Eternal Divine Sovereign/C1 Lin Xi!!
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Eternal Divine Sovereign/C1 Lin Xi!!
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C1 Lin Xi!!

In the outskirts of the Celestial Enlightenment Kingdom's capital, the Ancient Vast Mountain was teeming with verdant trees, bursting with vitality. A gentle breeze meandered through the forest, causing the trees to sway softly. Birds chirped overhead, their songs punctuating the tranquility. Emerging from the woods was a figure, his once resplendent attire now ragged and soiled, his forehead glistening with sweat.

"What in the world is this place? I can't believe I ended up here. To think that I let such a magnificent High Rank Profound Beast slip away, and after such a chase, too. It's just not worth it," he lamented, wiping the sweat from his brow and catching his breath.

He was the Third Young Master of the Lin family, a well-known scion of the Celestial Enlightenment Capital, and notorious for his extravagant lifestyle.

"What a scent... What is this aroma? It's so enticing. Ah, now I remember. That High Rank Profound Beast had the same scent. Treasure, treasure..."

Lin Xi's eyes sparkled with excitement as he hastened his pace. Rounding a bend, he came upon a quaint wooden cabin. Approaching it, he pushed open the door and entered.

Following the tantalizing fragrance, Lin Xi pressed on, guided by a faint voice. Suddenly, he was greeted by a scene of ethereal beauty: a white gauze curtain enveloped in a misty haze, reminiscent of a celestial realm shrouded in clouds. Through the mist, he glimpsed a bath where Xiao Jinger's exquisite form was submerged in the water, her presence accentuated by an exotic aroma, with only her head peeking above the surface.

Her raven hair, drenched and sleek, framed her face beautifully. Her eyes, bright yet tinged with coolness, were complemented by fluttering lashes. Her nose was elegantly sculpted, and her fair skin blushed with a hint of pink. Her lips, small and cherry-like, were as tender as peony petals. She was the epitome of grace and beauty.

In that moment, Xiao Jinger delicately scooped up water in her hands, letting it cascade over her skin. The droplets glistened like pearls, dancing upon her porcelain skin before splashing into the bath, revealing an aura of serene beauty.

Behind the curtain, Lin Xi couldn't help but gulp, his throat betraying his awe.

Xiao Jinger seemed to revel in the luxurious bath, humming a tune and smiling softly, her charm otherworldly. Each expression conveyed an effortless nobility, compelling admiration for her refined elegance. As the princess of the Celestial Enlightenment Empire, Xiao Jinger was not only of distinguished lineage but also possessed an innate gift for Clear Qi Cultivation. At just eighteen, she had already attained the status of Great Purity Cultivator, truly a favored daughter of the heavens.

"Gulp!" Lin Xi's mouth was parched, and his tongue felt like sandpaper. He swallowed hard, feeling unsteady as his foot seemed to have stepped on something.

"Clang!" A sudden noise pierced the silence.

In the bath, Xiao Jinger's eyebrows shot up, and a glint of ice flashed in her eyes.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" she demanded, her voice laced with caution as she covered her chest and stepped out of the bath, moving towards where Lin Xi was hiding.

Lin Xi tensed as he heard footsteps approaching. The curtain before him was swept aside, and he found himself face-to-face with Xiao Jinger.

"Lin Xi... It's you!"

Princess Jinger was taken aback, her confusion quickly turning to fury as she lashed out with her palm.


The sound echoed sharply as Lin Xi was sent hurtling through the air.

Despite her youth, Princess Jinger was a formidable Great Purity Cultivator, her strength immense. Lin Xi, merely a practitioner of Clear Qi Level Three, was no match for her. Xiao Jinger's palm strike was something he could not possibly withstand.

"Thud!" Lin Xi's body arced through the air before crashing down ten meters away.


Blood sprayed from Lin Xi's mouth as he collapsed into a crimson pool.

"Princess, I beg your forgiveness for my tardiness!" exclaimed Princess Jinger's personal maid as she rushed into the bathhouse.

"Lin Xi, for your intrusion and insolence towards this princess, drag him out and beat him to death!" Princess Jinger commanded, her voice icy.

"At once, Princess!"

