Eternal Divine Sovereign/C11 Awakening!
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Eternal Divine Sovereign/C11 Awakening!
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C11 Awakening!

A long and mournful roar echoed through the Dark Void Abyss. The sound of the wind whispered and meandered in the darkness. A body floated in the water, surrounded by a faint trace of blood that tinged the clear water red. Gradually, the body drifted ashore, his hand gripping a tree branch as thick as a bowl. The body lay on the shore for a very long time. During this period, Vicious Beasts flew past, but upon seeing the bead on his body emitting a strange light, they all chose to leave, with a few exceptions.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the body twitched slightly. A movement in his throat was followed by a large mouthful of water being expelled. His eyes slowly opened.

"Could it be that I, Lin Xi, am dead? Is this the underworld? But... it doesn't look like it!" This man was none other than Lin Xi, who had fallen into the Dark Void Abyss.

Lin Xi felt something in his hand and lifted it with difficulty. Each slight movement of his arm brought intense pain. In his hand, he clutched a leaf, and nestled within it was a Chaos Bead, radiating a chaotic light.

"The Chaos Bead... you saved me!" he murmured, feeling a newfound understanding of the bead. The name 'Chaos Bead' felt familiar, as if he had always known it. "So, I'm not dead after all!" Lin Xi felt a wave of relief.

"Where... is this place?" he wondered, his eyes wide open.

Lin Xi struggled to sit up, painfully aware of his body's poor condition. He scanned his surroundings; the body of the masked man with the sword was nowhere to be found.

"It seems I've managed to survive," Lin Xi thought, wincing with pain. Each movement felt like countless knives slicing through his body. He moved slowly, his body in terrible shape.

"The Dark Void Abyss..." Lin Xi's eyes reflected his bewilderment. He knew his predicament was perilous. The appearance of even a Rank One Profound Beast could end his life. The fearsome tales of the Dark Void Abyss were well-known at the National Academy, and the dangers of entering were frequently discussed on the academy's danger list.

"I need to survive first. I'm not sure if I can make it to the edge of the Dark Void Abyss. I just hope my father and the rest are doing okay after I've gone missing..." Lin Xi murmured, struggling to rise. A piercing pain throbbed in his head, as if countless steel needles were stabbing at his soul.

"For my father, for the Lin family... I must survive!" A determined glint shone in Lin Xi's eyes as he took one step at a time, moving forward.

"Chaos Bead... please bring me luck," Lin Xi whispered, gazing at the now-dim Chaos Bead in his hand before gripping it tightly. He sensed that it might be his only hope for survival.

Surveying his surroundings, Lin Xi saw almost total darkness, with only a ghostly light providing a chilling ambiance. The Dark Void Abyss was terrifying, and the occasional mournful cries of beasts added to the bleak atmosphere.

Unsure of his exact location within the Dark Void Abyss, Lin Xi trusted his instincts that told him to keep moving forward as the only chance of finding an exit. The wind here was relentless, as if it blew from season to season without pause.

Despite his weakness and the blood still seeping from his wounds, Lin Xi pressed on, driven by hunger, thirst, and the sharp pains that racked his body and soul.

"Just hold on, there has to be a way out!" he told himself, his eyes sparkling with resolve and his spirit bolstered by sheer willpower.

A soft growl echoed from the jungle. Hidden within, a Profound Tiger eyed Lin Xi intently. It had been watching him since he first stood up, intending to hunt him silently. Unbeknownst to Lin Xi, the tiger was wounded, its fur stained with blood. It kept glancing back, sensing an impending storm. Drawn by a scent, it had not anticipated being hurt by the storm's fringe. Though it was only on the periphery, the damage was substantial. Now, its only desire was to find food and restore its strength.

Lin Xi's arrival had given him a purpose.

"What... is that?" Lin Xi sensed faint sounds that he was certain were not his imagination.

In the next moment, Lin Xi heard the sounds even more distinctly.

He considered that if it were a Profound Beast, given his severe injuries, his chances of survival were slim. Yet, he knew he couldn't afford to panic. Staying composed was the only way to find a path to survival.

Lin Xi never anticipated facing such peril. He had narrowly escaped death, only to find himself on the brink once again. He felt on the verge of breaking down, but his logic reminded him that despair was not an option. He mustn't give up, clinging to even the faintest glimmer of hope.

"The Dark Void Abyss truly lives up to its name as the Abyss of Death, rightfully earning its spot on the National Academy's Danger List," Lin Xi mused to himself.

"Let's see who gives in first!"

A glint flashed in Lin Xi's eyes as he moved forward, step by cautious step, without showing any sign of alarm.

Just then, a thunderous roar as if descending from the heavens echoed around him.

Simultaneously, Lin Xi saw a Profound Tiger emerge before him, its eyes gleaming coldly as if he were mere prey. A chilling aura emanated from the Profound Tiger, accompanied by its occasional low and rumbling growls.

