Eternal Divine Sovereign/C8 The Dark Abyss
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Eternal Divine Sovereign/C8 The Dark Abyss
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C8 The Dark Abyss

"If the plan succeeds, that would be ideal! But what if it fails?" the man in blue asked. He was confident that Lin Xi wouldn't escape the trap this time, especially since Liu Linxiang had personally orchestrated it. And with Lu Hao working from the sidelines, it would be quite the spectacle if Lin Xi, with his indulgent nature, managed to slip away.

Once Lin Xi is caught in the trap, Liu Linxiang's secret schemes will ensure there's no escape for him. Even if the Lin family doesn't align with any prince, they will be severely weakened by their disappointing son and pose no significant threat.

"If Lin Xi somehow manages to escape, then he's not the Lin Xi we know," Liu Linxiang remarked coolly, as if discussing a trivial matter.

"Lin Xi will vanish in the back mountains. There will be no surprises," Liu Linxiang declared.

"Let's hope so," the man in blue replied.

"Linxiang, be cautious in your covert actions. Don't give anyone leverage against you," the man in blue advised, his affection for Liu Linxiang evident.

"Elder, rest assured. I will proceed with the utmost caution," Liu Linxiang responded, bowing respectfully to the man in blue.

"Very good," the man in blue said, his expression suddenly shifting. "Someone's coming!"

"Linxiang, take care of yourself!" With that, the man in blue swiftly exited through the window, vanishing into the ether.

"Lin Xi, you can't escape my grasp," Liu Linxiang muttered to himself, a fleeting glint of coldness in his eyes, after the man in blue had departed.

"Senior Brother Linxiang, it's time for our class. Shall we go?" came a knock at Liu Linxiang's dormitory door.

"Junior Brother Liu Qing, just a moment. I'll be right there," Liu Linxiang called out, straightening his attire before stepping out with a cheerful demeanor. He and a young man made their way toward the academy's loft.

Meanwhile, Lin Xi, led by Lu Hao, had reached the back mountains of the academy.

Surveying the vast expanse, Lin Xi saw the dense, ancient forest, unchanged from his memories. The underbrush was thick, human presence scarce, and intermittent, eerie animal cries sent shivers down one's spine. Mysterious mists occasionally wafted from the woods, adding to the area's enigmatic aura. Only the haphazardly constructed houses scattered throughout the mountains suggested that others had once traversed this land.

This area was seldom managed, making it a haven for troublemakers, yet it was also fraught with danger, a place where people could vanish without a trace. As he surveyed this eerie locale, an unsettling feeling gnawed at his heart.

He stole a glance at Lu Hao, who seemed fixated on moving forward, his mind set on finding his Purple Ripple Lion, oblivious to the potential perils that surrounded them.

Lu Hao and Lin Xi ventured further from the dormitory, putting considerable distance between themselves and the safety of their quarters.

"The target is near. Initiate the plan!" In the secluded forest, a black-clad swordsman commanded his three companions. This swordsman was a Jade Purity expert dispatched by Liu Linxiang. Among them, one held a bound Purple Ripple Lion Cub. Had Lu Hao been present, he would have instantly recognized his missing cub.

"Yes!" One of the men squeezed the cub, eliciting a pained yelp from the creature.

"The sound isn't loud enough!" the swordsman instructed coldly, channeling his Clear Qi to deliver a forceful palm strike to the cub.

The Purple Ripple Lion Cub howled in agony, its cries echoing throughout the forest. It was at a loss as to why this man, with whom it had no quarrel, was treating it with such brutality.

The cub seethed inwardly, vowing revenge once it reached maturity. It longed for its master, Lu Hao, who, despite his voracious appetite and occasional food rivalry, had never left it to go hungry.

"Third Young Master, listen! That's the Purple Ripple Lion Cub's cry! It's coming from over there!" Lu Hao's voice trembled with excitement. "Lin Xi, you're truly my good luck charm. Ever since you arrived, I'm on the verge of finding my cub."

