Eternal Divine Sovereign/C22 Rumor!
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Eternal Divine Sovereign/C22 Rumor!
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C22 Rumor!

"Old father, you've worked so hard!" Lin Xi said slowly, his voice choked with emotion, his eyes glistening with moisture.

"Lu Hao, how is my father doing now?" Lin Xi took a deep breath, steadying himself before his eyes sparked with intensity.

"Your father is currently at Lin Mansion. Aside from his nominal duties, he's alright. However, he's still deeply concerned. There are often outbursts of anger echoing through the mansion. His rage hasn't subsided. If it weren't for the sake of the Lin family, he would surely have offended all the nobility in the capital by now."

Lu Hao struggled to maintain his composure, yet his legs shook involuntarily. Hearing about Great General Lin Sen's uproar in the capital for the first time had left him profoundly shaken. He was struck by the depth of General Lin Sen's love for Lin Xi.

"Your father... he's doing this for you."

Lu Hao gazed at Lin Xi, sensing the profound love Great General Lin Sen held for him—a deep, paternal love.

"Old father..." Lin Xi felt a surge of warmth. He was enveloped by a profound sense of fatherly love, sensing that his father would do anything for him.

"As long as I, Lin Xi, am alive, I will come home to see you!" Tears welled up in Lin Xi's eyes as he fully embraced Great General Lin Sen as his father.

"Young Master Lin, it's time you went back to see your father. Your old father might truly lose his mind otherwise," Lu Hao said, his face etched with deep concern.

"I must return to the capital immediately, to Lin Mansion. I cannot let my old father endure this torment." Lin Xi's eyes shone with determination. He felt a strong fatherly love and cherished his old father deeply. If he didn't return to Lin Mansion to reassure his father of his well-being, his old father might lose his sanity and commit acts of sheer terror. Such actions could lead them straight into the enemy's schemes.

What was even more frightening was that Lin Xi was still unaware of who was orchestrating the plot against him and the entire Lin family, perhaps even aiming to seize control of the entire Celestial Enlightenment Empire.

The enemy was hidden, while he was exposed. Lin Xi dared not contemplate the enormity of the conspiracy. Only by pursuing the truth with all his might could there be a chance to unravel it.

"The most crucial task at hand is to stabilize the Lin Mansion. The most direct and effective way to do that is to return and see my old father, to let him know I'm still alive," Lin Xi mused to himself.

"You should hurry. If it hadn't been for the Profound Examination at the academy, I would've informed you about the significant happenings in the capital much earlier. Still, it's not too late," Lu Hao said, giving Lin Xi a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Young Master Lin, you're blessed with a good father. He would do anything for you!" Lu Hao's voice trembled with emotion, his eyes glistening with tears.

"If my father were here..."

Lin Xi embraced Lu Hao, speaking gently, "Lu Hao, you too have a good father. He loves you just as much."

"Lin Xi..." Overwhelmed by emotion, Young Master Lu broke down in tears, clinging to Lin Xi.

"From now on, remember to treat your father well, alright, Lu Hao?" Lin Xi held Lu Hao close. Despite Lu Hao's reputation as a playboy, Lin Xi knew he was fundamentally decent. With a heart capable of love, he could indeed become a person full of affection.

"Yes... Yes... I will from now on," Lu Hao promised, his mind flooded with memories of his father's actions, realizing that despite his strictness, his father's love was abundant. It was something he had previously overlooked but now, reflecting upon it, he understood he had been unaware all along.

"Listen, Lu Hao," Lin Xi spoke with a calm resolve, "we must be vigilant for the conspiracies that lie ahead. We cannot afford to be passive. When you return to the capital, tap into your grandfather's resources to conduct your own investigation. I'm eager to uncover who is orchestrating such a formidable plot."

Lin Xi rose to his feet and glanced out the window just as a gentle breeze stirred, sending a cascade of leaves to the ground.

"I am determined to unravel this conspiracy and expose the mastermind behind it," he declared, a fleeting glint of determination in his eyes.

"Lu Hao, be extra cautious at the academy. There's no telling who might target you," Lin Xi warned with a serious tone.

"Don't worry, Young Master Lin. I'll be on high alert. This time, they won't get away with it. Rest assured, Lin Xi, my family has assigned a master to protect me in secret," Lu Hao said, drying his tears.

"That's settled then. I'll head back to the capital first. See you at the Theory Examination in three days!" Lin Xi made his way to the dormitory door, a sense of urgency propelling him. He knew he needed to get back to the capital, to the Lin Mansion, as quickly as possible. Every minute he delayed, he felt, put his old father at greater risk.

"Take care, Young Master Lin," Lu Hao said slowly.

"And one more thing..."

"What is it?" Lin Xi paused, hand on the door, noticing the reluctance in Lu Hao's eyes.

"Just... be careful," Lu Hao added after a moment's thought.

"I will!" Lin Xi assured him, pushing the door open.

"I hope you'll be safe... Young Master Lin, you're like a brother to me," Lu Hao silently wished him well as Lin Xi departed.

As Lin Xi walked through the academy's corridors, he sensed a change in the way his fellow students looked at him. Gone were the dismissive glances that once pegged him as a mere playboy. Now, their eyes held a mix of curiosity and respect.

Lin Xi paid them no mind. His thoughts were consumed with the Lin Mansion and the mysterious adversary orchestrating a formidable conspiracy from the shadows.

