Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C19 Royal Family Number One
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Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C19 Royal Family Number One
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C19 Royal Family Number One

As soon as the call connected, Xu Wei's voice came through, "Hello, Mr. Liu. Have you arrived yet?"

Liu Gaang responded with a hint of detachment, "Manager Zhang, here's the situation: I'm currently in the bank lobby, and there's an issue that needs your attention. Additionally, the one million may not suffice—I need to withdraw more."

"How much more would you like to withdraw, Mr. Liu?" Xu Wei inquired, sensing that something was amiss.

"Everything. Withdraw as much as there is," Liu Gaang stated.

"Mr. Liu, please hold on. I'm coming down immediately. There must be some misunderstanding," Xu Wei hurriedly assured him, now certain that trouble had brewed in the lobby. If not resolved properly, a valuable client could be lost, and the bank president would certainly not overlook his failure.

Sister Wu and the security guard's complexions soured. In the entire bank, Xu Wei was the only one referred to as Manager Xu, and here was someone casually mentioning withdrawing more than a million. It was clear the account held substantially more.

Sister Wu was somewhat less concerned, having connections with the department head. She figured she might face a reprimand at worst, not termination. The security guard, however, turned ashen. This incident could very well cost him his job. After all, three-legged toads are a rarity, but two-legged security guards are a dime a dozen.

The sound of rapid footsteps approached. Liu Gaang glanced back and saw a middle-aged man approaching, likely Xu Wei himself.

"Hello, are you Mr. Liu?" Xu Wei approached briskly, greeting Liu Gaang with respect and extending his right hand.

Liu Gaang coolly extended his own hand and replied, "You must be Manager Xu. I'm Liu Gaang."

"Mr. Liu, what seems to be the issue?" Xu Wei asked, his voice laced with anxiety.

Liu Gaang snorted and retorted, "What's the issue? Perhaps that's a question for your staff."

Xu Wei felt a chill run through him as he turned a stern gaze toward Sister Wu and the security guard. After learning the details, his expression darkened further.

"Alright, from this moment, you two are no longer employees here. Pack your things and get out," Xu Yong stated icily.

The guard's legs buckled, nearly sending him to his knees.

"Manager Xu, I..." he began, only to be cut off by Xu Wei: "Enough talk, just leave."

With a face pale as clay, the guard left in a crestfallen manner.

"And leave the security uniform..." Xu Wei called out just as the man turned to go.

Once the guard was gone, Sister Wu tentatively spoke up, "Manager Xu, about me..."

"You as well, pack your things and head home."

"Manager Xu..."

"There's nothing more to discuss."

"Hmph, Xu, you might be the manager of the big customer department, but you don't have the authority to fire me. I'm going to see Director Niu," Sister Wu declared defiantly.

"Do as you please. I'll be reporting this incident to the bank president myself," Xu Wei responded dismissively, before courteously ushering Liu Gaang into the VIP room.


Exiting the VIP room, Xu Wei personally summoned someone to assist Liu Gaang with his parcels, escorting him out of the bank.

Liu Gaang placed the money in the trunk and drove off.

"Take care, Mr. Liu," Xu Wei said, standing amidst a plume of black smoke, satisfied the issue was resolved.

Twenty minutes later, at the First People’s Hospital of Pingnan City, Liu Gaang arrived to find Lee Wei's high-end Volkswagen Phaeton. Lee Wei stood by the car, flanked by two imposing bodyguards.

They were clearly skilled.

Liu Gaang, no stranger to a scuffle, could tell that Lee Wei's bodyguards were no ordinary men. They were twin brothers, veterans of the Snow Leopard Special Forces from Huaxia's northwest military district. They had joined the Lee family as Lee Wei's personal bodyguards after retiring, thanks to some assistance from Lee Wei's father.

The elder brother was known as Daniu, and the younger as Erniu.

In the black market, where cash transactions were the norm, attracting attention was inevitable. Though there had been no incidents before, no one could guarantee it would always be so. The presence of these two bodyguards ensured absolute safety.

Lee Wei had unwavering confidence in his two bodyguards' abilities.

