Eternal Divine Sovereign/C3 National Academy!
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Eternal Divine Sovereign/C3 National Academy!
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C3 National Academy!

The National Academy, perched atop the Ancient Vast Mountain on the Clear Profound Continent, was nearly legendary. Rumors swirled of a phoenix that once graced the mountain, protecting the hallowed grounds, yet few had ever truly witnessed this mythical creature—it remained the stuff of legends.

The Ancient Vast Mountain towered majestically, as if it sought to pierce the heavens. Enshrouded in swirling clouds and mist, it presented a vision of overlapping peaks and a formidable presence, accentuated by ancient pines and massive boulders. The ever-shifting veil of mist lent the mountain both a serene beauty and an air of enigma. Conveniently, it was situated not far from the capital of the Celestial Enlightment Empire, just on the outskirts.

Each year, a multitude of ambitious youth from the Celestial Enlightment Empire would go to great lengths to gain admission to the National Academy. While entry might be straightforward, remaining until graduation was a challenge of a different order.

The National Academy conducted two rigorous exams annually: the Mid-Year Academy Examination and the Year-End Academy Examination. Each consisted of two components: the Profound Examination, which tested the students' mastery of the Clear Qi realm, and the Theory Examination, which covered the humanities such as music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Both exams were formidable hurdles for the students.

Lin Xi was well aware that his opportunity to attend the prestigious National Academy was a privilege granted by his grandfather's legacy within the institution.

"The Theory Examination seems more manageable, but the Profound Examination will be quite the challenge," Lin Xi mused. Having crossed over from Earth, he was confident in his ability to handle the cultural aspects, thanks to Earth's five thousand years of accumulated knowledge. However, the Profound Examination was another story. His memories informed him that the Third Young Master, whom he now embodied, had been lackadaisical about his cultivation and possessed only average talent, barely reaching Clear Qi Level Three.

"Young Master!" Xiner's voice, sweet and bell-like, called from outside his room.

"What is it, Xiner?" Lin Xi inquired.

"The Master requests your presence in his study," Xiner replied with her characteristic clarity.

"I refuse!" Lin Xi responded flatly.

"Young Master, the Master insists. If you do not comply, you will be denied sleep, especially past dawn, and he has threatened a severe reprimand," Xiner conveyed, mimicking Lin Sen's stern tone, though her youthful voice carried a different flavor to Lin Xi's ears.

Lin Xi was well aware that this time his father, Great General Lin Sen, truly intended to see him. He knew that if he didn't show up, he might actually end up with a beating. Sleeping until the sun was high in the sky was one of Lin Xi's peculiar habits. If he couldn't indulge in this luxury, he would be quite distressed.

The thought of a past thrashing left Lin Xi with a sense of trepidation. It seemed he had no choice but to meet with his father, especially since he had a good idea of the reason behind the summons.

"I understand. I'm on my way!" Lin Xi called out. He straightened his attire and left his room.

Navigating through the flower-lined paths, past a mansion, a pond, and along a road flanked by rows of flowering trees, it took Lin Xi about fifteen minutes to reach Great General Lin Sen's residence. He realized just how vast the Lin Mansion was, spanning nearly a hundred acres in the capital city—second only to the Imperial Palace in size.

Great General Lin Sen was seated in his study, a man in his forties with an imposing demeanor, yet his face betrayed a sense of resignation. Watching Lin Xi enter with a lackluster air nearly drove him to leap up and deliver a thrashing.

In his youth, Great General Lin Sen had been a formidable general under his father, Lin Xiong, striking fear into the hearts of enemy nations with his exceptional military and scholarly prowess, not to mention being one of the few Spirit Purity experts in the Celestial Enlightment Empire. His only flaw was his impetuous nature, which sometimes led to fits of rage.

Great General Lin Sen couldn't fathom how, with his family's esteemed lineage and strict upbringing, he could have fathered such a profligate son. This young man was neither scholarly nor martially inclined; he would rather tear up a book than read it, and he fled from cultivation faster than anything else. While other children were excelling in literature or advancing in Clear Qi Cultivation, some already at level six or above, his own son, despite years at the National Academy, was still languishing at a pitiful level three...

Great General Lin Sen let out a sigh.

"Do you know about the Academy Examination?" Great General Lin Sen asked, setting aside his sentimentality.

"Hmm?" Lin Xi raised his head, responding with a hint of nonchalance.

"Hmm what?" Great General Lin Sen slammed his hand on the table, his eyes wide with anger as he glared at Lin Xi's indolent demeanor.

"You good-for-nothing! You don't give a damn about the Academy Examination. If it weren't for my constant care, you wouldn't have lasted a day in the academy. And now, you've caused a scandal by allegedly trying to take liberties with Princess Jinger. You've brought shame upon the Lin family. Do you have any ambition at all?"