He strolled through the academy with the same composure he'd maintained even when rumors had swirled about his supposed indiscretion with Princess Jinger. Yet, his heart was heavy with different concerns.

"Look, there's Lin Xi, son of Great General Lin Sen. Did you see him? Rumor has it he plunged into the Dark Void Abyss and miraculously survived. Not only that, but he also emerged with a Great Opportunity, and it's said his character has vastly improved after receiving guidance from a sage!" A student, who appeared to be of noble birth, pointed out Lin Xi, his eyes alight with awe and a touch of envy.

"A brush with death often brings great fortune, and it couldn't be truer for Lin Xi..."

"The Dark Void Abyss doesn't seem so terrifying now... I might just venture down there myself someday. Who knows, maybe I'll find an even greater fortune than he did!" a royal student mused aloud.

"Don't you have a death wish? That's a notorious spot on the Academy's list of perilous places. It's better to steer clear of there. That place is... lethal!" another person quickly cautioned.

As Lin Xi walked along, he overheard various rumors. He noticed the academy students looking at him with curiosity, yet none dared to come closer.

Lin Xi paid them no mind. Among the crowd, he spotted Zhao Yuelun. Zhao hadn't seen him yet but had already sidestepped, apparently anxious about running into him.

What puzzled Lin Xi the most was that no one mentioned the accusation of him harassing Princess Jinger.

Unbeknownst to Lin Xi, since his performance in the Profound Examination at the academy, where he demonstrated the strength of a Great Purity Cultivator, he had become the talk of the campus. A multitude of rumors had spread, the most widespread being that he had been set up and plunged into the Dark Void Abyss.

According to the rumors, Lin Xi faced death numerous times in the abyss but miraculously survived. He supposedly found a mystical cave where a dying saint bestowed upon him a profound technique, transferring all of his power to Lin Xi. After overcoming numerous challenges, Lin Xi emerged from the Dark Void Abyss.

Another tale told of Lin Xi accidentally consuming a heavenly treasure after his fall, which transformed his entire being. His cultivation became effortless, and with the unique conditions within the Dark Void Abyss, his progress was rapid and easy, allowing him to reach the level of a Great Purity Cultivator with ease. His various adventures were said to have significantly accelerated his cultivation, positioning him as the academy's next prodigy.

There was yet another, less widespread rumor.

Legend has it that after Lin Xi fell into the Dark Void Abyss, he was rescued by a Profound Beast dwelling within. The beast, sensing something extraordinary about Lin Xi, cast him into a treasure trove of the abyss. It was believed that Lin Xi would perish there, but he possessed an even more formidable and mysterious artifact. This allowed Lin Xi to miraculously come back to life, gain great fortune, and eventually return to the academy.

Lin Xi was blissfully unaware of the swirling rumors. Had he known, it would have surely caused him such fury that he might have suffered internal injuries. It's astonishing what people will fabricate; indeed, the world is full of wonders. It's no surprise that rumors come to an end with the wise.

As Lin Xi made his way, his pace appeared leisurely, yet he moved swiftly. With three days remaining before the Profound Examination, he was eager to return to the capital, to Lin Mansion, where his beloved old father resided. He was well aware of his father's constant thoughts of him, and his own yearning was just as strong.

"Old father, all is well with me. I hope you can sense that," Lin Xi murmured, his eyes brimming with an unusual emotion.

In the time it took for an incense stick to burn halfway, Lin Xi reached the academy's gates. There, he encountered a person he would never forget.

"Princess Jinger... What brings you here instead of awaiting me within? The academy has its own guards," Lin Xi remarked coolly, his face devoid of emotion.

"Lin Xi, haha... I never imagined you'd be so different from the Lin Xi of the past. I'm quite curious about what transpired in the Dark Void Abyss, what could have transformed a once worthless young master so completely," Princess Jinger said, her gaze on Lin Xi complex, tinged with curiosity and a barely perceptible envy.

"Forgive me, but I cannot disclose that to you," Lin Xi replied, maintaining an impassive facade despite the revulsion stirring within him. He perceived Princess Jinger as a venomous and treacherous woman, a single misstep away from disaster.

"No matter. One day, I'll uncover the truth," Princess Jinger said with a faint smile. Her smile might have been captivating enough to enchant an entire city, but to Lin Xi, it was repulsive. He wished to keep his distance from her, remaining silent and observant.

"Did you come all this way just to say this?" Lin Xi inquired, sensing a palpable tension in the air.

"Ah, I almost forgot my message. Tell your father to keep quiet. Otherwise, it won't just be a few attics in Lin Mansion that suffer," Princess Jinger hinted, leaving her threat hanging. She was confident Lin Xi grasped her implication.

"So it is now. I, Lin Xi, will remember this. If there's nothing else, please excuse me, as I cannot stay with you any longer!" Lin Xi didn't spare Princess Jinger a glance as he made his way out of the academy.

Princess Jinger watched Lin Xi's retreating figure. Though her face remained composed, fury raged within her. She silently scoffed, "Enjoy your moment, Lin Xi. I refuse to believe your old father can handle what's to come. I'm certain I'm not the only one in the Celestial Enlightment Empire who wants the Lin family gone."

Lin Xi was unaware of Princess Jinger's exact thoughts, but he was conscious of her constant schemes against him. This made him increasingly cautious around her.

"One day, I will make you regret the humiliation you've inflicted upon me!" Lin Xi's resolve shone in his eyes as he traversed the outskirts of the Celestial Enlightment Empire Capital, making his way toward the heart of the city.

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