"Sword Cloud Tiger!" Lin Xi's spirit shook. He hadn't expected to come face to face with such a fearsome Sword Cloud Tiger. Towering at three meters tall, the tiger made Lin Xi look like a mere chick in comparison. A pattern resembling a cloud-shaped sword adorned its forehead, and its teeth were as sharp as blades, capable of piercing a large hole with a single stab.

The Sword Cloud Tiger fixed its gaze on Lin Xi, sensing the perfect opportunity to strike. It knew that if it hesitated, the storm might arrive. It could already feel the wind stirring in the forest, a place it had inhabited all its life. It was aware of the storm center within the forest that erupted violently every few years. Such an event would spell catastrophe for nearly all the Profound Beasts, turning survival into a dire struggle. Yet, within such peril lay the chance for great fortune. Though it was uncertain what form this opportunity might take, it knew it had no chance of seizing it. For now, its focus was on capturing its prey before leaving, stocking up on food to wait out the storm before returning.

At that moment, the Sword Cloud Tiger no longer hesitated. It launched itself forward, keenly aware that a storm was brewing. Its ears, sharp and sensitive, picked up the distant rustling of leaves in the wind. The storm was approaching fast, and soon, not even the Sword Cloud Tiger would be spared from its fury.

"I refuse to perish at the jaws of the Sword Cloud Tiger!" A thought flashed through Lin Xi's mind, accompanied by a surge of inexplicable strength. It was as if a Chaos Bead had momentarily appeared in his consciousness. He felt a gust of wind behind him and, without time to ponder, focused solely on evading the Sword Cloud Tiger's onslaught.

"Drift!" Lin Xi's body seemed to become one with the wind, miraculously sidestepping the attack.

"Boom!" A thunderous crash followed as the tree Lin Xi had just vacated was shattered by the Sword Cloud Tiger, its fragments scattering in the wind.

Realizing its mouth was empty, without the taste of flesh or the scent of blood, the Sword Cloud Tiger's eyes flashed with surprise. It stared at Lin Xi, a cold glint appearing in its gaze. It was shocked that its prey had almost slipped away. After a moment's hesitation, it powerfully sprang into action, pursuing Lin Xi with renewed vigor.

Lin Xi, seeing the Sword Cloud Tiger on his tail, was momentarily taken aback. His heart raced with fear, and he marveled at his own ability to evade such a lethal strike. He had felt as if he'd just skirted the edge of death. Observing the Sword Cloud Tiger's moment of doubt, Lin Xi quickly formulated an escape plan.

Without a second thought, Lin Xi bolted in the direction from which the wind came, enduring the agony that wracked his body. Unbeknownst to him, he was heading straight into the heart of the storm, a place fraught with peril.

In the blink of an eye, man and beast were engaged in a high-speed chase through the jungle.

As Lin Xi pressed on, the wind grew fiercer, with countless leaves and debris swirling around him like a tempest stripping the trees bare. Even the trees themselves were being uprooted by the force of the gale. His progress became increasingly difficult, but retreat was not an option. Ahead lay the relentless storm, but behind him, the Sword Cloud Tiger loomed—a far deadlier threat.

"The Quiet Profound Storm, the stuff of legends, actually exists within the Dark Void Abyss!" Lin Xi marveled in disbelief. He hadn't anticipated encountering such bizarre phenomena in the Dark Void Abyss. All the tales he'd heard, every legend, turned out to be true within this abyss. He was unaware of what else might lurk in the Dark Void Abyss, but one thing he knew for certain—it was an exceedingly perilous place. His only desire was to leave as quickly as possible, not to meander aimlessly. Internally, he groaned at the thought of advancing further, as if heading straight into the eye of the storm.

Time seemed to lose meaning, and eventually, Lin Xi could run no more. He was puzzled by his own speed, feeling as though a vague energy sustained him, with a misty Chaos Bead seemingly drifting around him. He suspected that the Sword Cloud Tiger had already departed, as its voice was no longer audible.

As he slowly turned around, he wished he hadn't. The sight that greeted him sent a jolt of fear through him. A colossal Rank Three flying leopard, a raging Rank Four boar, and even a Rank Five Cloud Wing Eagle were all trailing him, seemingly drawn by his aura or perhaps by the storm ahead. Each Profound Beast was drenched in blood, and the Sword Cloud Tiger was nowhere to be found.

"Aooo!" Lin Xi pinched his thigh, confirming the reality of the situation. With a roar, his spirit shook. He could sense the overwhelming presence of the Vicious Beast aura emanating from the three Profound Beasts. If he hesitated, he would surely become prey to these formidable creatures. It was clear that the Profound Beasts were not allied, as they occasionally clashed with one another.

Without a moment to spare, Lin Xi accelerated. His eyes gleamed with determination as he faced the storm ahead and dove into its maelstrom.

"Boom!" The roaring in his head was incessant as his vision blurred. Amidst the chaos, he detected a faint scent wafting from the storm. Following the fragrance, he was struck with a profound sense of awe, his eyes widening with astonishment.

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