Dream Fulfilled System/C20 You Rookies
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Dream Fulfilled System/C20 You Rookies
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C20 You Rookies

Zhou Ming had a plan to take down the Watchtower's network system as a form of small-scale revenge.

The Watchtower's network defense was formidable, and Zhou Ming didn't intend to forcefully break through it. Knowing that the computational power of a standard computer wouldn't be enough to hack in directly, he decided to harness the collective power of numerous users.

He crafted a disguised virus link and disseminated it online, confident that it would attract plenty of clicks.

Across the internet cafes and businesses of Brohebis, exclamations erupted:

"Shoot, my computer's got a virus."

"Who sent me this link? I need to thank them in person."

"Incredible, I told myself not to click, yet I did it anyway."

"Darn it, why did I impulsively click on that!"

"I'm shocked—I've got a virus!"

These and other similar outbursts were heard throughout the streets and alleys of Brohebis.

As the virus infected more computers, Zhou Ming chuckled to himself. He had simply added a provocative line to the link: "Shocking! The beautiful girl and the big yellow dog..." followed by a string of ellipses leading to his virus link.

Curiosity piqued by the teaser, many wondered what the girl and the dog had done. Why was it with a big yellow dog? Why was it shocking? Driven by curiosity, people clicked on the link to satisfy their intrigue, only to fall into Zhou Ming's snare.

Moreover, his virus was designed to spread contagiously. If one computer was infected, the entire network would suffer the consequences.

With a majority of the main computers and servers in Brohebis under his control, Zhou Ming initiated a full-scale assault on the Watchtower's network system.

In the network security center of the Watchtower, a fifteen-year-old girl wrapped in a hoodie and barefooted squatted on a computer chair that was nearly as tall as she was.

With a lollipop in her mouth, her expressionless eyes occasionally scanned the array of electronic screens. Finding nothing amiss, she would then lower her head to fiddle with her phone.

Yang Qiancong, like Zhou Ming, was a computer whiz. She possessed an innate gift for computing, having taught herself and, by the age of twelve, was invited to join the network security center of the Watchtower.

Over the course of three years at her job, she hadn't found a shred of enjoyment. The network system's defenses at the Watchtower were impenetrable; no one had managed to break through.

Her days were filled with mindless scrolling on her phone and playing games. At times, she even contemplated hacking into the Watchtower's network system herself, but to no avail.

She longed for a formidable adversary to spice up the monotony of her work.

"Looks like someone is attacking our system."

"It's not just 'looks like'—they are attacking."

"Hurry! Modify the code and reinforce the firewall!"

"Who could it be? My God! Our system's defenses are about to give way!"


The staff at the network security center were frantic, tapping away at their keyboards in a relentless clatter.

The moment had arrived! Yang Qiancong perked up, rising from her chair with a surge of energy. Her hands flew over the keyboard as her eyes gleamed, fixed on the large screen where data streams whizzed by.

This was the work of a master! No single computer could possess such formidable computational power. It was ludicrous to think otherwise! The sheer processing capability on display surpassed that of over half the users in Brohebis.

She meticulously patched each security flaw, pushing the entire server cluster of the network security center to its limits.


Zhou Ming hit the enter key for the last time and made a swift getaway from the highway checkpoint.

Meanwhile, at the Watchtower in Brohebis.

"What's happening? Where's all the data? It's vanished!"

"We can't log into the Watchtower website."

"Every surveillance feed has gone dark."

"What's with all this gibberish?"


Chaos reigned at the Watchtower.

In stark contrast to the bedlam outside, the hall of the Watchtower's network security center was eerily silent.

Everyone stared, agape, at the row of massive electronic screens as an endless torrent of numbers cascaded down, forming a defiant middle finger.

Yang Qiancong looked up at the digital insult, feeling a profound sense of defeat wash over her. She was outclassed, thoroughly beaten. Next to this individual, she was nothing more than a beginner, not even close to one-tenth as skilled.

Minghe stood beneath the electronic screen, his face dark as a storm cloud. This was an outright challenge! He was seething with the desire to exact a brutal revenge on the person who had dared to attack the Watchtower's network system and display them as a warning at the Watchtower's entrance.

"Find out! I don't care how you do it, but you must determine who's attacking our system! Are we clear? Answer me!"

Minghe's voice thundered through the hall, his powerful presence making it hard for everyone to breathe, their foreheads beading with sweat.

"Yes," they responded in unison.

Once Minghe had left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and returned to their seats, faces drained of color.

Yang Qiancong, shaking off her earlier despondency, sat at her computer chair and diligently analyzed the code and data, searching for the origin of the attack.

Two hours later, she located the IP address of the attacking terminal. But as she lined up the IPs, she involuntarily gasped.

The attackers targeting the Watchtower's network were all users within Brohebis, their sheer number making her head spin.

The attacker's technical prowess was formidable. Yang Qiancong sighed, removed her hood, let down her wavy hair, and stood up to address everyone, "I've found the source of the attack."

The network security center staff halted their tasks and looked at Yang Qiancong in astonishment. She had found the source in such a short time, while they were still clueless.

"This is the IP address of the terminal."

Yang Qiancong sent an IP address to their computers.

Moments later, the network security center erupted in cheers. No one doubted Yang Qiancong; they had all confirmed that every command and operation traced back to that terminal.

Regrettably, by the time the Watchtower personnel arrived at the location, the perpetrator had vanished, leaving behind only a computer with the taunting message on the screen: "Hehe, you noobs."

In the vast office, Minghe, upon receiving the news, was so enraged that he shattered the desk before him with a single slap.

Anyone capable of breaching the Watchtower's network was certainly no fool. With the network now crippled, tracking down the assailant had become even more challenging.

What was this person's motive? What advantage could the paralysis of the Watchtower's network offer him? Minghe, as the leader of the Origin Guardians from Getrall, was certainly no simpleton.

He was baffled as to who would undertake such an unrewarding task, not only provoking the Watchtower but also endangering themselves.

If the Watchtower were to delve into this matter, the individual in question would undoubtedly be unable to evade responsibility. Why should they live in constant fear every single day? Such behavior is clearly illogical, unless...

A glint of realization sparked in Minghe's eyes. Unless that person had already crossed the Watchtower, and the paralysis of the Watchtower's network system somehow worked in their favor.

Considering recent events, if anyone has managed to antagonize the Watchtower, who could it be other than Zhou Ming? The answer is glaringly apparent. The likely culprit behind the attack on the Watchtower's network system is Zhou Ming.

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