Dream Fulfilled System/C4 Golden Holy Light
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Dream Fulfilled System/C4 Golden Holy Light
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C4 Golden Holy Light

The endless darkness was suddenly split by a sliver of light.

"Ah! My eyes!"

Zhou Ming shielded his eyes with his hands and leapt to his feet.

Hmm? Where am I? As the light dimmed, Zhou Ming instinctively reached out, feeling something a bit... prickly. The soft sensation and the warmth took him by surprise, and when he looked ahead, his face drained of color. "Whoa! Dude, who are you?"

A large face with a bushy beard was puckering up, aiming a kiss at Zhou Ming.

"Have mercy!"

Zhou Ming hastily shoved the face away and stumbled back three large steps.

"Master, you're finally awake! I was so worried."

A muscular guy in a tank top sashayed his hips, licked his lips, and sent Zhou Ming a sultry glance.

"Oh, cast some Holy Light on him already! I can't stand this."

Feeling like his eyesight was at risk, Zhou Ming was bewildered by this turn of events.

Once the golden light covered the man's more intimate areas, Zhou Ming finally braved a direct look at the muscular figure before him.

"Man, what is this place? Why am I here?"

Zhou Ming noticed the darkness all around, with light only near himself and this odd character, prompting him to ask.

"Don't be like that ~ I'm Red, the system's visible record!"

The large man bashfully covered his face and emitted a gruff voice that matched his rugged exterior.

The system's visible record?! Is this some kind of joke?

Startled, Zhou Ming quickly stepped back again, shielding his eyes with his left hand and peering through a small opening.

"Master, this is your consciousness. And I, your creation, have taken this form! Since you were unconscious, you've been brought here."

Red batted her large eyes at Zhou Ming, which was quite the "shock" to behold.

"Ahem, Red, can you explain what's going on?"

Now that Zhou Ming understood the system was behind this, he was less taken aback. But why on earth would he create such a "fairy"? He sneaked a few more glances at Red before quickly averting his eyes from her intense gaze.

With her hands clasped in front of her and a smile on her face, Red explained, "Since you completed the novice mission, the system has unlocked the energy self-circulation feature, powered by your imagination. But since your genes couldn't absorb the energy of this world, the system has forcibly altered your genetic sequence to enable energy self-circulation."

With an ample energy supply, the system constructs a visible record based on the Master's memories. Moreover, the visible record is generated randomly and is immutable. Thus, Red came into existence! From now on, Red will be by Master's side. Isn't that a pleasant surprise?"

Surprise my foot! It's more like a shock! Zhou Ming couldn't help but facepalm. This system was truly a pitfall. Can someone's genetic sequence be tampered with so casually? And this Red, he couldn't recall any such character in his memories. Wait a minute, there was a muscular guy in a video he had seen before. Taking another look at the bashful Red, oh no! It was indeed him! It was like a mental poison!

Oh heavens, do I have a chance to start over? If I could, I'd choose a girl, or even a handsome guy, just not Red! Zhou Ming was on the verge of tears.

"Master, why have you knelt down? Let me help you up."

Red approached Zhou Ming with a delicate gait, her robust frame paired with such feminine steps created a rather striking image.

Zhou Ming was alarmed and hastily exclaimed, "Don't come any closer! Stay right there, maintain some distance."

Red complied and halted a short distance away, looking at Zhou Ming with a touch of sadness.

Why do you look so upset? Shouldn't I be the one feeling aggrieved? Zhou Ming stealthily wiped away imaginary tears and said, "Could you explain how to use the system?"

"Of course, Master."

Red flashed a bright smile, showcasing her pearly whites.

"Could you possibly not call me... never mind, continue."

Zhou Ming had intended to ask her not to call him Master, but he feared Red might suddenly come over for an 'embrace of love,' so he let it be.

Red flexed the solid muscles on her arms and went on, "The system is now operating smoothly. The currently available features include the host's attribute panel, the marketplace, and the primary Dream Fulfilled."

"Master, you just need to think of these functions silently, and you'll be able to use them. For instance, Master can try thinking 'attribute panel' to view your own attributes."

Zhou Ming silently recited the words, and a silver-white window popped up before him.

Host Name: Zhou Ming

Physical Condition: Weak

Health Status: Normal

Psychokinesis Ability: Unknown

Acquired Skills: None

Dream Value: 100

Current World Energy: Primal Essence

Current World Difficulty: Level A

Is my physical condition weak? Zhou Ming sensed a hint of mockery from the system. But what does "unknown psychokinesis ability" mean?

Zhou Ming was familiar with Primal Essence; it's akin to the cosmic energy that cultivators in fantasy novels require. Since his sister is an Essence Weaver, he had some understanding of the concept.

Reading his thoughts, Red explained, "Master might not be fully aware of what psychokinesis ability entails. It refers to your ability to manifest your dreams into reality—the stronger your psychokinesis, the more potent your Dream Fulfilled becomes.

You've already witnessed the advantages of Dream Fulfilled, so I'll spare you the details. The skills section lists the abilities you've learned through the system. Naturally, you can acquire skills from external sources too, but I wouldn't advise pursuing those.

You're probably familiar with world energy, and the world difficulty indicates the challenge level for mastery. Finally, there's the dream value, which is crucial for you, Master. You'll need dream value to make purchases in the Merchant Shop, and it's also consumed during Dream Fulfilled.

You can earn dream value by completing system missions, and it will become a vital safeguard for your life in the future."

"Wait a second, you're saying that dream value is essential to my survival? So, my life could be at risk eventually?"

Zhou Ming latched onto the critical issue. He had been considering a steady job for a secure life, but the prospect of life-threatening danger was deeply troubling.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure," Red admitted with a playful giggle, covering her mouth with her broad palm.

At that moment, Zhou Ming desperately wanted to leave, but realizing his life depended on the system, he clenched his jaw and tried to view Red more favorably.

"Red, what should my next steps be?" Zhou Ming asked, managing to muster a polite smile.

"Red recommends that you visit the Merchant Shop to see if there's anything you need," Red replied with a smile.

"Got it. Can I also access these functions in the outside world?"

"Absolutely, Master. Just think it, and the interface will pop up in your mind."

"Mm, okay. So how do I exit my consciousness?"

"Your consciousness is under your control, Master. Whenever you wish to leave, you're free to do so."

"Alright, Red."


With a mere thought, Zhou Ming exited his consciousness.

"Oh dear, this unreliable Master."

Inside the consciousness, Red shook her head as her muscles vanished, and the masculine face that didn't match her gender transformed into a different visage.

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