In the next instant, Lin Xi was hauled away, and the sounds of a brutal beating filled the air.

In the bathhouse, a cold smile played on Princess Jinger's lips as she stood in silent contemplation.


Lin Xi's eyes fluttered open, and he was greeted by an excruciating pain. He tried to move his hand but found he couldn't muster any strength. His body felt utterly weak as he took in the surroundings of an ornate room that seemed to belong to a bygone era.

An ancient room? What's happening? Wasn't I hit by a boulder?

He recalled shielding a little girl from a falling boulder, only to be struck himself. After that, he had passed out and remembered nothing more. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a bead floating towards him. Now, he awoke to find himself in an entirely different place.

"I've transmigrated..."

"I've been reborn..."

A wave of bitterness and a flood of emotions overwhelmed Lin Xi. Everything seemed to surpass his wildest imagination. As he pondered, memories cascaded into his consciousness like a tidal wave. He sensed an aura of death, and it took a full half-hour before tranquility returned. He discovered an influx of new memories within his mind.

Lin Xi recalled from these memories that he was practically on death's doorstep the instant Princess Jinger struck him. Later, he encountered the Empress, who mistakenly believed Lin Xi had dishonored Princess Jinger and commanded the royal guards to strike. Lin Xi took a severe beating, and upon being returned to Lin Mansion, he received another thrashing from his irate father, General Lin Sen.

The original Lin Xi was indeed dead beyond doubt. How could his frail body withstand General Lin Sen's wrathful blow? It was this very blow that facilitated Lin Xi's transmigration from Earth, allowing him to be reborn into the body of his namesake.

"Princess Jinger, your hand was too heavy. Damn... it's practically a plot."

"However, my friend, your luck is truly abysmal. Rest assured, I will certainly seek vengeance for you and clear your name!" Lin Xi vowed silently to himself.

"Cultivation! Strength!" From his newfound memories, Lin Xi gleaned a basic understanding of the Celestial Enlightenment Empire and the continent it resided in—a world that revered the mighty.

Gazing out the window, Lin Xi's eyes reflected deep contemplation. The room was silent, filled only with the sound of his breathing as he continued to watch the world outside in quietude.


"Young Master, are you awake?"

"Young Master, your father is about to come in."

The voice of the little girl, Xiner, broke the silence, snapping Lin Xi back to the present. It was then he realized his father wished to see him.

At that moment, Lin Xi's father, General Lin Sen, stood at the doorway, his face etched with complexity. He felt a sense of relief seeing his children getting along but also pondered if he had gone too far this time. Had he been too indulgent with Lin Xi?

General Lin Sen sighed internally for his son: If Lin Xi had indeed acted inappropriately towards Princess Jinger, perhaps things would have unfolded differently. Yet, seeing Lin Xi's frivolous demeanor, he feared that if his son continued this way—so thoughtless and reckless—he might bring even greater shame in the future.

In truth, Lin Sen was well aware that Lin Xi's abilities paled in comparison to Princess Jinger's. After lashing out in anger and striking Lin Xi, he immediately began to regret his actions, realizing he might have misjudged his son and been misled by the cunning princess.

Since Lin Xi regained consciousness, Lin Sen had been contemplating his son's next move. If Lin Xi had the courage, he would reclaim his honor; if not, Lin Sen could only intervene so many times before potentially causing more harm than good.

The Emperor excelled at intrigue, and his daughter had likely inherited some of that craftiness. Lin Sen was certain that without the Emperor's tacit approval, Princess Jinger would never have acted so brazenly.

With a sigh, Lin Sen reflected on his family's hardships: his father's disappearance, his eldest son's death in battle, and his wife's unknown fate after a great war. These losses had led him to indulge Lin Xi excessively, especially when he remembered how dearly Lin Xi's mother had cherished their son.

Had his father still been alive, the prospect of Lin Xi marrying into the royal family might have been worth considering. But since his father's disappearance, the Emperor's favor towards the Lin family had waned. Without a strong advocate in the Imperial Court to take on the crucial role of a border general, the Emperor might very well dismiss Lin Sen, forcing him into early retirement.

"People are soon forgotten once they're gone," Lin Sen lamented, thinking of the soldiers on the battlefield and the schemers left in the court.

