Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C13 The Winner Vs the Loser
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Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C13 The Winner Vs the Loser
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C13 The Winner Vs the Loser

"Liu, 17 million is no small sum. Without some miraculous windfall, he'd never be able to pay it off in his lifetime. Let's just drop it, for Little Lei's sake. It's better to be forgiving when we can," Elder Mo suggested with a chuckle.

"Mr. Liu, your generosity is boundless. Since I've had the privilege of seeing the Calligraphy Sage's authentic work today, allow me to host a table at the Celestial Eternity Great Hotel as an apology to Guo Yong," Lei Tai offered eagerly.

"Whoa, Old Lei, you're stepping on my toes here. Celestial Eternity is my family's place. How could I possibly let you pick up the tab? Tell you what, I'll take care of it. It's not every day one acquires a piece like Wang Xizhi's Lanting Composition. I'm thrilled, and I insist on hosting the meal," Lee Wei interjected with a grin.

"Young Master Lee, let's not quibble over this. Guo Yong is part of my team, after all. I'm here to extend a sincere apology to Mr. Liu on his behalf. Please, let me handle this," Lei Tai implored.

"Fine, you host it," Lee Wei conceded.

With Lei Tai having made his position clear, Lee Wei held back any further objections.

At that point, Elder Lin stepped in to advocate for Guo Yong, "Liu, Guo Yong may be a bit narrow-minded, but he's not a bad soul. He's eager to learn, too. Why not give him a pass this time, especially considering I've managed to find that hidden character for you? I'm sure he'll take this lesson to heart and make a change."

Given their stature in the collecting community, it was perfectly fitting for Elder Lin and Elder Mo to address Liu Gaang informally.

"Alright, since Elder Mo, Elder Lin, and Boss Lei have all spoken up for Guo Yong, I'll let the matter slide. Yet, a mistake must come with a lesson to ensure it's remembered. Let's have Guo Yong host a feast at the Celestial Eternity Great Hotel," Liu Gaang decided. With everyone interceding on Guo Yong's behalf, he didn't press for the bet to be honored.

Moreover, Guo Yong couldn't possibly come up with 17 million yuan!

Celestial Eternity Great Hotel is a household name in Pingnan City. As the largest five-star hotel in the area, you can only imagine the cost of dining there. Just setting up a table for a few guests, with drinks included, could easily run into the hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Lei Tai knew Liu Gaang intended to give Guo Yong a hard lesson and didn't add much to the conversation. Instead, he sharply reprimanded Guo Yong, "Did you catch that? Don't waste any time thanking Mr. Liu for his generosity in sparing you this time."

Guo Yong, hearing this, quickly offered his apologies, "Thank you, Mr. Liu, for your great kindness. I am truly grateful."

Liu Gaang couldn't be bothered with a minor figure like Guo Yong, and the group soon departed from the Purple Cloud Pavilion.

Guo Yong trailed behind, feeling the sting in his heart.

This incident would likely incinerate his savings of three years.

After exiting the Purple Cloud Pavilion, the party split into two. Elder Lin, Lei Tai, and Guo Yong climbed into a BMW, while Liu Gaang, Elder Mo, and Lee Wei settled into the opulent comfort of a Volkswagen Phaeton.

Lee Wei took the wheel, Liu Gaang claimed the front passenger seat, and Elder Mo relaxed alone in the back.

No sooner had they settled in than Elder Mo's phone erupted with a ring.

Elder Mo fished out his phone, saw his granddaughter's name, and swiftly answered.

"Grandpa, where are you?" came the sweet voice as soon as he picked up.

"Xiaoyu, what's up? Aren't you working today?" Elder Mo inquired with affection.

"No, I'm off today. Where are you, Grandpa? I've just picked up a piece of porcelain on Antique Street and would love for you to take a look," she said.

"My dear, you're sounding more like a connoisseur every day. I'm headed to Celestial Eternity; someone's hosting a meal. Why don't you join us?" suggested Elder Mo.

"Sure, I'll be right there," Mo Xiaoyu replied before ending the call.

Elder Mo wondered which generous soul was footing the bill this time.

After disconnecting, Elder Mo chuckled to himself, slightly embarrassed, "That girl, always rushing about, seems to have tossed all sense of etiquette to the wind..."

"Elder Mo, Xiaoyu is refreshingly candid. But when did she start taking an interest in collecting?" Lee Wei inquired, well aware of Elder Mo's family affairs, as Elder Mo and Lee Wei's grandfather were long-time friends.

"Ah, she's not really into collecting," Elder Mo sighed, shaking his head. "She just got wind of Liu's lucky find on Antique Street yesterday and now she's got it in her head to try her luck."

Twenty minutes later, at the Celestial Eternity Hotel.

Liu Gaang and Lee Wei flanked Elder Mo as they descended, just as a stunningly attractive woman came sprinting towards them.

Her milky white, form-fitting T-shirt showcased her sculpted arms, while her chest was subtly accentuated by its design. The skinny jeans highlighted her long, slender legs, and her delicate waist added to her allure.

Any normal man would find it hard to ignore such a captivating presence.

"Grandpa, you've made it! I've been waiting for over ten minutes!" she exclaimed, latching onto Elder Mo's arm with a playful shake.

"You rascal," Elder Mo said affectionately, patting his granddaughter's forehead.

Lee Wei chuckled and called out, "Hey, Ms. Xiaoyu, how come you didn't greet your Mr. Lee?"

At that, Mo Xiaoyu shifted her attention to Wang Jun, and with a moment of surprise, she teased, "Mr. Lee, it's you! Grandpa mentioned someone was hosting a meal at Celestial Eternity. Is that you? Are you seeking Grandpa's expertise again? Bought another fake, have you? You're quite the extravagant one, aren't you?"

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