Eternal Divine Sovereign/C2 Clear Profound Continent!
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Eternal Divine Sovereign/C2 Clear Profound Continent!
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C2 Clear Profound Continent!

"Master, the young master has gone to the Book Collection Hall," reported a middle-aged man in gray, standing before Lin Sen.

"Lu, what are you saying? The kid went to the Book Collection Hall and not somewhere else?" Lin Sen's face registered surprise, a hint of disbelief in his heart.

"Are you certain?" Lin Sen pressed, a flicker of joy passing through him as he remembered Lin Xi's firm rejection during his last visit, a new trait for his son.

"Without a doubt," Lu confirmed with a nod. "It's definitely the Book Collection Hall, Master."

Lin Sen was taken aback. He rose and began to pace his study. Even in the heat of battle, Lin Sen was unflappable, but now he seemed unsure, furrowing his brow in thought. "Lu, what on earth could the kid be doing in the Book Collection Hall?" His face suddenly darkened. "He's not there to destroy the books, is he?"

"The young master is inside, quietly reading. There's been no disturbance. He may not wish to leave just yet, which is why I've returned," Lu said, his eyes twinkling with a suppressed smile.

"Reading!" Lin Sen exclaimed, a surge of excitement causing him to slap his thigh, though he was still without a clue.

"Yes, Master."

After a moment's reflection, Lin Sen gestured dismissively, "Let's not disturb him for now. Keep a record of all the books he's read. I'm curious to see what sort of books the boy is interested in." Lin Sen's thoughts drifted back to Lin Xi's authoritative refusal, and he felt an odd sensation: Lin Xi had changed.

"Yes, Master," Lu replied, then turned to leave.

"Could a good thrashing have changed his nature? A complete turnaround, a sudden repentance? Does he aspire to be an honorable man? If that's the case, this is an unexpected development. I, Lin Sen, might just have to offer thanks to our ancestors. Perhaps they have indeed blessed us..."

At dusk, Lin Xi finally emerged from the Book Collection Hall. Lu, the butler, went to log the books Lin Xi had perused, tallying over a dozen.

For the following five or six days, Lin Xi continued the routine, heading to the Book Collection Hall each morning and spending the entire day there. Lin Sen meticulously reviewed every book Lin Xi had read, yet he remained baffled. The breadth of his son's reading was vast and inscrutable.

In the evenings, Lin Xi would often find herself alone, gazing at the luminous moon and the vast expanse of stars above. Whether she was lost in memories or deep in thought, this time was sacred to Lin Xi—her personal sanctuary, undisturbed by others.

The moon hung like a gleaming disc, surrounded by a tapestry of stars.

Standing before the window, Lin Xi watched the colossal moon dominate the night sky, her emotions swelling like the tide, leaving her restless for quite some time.

As she looked up at the heavens, Lin Xi experienced a profound sense of wonder. Over the past few days, she had devoured book after book about this world, gradually piecing together an understanding of the Clear Profound Continent. And with each new discovery, her grasp of this place deepened.

"Clear Profound Continent!" she mused.

From her readings, Lin Xi had come to know that this world she had journeyed to was the Clear Profound Continent, where Clear Qi reigned supreme.

The proliferation of Clear Qi had given rise to innumerable methods of Clear Qi Cultivation. As with all things, these methods varied in strength.

Clear Qi Cultivation was categorized into levels, ten in total. The journey began with the first wisp of Clear Qi entering one's body. Only after mastering the tenth level could one be called a Purity Cultivator. Beyond that lay the realms of Great Purity, Jade Purity, Spirit Purity, Ancestral Purity, and the exalted Saint Purity, each with its early, middle, and late stages.

The Holy Purity was particularly enigmatic, akin to sainthood. On the Clear Profound Continent, such beings were the stuff of legend, their appearances rare and fleeting.

Rumors spoke of even higher levels of cultivation beyond Holy Purity, but these remained unverified, shrouded in mystery and beyond comprehension.

The Clear Qi Continent was vast, home to countless wonders and inhabited by a myriad of tribes. Within its borders, one could find strange and wondrous places, as well as high-level Profound Beasts of remarkable intelligence dwelling in ancient forests and enigmatic valleys. The continent was also home to bizarre and unique races.

Amidst this sprawling expanse, legends of the Clear Profound Continent were as numerous as the stars in the sky.

In essence, this continent was a realm of wonders and the birthplace of miracles!

Lin Xi's mind was filled with snippets of information about this world that he had gleaned from the books in the Lin family's Book Collection Hall. Piece by piece, he was forming a rough understanding of this place.

"The ancient Huaxia nation!" Lin Xi murmured to himself. He had learned from the Lin family's library that he had been transported to a dynasty reminiscent of ancient China, akin to the Tang Dynasty, yet it was not the actual Tang Dynasty. Instead, it was a dynasty within the Alien Realm, bearing a striking resemblance to ancient China.

Lin Xi was aware that he resided in the Celestial Enlightment Empire, bordered by the North Desert Empire and the Tangyan Empire. These three empires were situated on the Clear Profound Continent, representing only a fraction of its vastness.

The three mighty empires formed a tripartite balance of power, each one checking and balancing the others, maintaining a delicate equilibrium.