Lin Xi suddenly realized that his father had brought him here to discuss the Academy Examination. He felt a surge of paternal love and decided that, unlike previous times when his father had intervened, he would handle the situation himself to give his father a break.

"I can take care of the Academy Examination myself. You don't need to step in this time," Lin Xi declared, lifting his head with conviction.

Great General Lin Sen was taken aback. Since when had his son become so assertive?

Lin Xi paused before adding, "And another thing, I would never act inappropriately towards Princess Jinger, and I never will."

Lin Xi's voice grew louder, his expression one of someone wrongfully accused. And indeed, he had been.

"What did you say? You're innocent? Repeat that!" Great General Lin Sen's hand was raised in fury.

"I did not act inappropriately towards Jinger," Lin Xi maintained, meeting Great General Lin Sen's intimidating gaze. "I did not do anything to Princess Jinger."

"I did not act inappropriately towards Jinger," he repeated for emphasis, "It's important to say it three times."

Eventually, Great General Lin Sen's hand lowered, and he looked into Lin Xi's clear, unwavering eyes. A realization struck him; his son seemed different. He knew his son well and, despite his outward anger, a part of him felt relieved. Perhaps he had indeed misunderstood Lin Xi.

"Lu, stand guard outside the study. Make sure no one gets close," Great General Lin Sen commanded Lu, who was concealed in the shadows.

In the dimly lit study, a shadow seemed to flicker momentarily.

"Are you saying you didn't dishonor Princess Jinger?" Great General Lin Sen's voice boomed, magnified several times over. A battle-hardened warrior, his voice thundered, causing the room to tremble. The books on the desk vibrated, but he had no fear of being overheard. Outside the study, Lu, whose power was just slightly less than his, had shrouded the area in Clear Qi, concealing their presence. His eyes sparkled with intensity as he fixed his gaze on Lin Xi, eager to gauge his son's response.

Lin Xi's heart lurched, and he was taken aback. It was as if his father had seen right through him. Yet, there was no fear, only a sense of calm. He recognized the look of hope and belief in his father's eyes. Lin Xi felt that perhaps it was time to reveal the plot against Princess Jinger, to alleviate his father's concerns. After all, there are some things a father and son shouldn't keep from each other.

"Yes, Father," Lin Xi replied with composure.

"Tell me everything. I've suspected there was more to this affair. I need you to tell me the truth."

"Xi, you've changed. You've become brave. You no longer cower in my presence like a mouse before a cat," Great General Lin Sen thought to himself.

Lin Xi caught his father's affectionate look and felt an overwhelming sense of love. It was a profound paternal love that warmed his heart and brought a tear to his eye.

"Speak up, and don't dawdle like a damsel," Great General Lin Sen said, his voice thick with emotion, betraying his own urge to weep. He finally understood the extent of Lin Xi's suffering.

"Father, I'll tell you everything..." Lin Xi recounted in detail the entire scheme Princess Jinger had orchestrated.

"Xi'er..." Tears streamed down Great General Lin Sen's cheeks. He hadn't realized the depth of Lin Xi's distress, a burden as vast as the sky and as deep as the ocean.

"I've misjudged you... You've been wronged!" Even as a man accustomed to the battlefield, Great General Lin Sen was overcome with emotion. He gripped Lin Xi's shoulders tightly, causing pain, but Lin Xi didn't utter a sound. He knew this was the embrace of fatherly love.

"Father, I'm fine," Lin Xi declared, a deep longing for her mother welling up inside her. She realized that this sentiment was a remnant of the original Lin Xi's attachment. Silently, she vowed, "Rest assured, now that I inhabit your body, your father is my father. I will honor him with the utmost filial respect."

Back on Earth, Lin Xi had known the bonds of family, but upon arriving in the Alien Realm, her yearning for kinship, friendship, and love intensified. Sensing Great General Lin Sen's profound paternal love and merging with the original Lin Xi's memories, she called him 'father' without a moment's hesitation.

"What a cunning Princess Jinger, so young yet so adept at deceit and manipulation. She is indeed her father, the Emperor's, offspring!" Great General Lin Sen was seething with indignation, his disappointment extending from Princess Jinger to the Emperor himself.

"Father, Lin family blood courses through my veins. Even if I cannot make significant strides on the warrior's path, I will still be a man who stands with integrity and pride! Moreover, my current lack of strength has led to being ensnared by that woman's plot, bringing shame upon our family. But there will come a day when I will personally erase the disgrace the Lin family has endured and show the world that the Lin family is not to be trifled with, and I, Lin Xi, am far from worthless!"

"Good!" A thunderous roar erupted from the study, shaking the very walls. Lu, who had been fortifying the study with his power, nearly catapulted out, but he managed to regain control just in time.

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