Emperor Sovereign over the Beasts/C57 Free Bodyguards
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Emperor Sovereign over the Beasts/C57 Free Bodyguards
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C57 Free Bodyguards

"Ah! Five hundred thousand Blood Spirit Gold Coins! This Lei Tian actually has so much money! Which family is he from?"

"That's the Blood Spirit Gold Card issued by True Dragon Empire. This is my first time seeing it!"

"It is said that this Blood Spirit Gold Card can only be exchanged for at least one hundred thousand Blood Spirit Gold Coins. One hundred thousand Blood Spirit Gold Coins. Even if our family's wealth is added up, we might not even have that much money!"

When they saw the Blood Spirit Gold Card in Lei Tian's hand, the expressions of these youths became more and more interesting. Some were shocked, some were envious, but most of them were still jealous.

"Alright, I'll bet! "Luo Gaang stared at Lei Tian for a long time, especially the Gold Card in Lei Tian's hand. This was five hundred thousand Blood Spirit Gold Coins!

He had been living frugally in Vast Wave Academy for a few years, but he had only saved up one hundred thousand Blood Spirit Gold Coins. I planned to buy some equipment and Medicine Pill for myself in the future, but who would have thought that this kid... He actually took out 500,000 Blood Spirit Gold Coin without changing his expression. Although he didn't know how he got this 500,000 Blood Spirit Gold Coin, Luo Gaang had no reason to reject the money that was delivered to his doorstep.

Furthermore, under his secret observation, this brat was merely a Blood Disciple of a lower rank. As long as he was selected from the top ten, he could easily crush this brat with a single hand.

A smile appeared on Luo Gaang's face, as if the golden card that contained 500,000 Blood Spirit Gold Coin was already in his hand.

"However, Mr. Luo Gaang, what if I win? Do you have anything to say?" Lei Tian said with a smile. The reason why he wanted to make this bet with Luo Gaang... He needed someone who was familiar with Canglang Academy. And this Luo Gaang was the most suitable!

"This?" At this moment, Luo Gaang was at a loss for words. Previously, he only cared about Lei Tian losing. He could have gotten the five hundred thousand gold coins, but he had never thought that Lei Tian would have a chance of winning. If Lei Tian won, what would he use to bet with him? His entire fortune was only one hundred thousand gold coins.

"Hehe, Mr. Luo Gaang, how about this? What if I win? You don't need to give me 500,000 gold coins, as long as you protect me in the academy for a year!" Lei Tian chuckled, "As you can see, I have nothing else on me except money. Look at the greedy eyes of these people, I'm really afraid of being robbed in the academy!"

"Alright, it's a deal!" When Luo Gaang heard Lei Tian's conditions, he was immediately moved. Lei Tian had lost. He had five hundred thousand gold coins in his hands, and Lei Tian had won. He had only protected him for a year in the academy. No matter how he calculated it, "Then I will ask all the students present to be witnesses. How about it?"

"Of course you can!" Looking at Luo Gaang's impatient look, Lei Tian sneered in his heart. Although it seemed like Luo Gaang didn't suffer any losses, to him, he had hired a bodyguard for free. That five hundred thousand gold coins was just a cover. How could he let Luo Gaang get it!

"What is that Mr. Luo Gaang waiting for? Quickly go and call for people. No matter who you invite, I will accept this battle!" Lei Tian said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I will go now!" With a swoosh, Luo Gaang turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Can big brother do it? He only received a sword attack from Ye Lingxuan last night. His injuries haven't healed yet. Why don't we help big brother?" Looking at Lei Tian's figure, Wang Dashan said with a sigh. After all, Big Brother was injured because of the two of them. It should be reasonable for him to help Big Brother now!

"What are you worrying about? Can big brother be the one who suffered a loss?" Lyi Shang rolled his eyes at Wang Dashan. "In my opinion, among the top 300 students, no one is Big Brother's match. I just don't know why big brother gambled with Mr. Luo Gaang. Could it be that this Mr. Luo Gaang is still useful in big brother's eyes?"

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