Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C20 An Unexpected Gain
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Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C20 An Unexpected Gain
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C20 An Unexpected Gain

Good afternoon, esteemed guests. First and foremost, on behalf of the organizers, I'd like to express our gratitude for you taking time out of your busy schedules to join us today. As in previous gatherings, our main event is the auctioning of antiques. With the auction now underway, I extend my heartfelt thanks for your continued support.

No sooner had the host finished speaking than a square table was brought forth, something concealed beneath a red cloth resting atop it.

"We shall commence with our first lot, a Buddha statue from the Ming Dynasty, starting at 500,000 yuan with increments of no less than 50,000 yuan. You will have ten minutes to examine the statue," the host announced.

Upon seeing the Buddha statue, Lee Wei's eyes gleamed with excitement. It was a remarkable piece, in pristine condition with its gilding intact. If authentic, it would be incredibly valuable.

One should always be cautious with black market items, as their origins are often murky. Real or fake, the decision rests on your own discernment, hence the ten minutes provided for appraisal.

Nevertheless, the majority of black market items tend to be genuine; otherwise, the market would not attract repeat patrons.

"Mr. Liu, what's your take on this piece?" inquired Lee Wei, his confidence wavering.

"Mr. Lee, why does this piece start at only 500,000 yuan? In a formal auction house, it would easily command a starting bid of over two million yuan," Liu Gaang responded, countering with a question of his own.

"Well, most items here can't be traced back to their origins, which is why they don't make it to auction houses and end up on the black market instead," Lee Wei explained.

With that, Liu Gaang grasped the situation fully. An item's worth is diminished if it's not eligible for auction house sales.

"Brother, what do you think? Is this piece authentic?" Lee Wei pressed, eager for an answer.

Liu Gaang remained silent, intently examining the bronze statue. He discreetly extended a tendril of green mist from his wrist to probe the statue.

Perfectly positioned in the front row, Liu Gaang was at the ideal distance for his discreet investigation.

"A Golden Ming Dynasty King Bronze Statue from the Great Ming Yongle Times, produced by the imperial kiln, featuring exquisite craftsmanship and a complete gilding. Assessment: Extremely high collectible value," the familiar voice rang out once more.

"Mr. Lee, Ms. Zhang, let's go take a closer look," Liu Gaang suggested, feigning casualness even though he had already reached a conclusion. It would be quite startling to announce the appraisal result without physically examining the piece first.

Liu Gaang was keen to avoid a repeat of yesterday's incident during the jade appraisal.

Once they finished examining the piece, Liu Gaang and his companions returned to their seats.

"So, what do you think, brother? Is it a go?" Lee Wei asked eagerly.

Mo Xiaoyu watched Liu Gaang with hopeful eyes.

"It's a yes. From the Great Ming Yongle era, with intact gilding—a truly exceptional find," Liu Gaang confirmed.

Bolstered by Liu Gaang's affirmation, Lee Wei resolved to secure this gem for himself.

"Alright, the ten minutes are up. I trust that all of you esteemed bidders have come to a decision regarding this Buddha statue from the Great Ming Yongle era. The opening bid is five hundred thousand, with a minimum raise of fifty thousand each time. Let the auction begin..." announced the auctioneer, hammer at the ready.

"Five hundred and fifty thousand," came the first bid as soon as the auctioneer's voice faded.

"Six hundred thousand."

"Six hundred and fifty thousand."

"Seven hundred and eighty thousand."

"Eight hundred thousand..."

"One million..."

"Two million." It was at this point that Lee Wei, unruffled, raised his hand and bid a cool two million, effectively silencing the competition.

A bid of two million was competitive even by external auction house standards, especially given the uncertainty many felt due to the statue's exceptional preservation.

"Alright, we have two million from this gentleman. Do we have any other bids?" the auctioneer called out, his excitement palpable.

"Two million going once."

"Two million going twice."

"Two million sold!" he declared, bringing down his hammer with finality.

With the transaction complete, the next item was presented—a renowned painting by Wu Changshang from the Republic of China era, titled 'Song Shi', starting at three hundred thousand with increments of no less than twenty thousand.

Lee Wei wasn't particularly interested in Wu Changshang's artwork; his family already owned numerous pieces from the artist's prime. But Mo Xiaoyu's curiosity was piqued, and the trio moved in for a closer look.

The appraisal results for Liu Gaang's piece came back swiftly: it was an authentic Wu Changshu, and not just any work, but one from the pinnacle of his career, making it highly valuable.

As the auction commenced, the bidding war kicked off with fervor, with the price inching ever closer to the 800,000 yuan mark.

"One million," chimed in a voice, sweet and crisp as a warbler, cutting through the tension.

Liu Gaang's eyes searched for the source of the melodic voice, reasoning that someone with such a delightful tone must be quite remarkable.

And there she was, a stunning woman in a pale blue dress, likely in her late twenties, her face adorned with a gentle smile and charming dimples that graced her cheeks whenever she spoke.