General Lin Sen stepped forward and gently knocked on the door, intending to enter.

"Young Master, your father wishes to come in," Xiner, the little girl, announced at that moment.

"I'm not ready to see him yet," Lin Xi replied, still harboring resentment towards his father for the harsh punishment. He even questioned whether Lin Sen was truly his father.

"Young Master, are you certain you don't want to see him? It's the General..." Xiner attempted to reason, but Lin Xi cut her off.

"I said I don't want to see him, and that's final!" Lin Xi declared with an authoritative edge to his voice.

"This might be the first time the boy has outright refused me," General Lin Sen mused, a hint of regret in his tone. The knocking had ceased, and a sigh drifted in from outside the door. Under normal circumstances, he would have entered without hesitation, but guilt toward his son stayed his hand. He considered that Lin Xi might be suffering silently. If Lin Xi was indeed falsely accused, the truth would eventually surface. The accusation that Lin Xi had dishonored Princess Jinger seemed far-fetched to him. How could Lin Xi possibly assault Princess Jinger, whose strength far surpassed his own?

Great General Lin Sen was deeply troubled, yet he had no choice but to discipline Lin Xi harshly to safeguard his life. A royal fury could lead to dire consequences, potentially affecting the entire family lineage. Thankfully, the royal family had not pressed further after the punishment, likely out of respect for Lin Xiong, Lin Xi's grandfather. But Lin Sen knew that such leniency wouldn't last forever, especially since Lin Xiong had long since vanished.

"Lu, keep a discreet eye on him. Make sure he stays out of trouble," Lin Sen instructed the middle-aged man in gray.

"Yes, sir," the man replied, blending into the shadows of the mansion.

With a heavy heart, General Lin Sen departed from Lin Xi's room. If his son could muster the courage to overcome this disgrace, he might yet redeem himself. But if Lin Xi continued his wasteful ways, no amount of protection from his father would suffice in the long run.

Time passed, and Lin Xi, who had been waiting in silence, finally spoke to the little girl, Xiner, in the room. "Has he gone?"

Xiner gave a small bow and softly responded, "Yes."

Moments later, she entered the room. "Young Master, the Master has left," Xiner informed him in her youthful voice.

Upon hearing Xiner's report, Lin Xi's emotions swirled with complexity. Despite his usual frivolous behavior, he held deep affection for his father. His inability to express his feelings, a byproduct of his indulgent lifestyle, had caused his father much worry. But now, more than anything, Lin Xi wished to spare his father further concern.

"Father, rest assured. I, Lin Xi, will certainly transform. In the future, I will shoulder the responsibility of the Lin family. I am determined to exert myself and become a formidable presence on the Clear Profound Continent!"

A spark of resolve flashed in Lin Xi's eyes. Once he set his mind to something, he was relentless in his pursuit of success. He was no longer the frivolous Lin Xi of the past; he was the Lin Xi who had crossed over from Earth.

"Father, you will witness my transformation," Lin Xi said, his gaze resolute.

"Fortunately, my sister isn't in the Celestial Enlightenment Capital. She's gone traveling. Otherwise, given her unforgiving nature, she would have certainly stirred up trouble in the capital. That wouldn't do at all." Despite his previous indulgent lifestyle, Lin Xi was quite fond of his only sister, Lin Wenjie, often sharing his finest possessions with her.

"At last, I've awakened. Now is the time to step outside and explore." Lin Xi knew that his immediate priority was to understand this new world. He had assumed the original Lin Xi would have some knowledge of it, but his memories were cluttered with frivolities, offering no useful information. What he needed now was valuable insight.

He remembered the impressive Book Collection Hall within the General Mansion, founded by his grandfather, Lin Xiong. It housed a rich collection of books, the cream of the National Academy's offerings. He intended to pay a visit.

With a thought, Lin Xi pushed open the door and stepped out. Instantly, the dazzling sunlight enveloped him, leaving him momentarily dazed. The sun was still the same, but he was a different Lin Xi. Nevertheless, he was still Lin Xi, and he was confident that no matter where he was, he would thrive. Even in an Alien Realm, he was ready to carve out his own path.

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