Liu Gaang stepped out of the car and approached.

With a brief exchange of greetings, Lee Wei instructed his bodyguards to join Liu Gaang in his vehicle. He and Liu Gaang also climbed in, and soon after, Mo Xiaoyu emerged. Lee Wei then drove off toward the black market.

The bodyguards followed in Liu Gaang's Land Rover Aurora, trailing behind them.

"Royal Family Number One," the most opulent nightclub in Pingnan City, was also its most notorious den of extravagance. In under twenty minutes, Liu Gaang's party had arrived.

Mo Xiaoyu was flanked by Liu Gaang and Lee Wei as they walked, with bodyguards Daniu and Erniu bringing up the rear, each carrying a hefty parcel.

As the five of them strode past the nightclub's entrance, rows of seductively dressed hostesses bowed and warmly welcomed them, "Welcome to Royal Family Number One."

Without pausing, the group made a beeline for the elevators.

Once Liu Gaang's group had passed, the hostesses at the door began to whisper among themselves.

"What's happening today? We've seen nine groups with large packages already."

"I'm not sure, but they all headed straight for the elevators. Rumor has it a wealthy individual has reserved the entire top floor."

"Who could that be? They must be loaded to make such a grand gesture!" mused one hostess, daydreaming about the allure of attaching herself to such wealth.

The staff at "Royal Family Number One" knew all too well the cost of luxury here; booking the entire top floor was no trivial expense.

Upon reaching the sixth floor, Liu Gaang and his entourage were greeted by several imposing men.

"Good evening, gentlemen. This area is reserved. We kindly ask that you find entertainment elsewhere."

These men were tasked by the hosts to ensure the privacy of the event, to prevent any mix-ups with uninvited guests. Despite the two bodyguards carrying conspicuously different-sized packages, it was clear they were expected attendees.

Nevertheless, for the sake of security, they had to confirm their invitation.

"Dong invited us," Lee Wei said with a smile.

"Oh, you're Dong's guests? Please, come this way." The muscular men stepped aside, clearing a path upon hearing Dong's name.

Liu Gaang and Lee Wei escorted Mo Xiaoyu inside, with Daniu and Erniu carrying the packages behind them.

"Young Master, those guys we just saw are no ordinary folks," Daniu murmured to Lee Wei.

Lee Wei's brow furrowed. He had brought Liu Gaang and Mo Xiaoyu to experience the black market, and it was crucial that nothing went wrong.

"Is there an issue?" Lee Wei asked, his tone grave.

"Those men are likely from the Wild Wolf unit."

"Wild Wolf? I didn't realize the organizers were connected to them. This is news to me. It seems the organizers have quite the impressive background!" Lee Wei mused.

In China's military, each of the seven major districts boasts a special forces unit. Daniu and Erniu belonged to the Snow Leopard of the Northwest Military District, while Wild Wolf was part of the Northeast Military District.

Typically, these elite soldiers wouldn't be reassigned unless they were requested by influential families, who could then secure some of these experts as personal bodyguards.

Coincidentally, Lee Wei's father had strong ties with the commander of the Northwest Military District.

Meanwhile, others by the elevator watched the entrance thoughtfully.

Snow Leopard, Iron Blood, Fierce Tiger – it was surprising to see such a convergence of power at a black market event!

As Liu Gaang's group entered the main hall, a young man approached them warmly, "Young Master Lee, welcome! Please, come inside."

Lee Wei responded with a smile, "Ah Dong, I hope it's okay that I brought a couple of friends without giving you a heads up?"

"Not at all, not at all. Young Master Lee, bringing friends is never a problem," Dong assured them.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Dong left, and Liu Gaang's group settled at an empty table.

Daniu and Erniu headed off to pick out some food. They had skipped lunch and now was the perfect opportunity to grab a bite before the black market activities began.

The spread prepared by the organizers was lavish, featuring an array of gourmet foods and fine drinks.

Twenty minutes had passed, and Liu Gaang's party was now satiated. Meanwhile, the black market dealings had officially commenced.

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