Dream Fulfilled System/C6 Tears of Poverty Flowed down His Face
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Dream Fulfilled System/C6 Tears of Poverty Flowed down His Face
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C6 Tears of Poverty Flowed down His Face

Zhou Ming cast a few more glances at the three remaining slots. Comparing them on his attribute panel, he desperately wished he could tack on a few extra zeros to his Dream Value total.

Currently, his Dream Value was a mere 110. That was barely enough to exchange for one intermediate attack skill or an entry-level defense skill. As for acquiring a movement skill or stocking up on nostrums for healing, those were out of the question. The starting price for either of those categories was well over a thousand Dream Value, far beyond what Zhou Ming could afford.

And when it came to Mind Magic, the prices nearly knocked him out cold—none were listed below 20,000!

It was downright extortionate! Zhou Ming shed tears of poverty. This system was surely concocted by a swindler, a textbook case of consumer exploitation.

With no other choice, Zhou Ming purchased the intermediate attack skill "Exploding Fist." With a mere 10 Dream Value remaining, he refused to squander it on low-level skills. The Dream Fulfilled ability consumed Dream Value, and although it seemed like a bit of a scam, it might just turn out to be his lifesaver.

"Would you like to learn Exploding Fist now?"

After confirming the purchase, a silver-white window appeared in his mind.

Learn it? Absolutely! After spending so much Dream Value on a skill, there was no question about it. Zhou Ming didn't hesitate with his decision.

"Host has selected to learn Exploding Fist. Loading... Complete."

The silver-white window dissolved into countless specks of light, vanishing from Zhou Ming's mind.

Zhou Ming sat motionless for ten minutes before a sense of unease washed over him. Was that really it?

"System, you're not messing with me, are you? I've finished learning it, but I don't feel any different."

The host may attempt to punch.

A straightforward prompt appeared in his mind.

Punch? With a mix of skepticism and hope, Zhou Ming stood up, inhaled deeply, and launched a punch!


His arm erupted with a sound like firecrackers, as enlightenment flooded from deep within.

A punch layered with triple force, focused to a point, and released with an explosion!

He paused, then lifted his other hand and threw another punch. "Boom!" A burst of air followed, the sound of the explosion reverberating through the space.

"What a powerful Exploding Fist!"

Zhou Ming was thrilled, swinging his fists around the room with gusto.

Half an hour later, he lay on the floor, grimacing as both of his arms had gone completely numb.

"System, what's happening here?"

Zhou Ming felt duped once more; the skill's description had mentioned nothing about side effects.

"Master, allow Red to explain!"

A sweet voice chimed in, and a girl in a dark red gothic lolita outfit suddenly materialized in his mind.

"What the heck! You're Red? Where's the muscle-bound guy?"

This dainty and adorable girl was Red? He must be joking! What about the irreversible change? Zhou Ming had to admit, the muscular guy had made quite an impression.

"Oh, does Master prefer the muscular type? Red can change back if you wish."

Red licked her lips and crossed her hands over her face, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

Zhou Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly intervened, "No! Don't change, stay as you are—it's a sight for sore eyes."

"Okay then. I thought you had a thing for brawny men."

Red tapped her cheek with her index finger, looking somewhat disappointed.

"Haha, how could that be? I'm not gay... cough, I mean, I simply lack a basic sense of aesthetics."

Zhou Ming chuckled awkwardly, nearly letting slip more than he intended.

"Master, your current condition is due to poor physical fitness, not the skill. The System's products are of assured quality!"

Red patted her chest with pride.

"I see."

Zhou Ming had suspected another System glitch. Relieved to know the real cause, he quickly inquired, "So, is there a way to quickly improve my physical fitness?"

Red pondered for a moment, twirling her ponytail, then replied, "Yes."

Zhou Ming's spirits lifted, "What is it?"

"More running, more punching, more fighting—exercise is key to strengthening the body."

Red advised earnestly.

As if I didn't know that, Zhou Ming thought, his hopes dashed. Exercise was common knowledge, but what did fighting have to do with it?

As sensation began returning to his arms, Zhou Ming rolled over and pushed himself up. It was clear he needed to work on his fitness; reaching an average person's level was the least he could do.

"Take good care of yourself, Master. If you were to pass away, the system would have to find a new host, and I, Red, would vanish too."

With those words, Red turned and melted into the shadows.

Zhou Ming had a nagging feeling that Red's words held a deeper meaning. Shaking his head, he finished his shower and collapsed onto the bed, quickly falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning.


Zhou Ming emerged from his blankets, shivering. Why was it so cold? Winter was still far off.

"Brother Zhou Ming."

Lin Xiaowu was already seated at the edge of his bed, gazing at him with her chin propped on her hands.

Their eyes met, and Zhou Ming blinked, puzzled. What was happening? Was she trying to trick him?

"Lin Xiaowu?! How did you get in here?"

Startled, Zhou Ming sprang out of bed. In under thirty seconds, he was dressed and on his feet.

Lin Xiaowu twirled a lock of hair around her finger, her cheeks flushing as she whispered, "When I woke up this morning, I noticed that Brother Zhou Ming left his door open while sleeping, so I came in."

"Phew! I must have been exhausted last night and forgot to close it."

Zhou Ming blew on his hands to warm them, eyeing Lin Xiaowu, who seemed unfazed, and found it quite odd.

After a bit, Zhou Ming finally began to feel warmer. Turning to Lin Xiaowu, who was still beside him, he asked, "You haven't had breakfast yet, have you? Are you hungry?"


Lin Xiaowu intended to shake her head, but her stomach growled at the inopportune moment, making her face turn even redder.

"Haha! You might try to deny it, but your stomach clearly disagrees. I'm going to freshen up. Afterward, let's grab something to eat and pick up some daily necessities for you."

Zhou Ming walked over to Lin Xiaowu, gently patted her head, and then left to wash up.


Lin Xiaowu nodded sweetly, watching Zhou Ming's retreating figure with a warm feeling in her heart.


Zhou Ming and Lin Xiaowu stepped outside and purchased steamed buns and soy milk from a breakfast stall. They enjoyed their meal as they strolled along.

"Brother Zhou Ming, you sure can eat a lot."

Ever since Zhou Ming got the system, his appetite had been enormous. He could polish off more than ten buns in one sitting. Meanwhile, Lin Xiaowu could barely manage two before feeling full.

Taking a sip of soy milk, Zhou Ming chuckled, "I know, right? I sometimes think I must be the reincarnation of a starving ghost."

"Sorry about that. I don't have much money, so buns are all I can offer you for now. But mark my words, when I strike it rich, I'll treat you to a feast!"

Suddenly, Lin Xiaowu became silent, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Did I say something wrong? Or is it the breakfast that's not to your liking? We don't have to eat buns; let's go find something delicious to enjoy together."

Zhou Ming was always unsettled by the sight of a girl crying in front of him, unsure of how to handle the situation.

Just when Zhou Ming braced himself for an expensive change of plans, Lin Xiaowu grabbed his arm, her face radiant with a tearful smile, "I'm really content with just having buns. Brother Zhou Ming, you're truly kind-hearted."

"Well, this is embarrassing. I thought I was going to have to break the bank today."

Zhou Ming breathed a sigh of relief. It was just her being moved. Women, indeed, are wonderfully complex beings.

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