She was the epitome of a glamorous older sister figure.

By her side stood a young, dashing man.

Liu Gaang couldn't help but stare. This woman's beauty rivaled that of Mo Xiaoyu, and upon closer inspection, she might even surpass her. Her complexion was porcelain, her figure sculpted to perfection, embodying the golden ratio.

Her ample bust and curvaceous hips were particularly alluring, captivating everyone's attention to the point where the bidding ceased. Ultimately, Wu Changshu's masterpiece was acquired for one million yuan without further contest.

"Xiaoyu, is that really you?" the beauty exclaimed, her face lighting up with happiness upon spotting Mo Xiaoyu.

"Ms. Weiwei! What brings you to Pingnan? And without even a heads-up? Plus, what's with the black market visit?" Mo Xiaoyu greeted her with equal excitement.

Liu Gaang was taken aback, realizing the two beauties were acquainted.

His gaze shifted back to the handsome man beside the beauty, feeling a twinge of envy. He had always prided himself on being Pingnan's most handsome man, but standing next to this fellow, he felt a notch below.

"I just got here today," Du Weiwei explained. "I was planning to visit Uncle and Grandpa Zhang, but my cousin mentioned this black market, so I thought I'd check it out. I never expected to come across a Wu Changshu painting, especially from his prime. Grandpa adores Old Wu's work, so I decided to buy it for him."

Listening in, Liu Gaang breathed a sigh of relief. It was just his cousin, nothing more. He had been worried over nothing, fearing it was one of those trendy older woman-younger man relationships.

"Ms. Weiwei, allow me to introduce you to Lee Wei, the heir to Pingnan Lee's Group. I recall Grandpa mentioning your family's interest in expanding your business to the mainland. As you grow your presence here, you'll inevitably be working with Lee's Group," Mo Xiaoyu said, gesturing toward Lee Wei.

"Mr. Lee, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Du Weiwei of the Du family from Hong Kong. The reputation of Lee's Group precedes you," Du Weiwei said, her smile unwavering.

As she spoke, she offered her delicate hand.

Even Lee Wei, a seasoned player among socialites, was taken by Du Weiwei's enchanting smile, and Liu Gaang was no exception.

But as the heir to Lee's Group, Lee Wei quickly composed himself, lightly shaking her hand. "Miss Du, it's an honor. The Du's Group in Hong Kong is well-known to me. In fact, I've purchased quite a few pieces from your jewelry store."

"Ms. Weiwei, this is Liu Gaang, a master of finding undervalued treasures. He recently snagged a deal worth nineteen million yuan in just two days. Grandpa has been singing his praises—he's a true connoisseur in the realms of antiques and stone gambling," Mo Xiaoyu continued, introducing Liu Gaang.

"Mr. Liu, a pleasure to meet you," Du Weiwei said, extending her hand once more. Someone commended by Elder Mo himself must have exceptional discernment. With antiques and stone gambling sharing a similar nature, relying heavily on one's eye for quality, an expert like him would be invaluable to Du's Group's expansion into the mainland.

"Delighted to meet you, Miss Du!" Liu Gaang, unable to contain his excitement, held onto Du Weiwei's hand a moment too long. Thankfully, Lee Wei gave him a timely nudge, sparing him from an awkward misunderstanding.

How mortifying that would have been.

As the auction proceeded, Mo Xiaoyu finished the introductions, and the next lot was presented.

It was an ancient bronze sword, speckled with rust and about ninety centimeters long. Verdigris clung to its surface, and the hilt was eroded. Outside of this setting, it would likely be dismissed as scrap and discarded.

However, the more dilapidated an item appeared, the more likely it could be a hidden gem. Yet, the extent of corrosion was severe, with a thick patina of rust covering it. No matter how valuable, such deterioration would significantly diminish its worth.

Liu Gaang felt an inexplicable pull towards the long sword, as if something within beckoned him. He rose to his feet, summoning Lee Wei and the others to join him. Approaching the sword, the sensation intensified for Liu Gaang. He could distinctly sense the activity within the green mist of the mark on his wrist, which churned incessantly.

Taking control of the green mist in the wrist mark, Liu Gaang began to probe. In a mere moment, the mist and the essence within the sword were drawn together like opposing poles of a magnet, the mist eagerly burrowing into the blade.

"The bronze sword, named Xuanyuan, ranks foremost among the Huaxia Ten Great Swords, known as the Holy Dao Sword. According to legend, it was forged by the gods from the copper of the primal mountain for the emperor. One side of the blade is etched with the sun, moon, and stars, while the other bears the imprint of mountains, rivers, and vegetation. The hilt is inscribed with the arts of agriculture and husbandry on one side, and strategies for uniting the four seas on the other—a sword of divine stature..." The familiar voice resonated once more, and with it, Liu Gaang's understanding of the bronze sword's inner secrets deepened.

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