"This isn't the true ancient Huaxia nation; it's merely similar!" Lin Xi felt a pang of regret. If it were the ancient Huaxia, he could have leveraged his historical knowledge to foresee the future and thrive within it, but that was not the case here.

"Cultivation... Strength..." Lin Xi reflected with a sense of longing. Strength was of paramount importance, no matter where one found oneself. Whether it pertained to a nation or the path of cultivation, strength was indispensable.

In his previous life, he had been an exceedingly ordinary individual, with little connection to wealth, power, or the pursuit of greatness. Yet, upon arriving at the Clear Profound Continent, Lin Xi was astonished to discover that, thanks to his experiences across two lifetimes, his mental strength was significantly greater than that of the average person.

It was well-known that on the Clear Qi Continent, mental strength was an innate attribute with a multitude of applications.

The Clear Profound Continent was a land where Clear Qi Cultivation was practiced. If one's level of cultivation was sufficiently advanced and their practice robust, then their strength could be enhanced. Only through such means could one survive and take control of their destiny.

"Clear Qi...!!" A bitter taste filled Lin Xi's mouth. He lamented not being versed in Inner Strength cultivation, which he might have understood to some extent. As for Clear Qi, he was clueless. He only knew that his current body was that of a practitioner who hadn't even reached Clear Qi Level Three. Far from being a Purity Cultivator, he was nowhere near mastering Clear Qi Cultivation.

"Level Three... It's just too weak." Lin Xi was well aware that a cultivator at Clear Qi Level Three was practically powerless in the Clear Profound Continent. It wasn't just there—within the Celestial Enlightment Empire, he was equally impotent. Any Purity Cultivator could easily snuff him out, and in the Celestial Enlightment Empire Capital, Purity Cultivators were a dime a dozen.

"A miracle... If only a miracle would occur." Lin Xi mused to himself, overcome with a sense of longing. He rummaged through his memories, seeking a way to swiftly enhance his cultivation: the answer was a spiritual medicine.

If he could consume such a medicine, Lin Xi considered, boosting his cultivation by decades wouldn't be out of reach, despite his quiet veins. Perhaps the medicine would even bring about a transformation.

Spiritual medicine? But where to find it?

Suddenly, Lin Xi slapped his forehead, struck by a recollection—the Academy Examination was approaching.

"Maybe, I can find some clues in the Book Collection Hall," Lin Xi pondered. "I must delve into the academy's resources."

"Perhaps, it's also time to get a grasp on the state of affairs at Lin Mansion."

Lost in his thoughts, Lin Xi gazed out the window.

Meanwhile, at the General Mansion, Great General Lin Sen was in his study, his brow furrowed with concern.

"The Academy Examination at the National Academy is coming up. In the past, with my presence, that boy could bluff his way through. But now, after the incident with the princess, passing will be more challenging," Lin Sen worried, one of the reasons he had returned to the capital.

"I just hope that boy can spend more time at the academy. He's certainly better off there than as a typical wastrel."

With a heavy sigh, Lin Sen struggled to find sleep, his paternal love evident.

The next morning, well after sunrise, Lin Xi wandered the grounds of Lin Mansion. As he meandered, he noticed the servants' greetings—"Good morning, Young Master"—lacked genuine warmth.

"It seems that the Third Young Master's reputation wasn't exactly stellar," Lin Xi observed, sensing the distinct treatment from those around him. Outside the walls of Lin Mansion, he anticipated the differences would be even more pronounced.

"No wonder Princess Jinger has resorted to scheming against you. It seems you've managed to intimidate her," Lin Xi mused, harboring little fondness for his former self.

"Bro, rest assured, I'll seek vengeance on your behalf. But at the same time, you're going to change," Lin Xi seemed to be speaking to his past self as much as to himself.

Lin Xi spent an entire day wandering the Lin Mansion, yet he hadn't managed to see it all. He continued his exploration the next day, and it wasn't until the third day that he fully grasped the scope of the entire estate.

As it turned out, the Lin Mansion was not much different from a typical General Mansion. The only real difference lay in its inhabitants; most were veterans who, despite never having seen battle, had undergone military training.

On the third day after completing his tour of the Lin Mansion, Lin Xi received news that concerned both him and his father.

"The Academy Examination at the National Academy?" Lin Xi's initial reaction to the news from Xiner was one of surprise, but inwardly, he felt a twinge of anxiety. In the past, he would have ignored such matters, confident that his father would handle them. But this year was different. In light of the incident with Princess Jinger, passing the Academy Examination would be a challenge.

"I understand," Lin Xi said, regaining his composure. He gestured for little girl Xiner to leave.

"The National Academy, I shall attend!"

"The National Academy, a marvel among institutions!"

"The National Academy's Book Collection Hall boasts an extensive library, acclaimed as the repository of the world's literature. There's scarcely a book that the National Academy doesn't possess. Perhaps I'll find the information on the spiritual medicine I'm seeking," Lin Xi pondered quietly.

Following this, he delved into his memories of the National Academy and, drawing on the books he had perused in the Book Collection Hall of the Lin Mansion days earlier, he formed a preliminary understanding of the esteemed academy.

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