhou Ming remembered his near-debilitating encounter with the system and shuddered. He patted his stomach, which remained hollow.

The host's digestive system is underperforming, so the system has maximized the conversion of food into absorbable substances. Following this process, both the host and the system have a minimal level of energy, enough to sustain two hours of normal activity. The system advises that the host should eat promptly to secure more energy.

"I see."

Zhou Ming nodded in understanding.

The host should replenish energy soon. The system is preparing to enter a dormant state, leaving the remaining energy for the host's regular activities.

"Understood, understood."

Zhou Ming was on the verge of tears. The system turned out to be quite the eater. If he had to eat like this daily, the expenses would be astronomical. And to think, he was using Zhou Youyou's money. Relying on her for support as he did in the past would be utterly disappointing.

The host and the system can communicate telepathically; there's no need to talk into thin air.

The interface flickered and then vanished from Zhou Ming's mind.

Zhou Ming was at a loss for words. The system had the nerve to taunt him. Damn!

It looked like he was in for a return to those grueling overtime shifts. Zhou Ming couldn't help but shake his head and let out a bitter laugh.

"You talk about transmigration as if it's just a walk in the park, and then you saddle me with a whole system. I finally get a chance at rebirth, and I can't even savor a life free from overtime and stress?"

Having come to a decision, Zhou Ming tidied up the fast-food containers scattered on the floor. He pondered for a moment, then headed to his room and slipped into the black hoodie that had been gathering dust for ages. It was time to step outside.

"Oh, my poor little arms, enduring more pressure than they should. Ouch!"

Zhou Ming hauled eight bags of garbage to the curb, humming to himself. Distracted, he accidentally collided with someone in the hallway.

"Hey, isn't that Zhou Ming? What's the occasion? Decided to venture out?"

A middle-aged woman, clutching a notebook, expressed her surprise upon seeing Zhou Ming.

"Uh, haha, yes, indeed."

Zhou Ming's cheeks tensed. Great, just my luck running into her!

The woman was none other than Zhou Ming's landlord, Lang Ruoyi, whom all the local tenants affectionately referred to as Auntie Lang.

"Zhou Ming, I'm not one to gossip, but you've made the house reek, and many people don't want to live near you..."

Lang Ruoyi launched into a tirade the moment she saw Zhou Ming, not allowing him any opportunity to interject.

"Auntie Lang, I'll be more mindful from now on. I really must be going," Zhou Ming managed to say, eager to escape his landlord's relentless chatter. Clutching several large bags of trash, he bolted down the stairs.

"Hey! Listen to me! Watch it, or I'll dock your rent!"

Lang Ruoyi's voice still echoed from above as Zhou Ming disposed of the garbage at the recycling station and shook his head in resignation, picking up his pace.

Night had draped its veil over the sky, and the streetlamps cast a gentle glow on either side of the road. Passersby walked in pairs, sharing the day's highs and lows with each other.

"Nothing really changes, does it?"

Zhou Ming mused, an egg white stick dangling from his lips, his hands laden with two bags of "high-energy" groceries from the supermarket. As he walked, he reflected on the unchanging world around him.

A figure flitted through Zhou Ming's mind, bringing a warmth to his heart. His previously indifferent gaze sharpened, and the corners of his mouth curled into a faint smile.

"Hey there, could you please take one of these flyers?"

A young girl, clutching a hefty stack of flyers, intercepted Zhou Ming. She looked anxious as she offered two flyers to him.

Zhou Ming paused, breaking off a piece of his protein bar, and replied, "Sure."

With only two fingers free, he awkwardly grasped the flyer. Just as Zhou Ming was about to walk away, the girl remained in his path, seemingly eager to say more.

Finding the situation somewhat odd, Zhou Ming inquired, "Is there something else?"

The girl bit her lip, appearing to steel herself for something, then leaned in close to Zhou Ming and whispered, "Please help me."

[Mission mode activated: Assist Lin Xiaowu in escaping her current predicament. Type: Beginner Mission. Difficulty: Low.]

What on earth! The system has popped up again! Zhou Ming was at a loss for words – there were just too many issues to address!

"Is your name Lin Xiaowu?"

He ventured cautiously.

"Ah? How did you know my name?"

Startled and increasingly worried, the girl wondered if this young man was one of 'them.' The thought made her heart race, and without another moment's hesitation, she turned and dashed away.

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