Dream Fulfilled System/C23 Are You Tickling Me?
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Dream Fulfilled System/C23 Are You Tickling Me?
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C23 Are You Tickling Me?

Before the fist imprint could even make contact, Lin Xiaowu was already compelled to cough up blood due to the overwhelming force of the punch.

Essence Weavers cultivate their own being from Source Tempering to Aether Forging. Once they ascend beyond the Divine Martial realm, they pursue the path of transcendence. To put it into perspective, everything before the Divine Martial realm is like the earth, while what comes after is akin to the heavens.

Even though Xiaowu had awakened her abilities, her physical body remained at the level of an ordinary person. Against Shen Liu's strike, her survival was out of the question.

"Old fool, picking on a young girl. Have you wasted all these years living like a dog?" a raspy voice called out. A figure shrouded in a black robe stepped in front of Xiaowu. With a sweep of his voluminous sleeves, the fist imprint vanished into thin air.

"Who are you?" Shen Liu demanded, his expression intense. The black-robed man had appeared out of nowhere, possibly lurking in the shadows all along, undetected by Shen Liu. What alarmed Shen Liu even more was the formidable presence emanating from the stranger, whose aura was as deep as an abyss, suggesting a strength that might match or even surpass his own.

"You're not worthy of knowing my name," the black-robed man replied, his palm sweeping through the air as a large palm print drifted lazily toward Shen Liu like a floating catkin.

"Master Xuanyang, get out of the way!" Shen Liu's face contorted with urgency. He pushed Ming Xuanyang aside and swiftly conjured multiple layers of protective shields.

Shen Liu, a seasoned Divine Martial practitioner, had a discerning eye. He immediately recognized the terrifying potential within the seemingly gentle palm print.

Despite its soft appearance, the palm print had already locked onto him with an unyielding aura. Shen Liu knew that no matter where he tried to hide, he couldn't escape its reach. His only option was to face the attack head-on.

The palm print collided with the shield, shattering it as easily as if it were made of paper. Unabated, the print slammed into Shen Liu, propelling him through several meters of concrete wall.

With a guttural "Puff," Shen Liu was embedded in the steel-reinforced concrete, blood spurting profusely from his body.

The black-robed man gave Shen Liu an indifferent glance, waved his hand, and vanished with Lin Xiaowu in tow.

The Essence Weaver, at the seven stars level, was powerless to retaliate!

Ming Xuanyang was so terrified that he nearly wet himself watching the whole ordeal unfold. The black-robed man had dispatched Shen Liu with ease, making Ming feel as insignificant as an ant in his presence.

It wasn't until the black-robed man had disappeared that Ming managed to stand, leaning against the wall for support. It seemed the black-robed man had deemed him unworthy of his attention, or else Ming Xuanyang might have already been making his report to the King of Hell.


The suite's door burst in, narrowly missing Ming Xuanyang's ear before crashing onto the carpet. A young man stormed in, fury in his eyes, and landed a punch squarely on Ming's face.

Caught off guard, Ming Xuanyang could barely defend himself and took the hit full on.

"Where is she?"

Zhou Ming surveyed the chaos but couldn't spot Lin Xiaowu, his rage intensifying with each passing second. He launched another punch.

Ming Xuanyang caught Zhou Ming's fist with both hands, feeling a numbing sensation in his palms. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, halting his backward momentum.

"Zhou Ming? Hahaha, you're dead!"

Recognizing his assailant, Ming Xuanyang burst into laughter and aimed a kick at Zhou Ming's groin.

He was no match for Lin Xiaowu, and the black-robed man had considered him too insignificant to bother with. But Zhou Ming, a mere novice, had the audacity to strike him twice in the face. Ming's pent-up frustration and resentment now boiled over into seething hatred.

In that moment, Ming Xuanyang's only desire was to kill Zhou Ming to release his fury. The thought of torture was irrelevant; he was consumed by the need to vent, to kill.

Zhou Ming's eyes blazed with fury at the treacherous kick, but he didn't flinch. His Exploding Fist thundered down, colliding with Ming Xuanyang's calf.


They broke apart upon impact. Ming Xuanyang withdrew his leg, surprised by the sharp pain. He hadn't expected Zhou Ming to be so capable.

He couldn't believe Zhou Ming was any match for him, his judgment clouded by hatred. He failed to notice that Zhou Ming's skills had improved since their last encounter, not that it would have made a difference to him.

The gap between the middle and late periods of Source Tempering was significant. For an Essence Weaver to advance even one level required tremendous effort. The idea of battling beyond one's rank was nothing short of a fantasy.

"Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!" Zhou Ming and Ming Xuanyang were locked in combat, exchanging a flurry of blows. "Thud!" Each took a punch to the chest and stumbled backward.

Ming Xuanyang was both shocked and furious. He was a three-star Essence Weaver, yet Zhou Ming, a mere novice in the early period of Source Tempering, was somehow holding his own. Impossible. Zhou Ming's cultivation level was... at the middle period of Source Tempering. How much time had passed? This beginner had already reached the middle period. Envy flared in Ming Xuanyang's eyes, fueling his resolve to eliminate Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming's face was grave. Ming Xuanyang was even more formidable than Bai Deng. Had it not been for his defense skill, Immovable as a Mountain, Zhou Ming would have likely sustained grave injuries.

Was his strength truly so inadequate without the Dream Fulfilled? Zhou Ming began to question himself for the first time.

"Cough, Mr. Ming," Shen Liu hacked up a clot of blood and emerged from within the wall.

Such an overwhelming aura! Zhou Ming's pupils contracted at the sight of the black-robed man. He had never felt such intensity from Ming Shuang or Guan Shikun. The elder's power was undoubtedly superior.

"Shen Liu, assist me in finishing him off," Ming Xuanyang said, his face twisted with malice as he struck out at Zhou Ming, confident that Shen Liu would grasp his intent.

Shen Liu nodded, summoning a massive Primal Essence hand that instantly restrained Zhou Ming.

Trapped by the Primal Essence hand, Zhou Ming struggled in vain.

"Zhou Ming, you're finished!" Ming Xuanyang's face was awash with satisfaction as his palm connected with Zhou Ming's neck. The nuisance was finally gone, and a wave of relief washed over him.

The Cloud Severing Palm was Ming Xuanyang's signature move, capable of breaking bones and severing tendons, killing without leaving a mark. He couldn't fathom Zhou Ming surviving his devastating strike.

Essence Weavers initially focused on physical cultivation, honing their martial arts skills. Yet, a few possessed one or two special martial techniques, elevating their power above their peers, sometimes rendering them unbeatable within their rank.

Thanks to his formidable father, Ming Xuanyang was the fortunate Essence Weaver who mastered the Cloud Severing Palm. With this power at his disposal, he began to dominate Brohebis. His character was tainted by lechery and a sinister mind. Beyond his lascivious escapades, he took pleasure in demeaning others, unable to tolerate anyone surpassing him.

Take Lee Tianshan, for instance. Driven by envy of Tianshan's attractive wife, Ming Xuanyang publicly humiliated Bai Qingmei. Such acts of spite were numerous in his history, too many for even him to recall.

His envy towards Zhou Ming stemmed not only from Zhou Ming's swift advancement in cultivation but also from recognizing elements of his own martial prowess in Zhou Ming's techniques. Ming Xuanyang begrudged the idea that without martial skills, Zhou Ming could never be a match for him. A talent surpassing his own was something he could not allow to exist.

As Ming Xuanyang was on the verge of gloating with laughter, a chilling voice interrupted, "Are you trying to tickle me?" Zhou Ming cracked his neck, fixing Ming Xuanyang with an icy smirk.

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