Overcome with excitement, Lu Hao dashed toward the forest, completely missing the worried expression etched on Lin Xi's face.

Lin Xi noticed that Lu Hao was heading toward the most perilous part of the forest behind the mountain. A gray fog wafted from the trees, carrying with it a foul, acrid odor. Yet, upon hearing the cry of the Purple Ripple Lion Cub, Lu Hao could only focus on the sound, completely disregarding the danger.

"Lu Hao... Young Master Lu, it's dangerous! Don't run off into the forest," Lin Xi warned. He realized that the area behind the mountain was truly desolate. At this moment, it was even more deserted. If they ventured into the forest and vanished, no one would notice. Moreover, the forest was home to vicious Profound Beasts harboring animosity toward humans. Their chances of survival would be slim if they proceeded.

Despite the warning, Lu Hao seemed not to hear and continued to dash into the forest.

Lin Xi watched as Lu Hao's figure grew more distant, knowing that soon he would be out of sight. At that moment, Lin Xi's eyes gleamed with determination.

"What a pigheaded move, truly like a fat pig without a brain!" Lin Xi exclaimed in frustration. But Lu Hao was his close friend, and Lin Xi couldn't leave him to face danger alone. With a burst of speed, Lin Xi followed in pursuit, confident that his wisdom could unravel any plot they might encounter.

Within moments, Lin Xi had caught up to Lu Hao.

"Third Young Master, look ahead! There's a young Profound Beast that resembles a Purple Ripple Lion Cub," Lu Hao pointed out, panting heavily from his brief sprint, his hefty frame causing the ground to tremble beneath him.

Lin Xi followed Lu Hao's gesture and indeed spotted a Purple Ripple Lion Cub. "Are you certain that's your Purple Ripple Lion Cub?" Lin Xi pressed, his sense of foreboding growing. The situation seemed too convenient, and he noticed that every time they neared the cub, it would dart off, seemingly luring them in a specific direction. Lin Xi also observed the cub's pained expression, suggesting a deep reluctance.

"Absolutely. I remember the purple fur of the Purple Ripple Lion Cub very clearly. There's no mistake," Lu Hao said, gasping for breath.

"Little lion, don't run away. Come back to your big brother Hao. Big brother Hao will give you a treat."

At that moment, the Purple Ripple Lion Cub picked up speed, its expression growing more pained. Lin Xi and Lu Hao quickened their pace as well.

Before they knew it, Lin Xi realized they had ventured deep into the forest. The surroundings grew darker, and the further they went, the less light penetrated the dense canopy.

"This is bad. It's a conspiracy, a trap," Lin Xi thought with a sense of dread. He was convinced that this was a ploy to lure him and Lu Hao deeper into the forest for some nefarious purpose.

"Stop!" Lin Xi grabbed Lu Hao.

"Third Young Master, what's the matter? Why are we stopping? If we don't keep up, the Purple Ripple Lion Cub will vanish into the forest," Lu Hao said, his face etched with confusion.

"Never mind the Purple Ripple Lion Cub for now. Haven't you noticed? We're almost at the heart of the forest!" Lin Xi gestured to the eerie woods around them, where a sinister greenish-yellow fog swirled ominously.

"Oh no, Third Young Master, this place is terrifying. Please, no! Mom, mommy, you love me the most! I can't stay in this place!" Lu Hao came to a halt, taking in the horrifying surroundings, and began to cry. He had been so intent on pursuing the Purple Ripple Lion Cub that he'd neglected to observe their environment.

"A man's tears are not easily shed. With the way you're acting, even if you cried a river, no one would come to your rescue. We can only rely on ourselves now," Lin Xi said, looking at Lu Hao with a mix of frustration and determination. He also firmly believed that Lu Hao's loss of the Purple Ripple Lion Cub was not deliberate but the work of someone else.

"Who is plotting against me?" Lin Xi's heart chilled. He resolved that whoever was responsible would not get away with it. He would fight back tooth and nail.

"Third Young Master, it seems we're lost in the forest. I have no desire to fall into the Dark Abyss, a place that devours people whole. It's incredibly dangerous. If you can save me, you'll be like a parent to me!" Lu Hao's crying ceased, yet his voice still quivered with emotion. He was all too familiar with the terrifying tales of the Dark Abyss, which made the list of paranormal events every year.

"Let's first figure out who's targeting us. Don't be scared, just watch me." Lin Xi then bellowed into the forest, "What kind of demon dares to deceive and play tricks here? Show yourself!" His voice reverberated through the trees.

"Hmph, typical of a spoiled brat. We're not here to play tricks; we're here to end your life!"

Four shadowy figures emerged from the forest.

"You're certainly full of yourselves," Lin Xi retorted, a glint of cold determination in his eyes. His presence intensified as if the Chaos Bead within his Purple Mansion Sea Consciousness stirred.

Suddenly, a mysterious aura enveloped Lin Xi, only to vanish as quickly as it appeared.

"Who are you to lay a hand on me? Have you considered the repercussions of killing us?" Lin Xi demanded, his anger palpable as he scrutinized the four strangers before him.

"And who might you be? As if we don't know," the masked swordsman taunted. "Two wastrels, experts in indulgence. One from the Lin family, the other the sole heir to the Minister of Works of the Celestial Enlightment Empire. Do you really think you're unknown to us? Killing you would be ridding the people of a nuisance. What consequences could there possibly be?"

The swordsman paused, his sneer chilling. "You haven't wronged me, but you, Lin Xi, should never have dishonored Princess Jinger. We're here to exact her vengeance."

"Such noble revenge. If you're so brave, come at me and let Lu Hao go. He has nothing to do with this!" A flicker of icy resolve passed through Lin Xi's eyes. He realized that these masked men knew them well, indicating they had come with a purpose. It was likely a long-standing plot, not a mere mugging. The mention of "Princess Jinger" made Lin Xi's heart skip a beat. He sensed that today's events were far from straightforward, possibly part of a larger, intricate conspiracy that was too complex to unravel at once.

"Third Young Master, you truly are my brother. Don't worry, Third Young Master, I won't go it alone. If we go, we'll go together. If we live, we'll live together. And if we die, we'll die side by side." Lu Hao was moved to tears, feeling the genuine brotherhood from Lin Xi.

"Lu Hao, believe me, we're not going to die!" Lin Xi was deeply moved as well. He hadn't expected to find such a brother, proving that adversity reveals true friendship. With such a steadfast companion, Lin Xi felt completely content, truly regarding Lu Hao as his brother.

"Third Young Master, I trust you!" Lu Hao nodded emphatically, his trust in Lin Xi inexplicable yet unwavering. If Lin Xi believed they would survive, then Lu Hao believed it too, regardless of what anyone else thought.

"Lin Xi, Young Master, we've come just for you!" The sword-wielding man in black glared at Lin Xi, his sword pointed mockingly. "Killing you would surely be a spectacle, especially to see your old father, Lin Sen, lose his mind. The Celestial Enlightment Empire Capital is in for quite a show. It's been too long since there's been any real excitement there. I can't wait to see how your old father will turn the capital upside down. The scene will be magnificent, and the entire capital will be stunned, no less than by your scandal with Princess Jinger."

Then, turning to Lu Hao, the man in black continued with a sinister gleam in his eye, "As for Young Master Lu, he adds a bit of amusement to the mix. With all that fat on him, boiling it down would yield a whole pot of oil. We'll sell it in the capital, and with just a bit of refinement, I'm sure no one will guess it came from Young Master Lu himself."

With that, the man in black and his companions burst into raucous laughter, while Lu Hao just rambled on in response.

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