Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C22 Stone Gambling Festival
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Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C22 Stone Gambling Festival
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C22 Stone Gambling Festival

Impatient to see who it was, Liu Gaang turned around and sure enough, there stood a figure he knew all too well.


Their eyes locked, and both were momentarily frozen in place.

It was truly her, Zhang Yaxin. Liu Gaang's mind reeled as if struck by a thunderclap!

The person he never expected to see again had materialized before him. His inner turmoil was beyond words.

"It's really you..." The other's voice quivered as they spoke.

For a brief instant, a scene from seven years prior played out in their minds like a vivid film.

Back then, Liu Gaang was a senior in high school, and the class study commissary was none other than the stunning Zhang Yaxin. Liu Gaang, aware he was nothing more than a rich playboy, knew a goddess like her wouldn't spare him a glance, so he refrained from the usual flirtations and harassment.

But life took a turn straight out of a soap opera. One morning on his way to school, Liu Gaang encountered a few thugs bothering Zhang Yaxin and courageously intervened.

The story was clichéd, but his heroics landed him in the hospital for over three months.

During his hospital stay, Zhang Yaxin was there constantly, except when she had classes. Naturally, by the time he was discharged, they had become a couple.

Liu Gaang was the envy of every guy, who wished they could have been in his shoes.

Sadly, the bliss was short-lived. Come college entrance exams, Liu Gaang barely made it into a mediocre university, while Zhang Yaxin, with her excellent grades, was admitted to the prestigious Cambridge University in England.

Seven years had passed, and Liu Gaang had not anticipated crossing paths with Zhang Yaxin ever again.



After a brief calm, they both spoke simultaneously, voices tinged with emotion.

"Go ahead, you first."

"No, you first."

They echoed each other once more.

Liu Gaang scratched his head, the picture of awkwardness, nothing like the seasoned veteran of romance he was supposed to be.

"When did you get back?" he finally managed to ask.

"I've only been back less than a week. I'm teaching at No.1 High School now and planning to settle down here for good," Zhang Yaxin responded.

As they were chatting, the school day came to an end. From a distance, Liu Gaang spotted his sister Liu Yun, bouncing happily as she left the building.

"Big bro, what made you decide to pick me up from school today?" Liu Yun approached with a grin. Upon seeing Zhang Yaxin, she froze. "You're here, Ms. Yaxin! When did you get back?"

"I've only been back a few days. It's amazing how time flies; Yun's already in high school," Zhang Yaxin remarked nostalgically. She had been a constant presence during Liu Gaang's hospital stay, becoming well-acquainted with his family.

"I'm in my senior year now, college entrance exams are next year," Liu Yun said cheerfully. "Ms. Yaxin, how long are you staying this time? Will you be leaving again?"

"I'm not leaving; I plan to settle down here," Zhang Yaxin answered.

"That's wonderful! Ms. Yaxin, do you have plans tonight? You should come over for dinner. My parents would be thrilled to see you."

"Um, maybe another time? I've got some things to take care of today." Zhang Yaxin really wanted to accept, but she was still unsettled from seeing Liu Gaang again and needed time to adjust, so she politely declined.

"Okay," Liu Yun responded, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Noticing her mood, Zhang Yaxin gave a reassuring smile and gently touched Liu Yun's forehead. "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I really am busy today, but I'll definitely come over soon."

"For real?"

"I promise," Zhang Yaxin assured her, raising her right hand. This brought a bright smile to Liu Yun's face.

They chatted a bit more before Zhang Yaxin and Liu Gaang exchanged farewells, and she headed back into the school.


On their way home, Liu Gaang was visibly downcast, and Liu Yun, sensing her brother's mood, unusually remained silent the entire journey.

Upon arriving home, Liu Gaang's spirits hadn't lifted. He managed a weak smile to greet his parents before retreating to his room.

"Yun, what's gotten into your brother today?" Liu's mother inquired, concerned by her son's unusual demeanor.

"Mom, we ran into Ms. Yaxin today."

Liu's mother fell silent, choosing not to continue the conversation.

Liu's father also remained quiet, his expression a mix of regret and hope.

The night slipped away, sleepless.

Early the next morning, as Liu Gaang was groggily waking up, his phone rang—it was Lee Wei on the other end.

"Mr. Lee, what's up?" Liu Gaang asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Get yourself to the Purple Cloud Pavilion, now," Lee Wei urged, his voice tinged with excitement.

"What's the rush?"

"Just come, and you'll find out."

"Okay, I'm on my way."

Liu Gaang quickly agreed and hung up. Twenty minutes later, he pulled up to the Purple Cloud Pavilion. Stepping out of the car, he made his way inside and immediately spotted Lee Wei, along with Elder Mo and his granddaughter, Mo Xiaoyu.

"Mr. Lee, what's so important that you had to drag me out here this early?" Liu Gaang inquired.

Lee Wei gave a secretive smile and said, "I'm taking you somewhere special today, but remember, don't do anything rash."

"What's all the secrecy about?"

"Today, several jadeite ore merchants from Pingnan City have reserved the entire Yao Mountain Resort for a jadeite exhibition. It's an exclusive event for Pingnan's wealthiest—entry is limited to those with at least tens of millions to their name. Some are coming for the raw jadeite, others to network, and then there are the jewelry merchants looking to stock up on jade," Lee Wei explained with a measured tone.

"That's quite the undertaking!" Liu Gaang exclaimed, impressed. He glanced at Lee Wei and added, "Mr. Lee, raw jadeite is basically Stone Gambling, right?"

As he spoke, Liu Gaang's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. He had spent the last couple of days poring over antique knowledge, including raw jadeite. To date, no technology could see through raw jadeite, which is why it's also known as Stone Gambling—akin to a roll of the dice.

A single cut could mean heaven or hell—the very essence of Stone Gambling.

Despite the high stakes and frequent losses, for someone like Liu Gaang with supernatural abilities, it wasn't a gamble but a fast track to making money.

"You're catching on, kid! Yes, raw jadeite is all about Stone Gambling. Just last year, I blew through over twenty million yuan. It's a thrilling ride, I'll tell you that. I've seen people turn into millionaires overnight, and just as many who've lost it all with one bad cut," Lee Wei reminisced, the thrill of the gamble still alive in his voice.

"Alright, kid, you've got deep pockets, so you can afford to play around, but Liu isn't as well-off as you. A little fun is fine, but don't get serious about gambling. The jade stone gambling scene is treacherous. Over the years, I've seen too many people ruin themselves over it," Elder Mo said with a hint of gravity.

"Elder Mo, aren't you our ace in the hole? With your expertise, you'd put even the top jewelry companies' stone gambling consultants to shame," Lee Wei said with a grin.

"What's a stone gambling consultant?" Liu Gaang inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"A stone gambling consultant is an expert hired by jewelry companies to extract maximum value from raw jadeite. They deeply understand the ins and outs of the industry and can assess whether a piece of raw jadeite contains quality jade based on its external characteristics. The best consultants have a success rate of over fifty percent," Lee Wei elaborated.

With that explanation, Liu Gaang grasped the concept. They left the Purple Cloud Pavilion and piled into Lee Wei's Volkswagen Phaeton. Mo Xiaoyu, ever the daredevil, commandeered the driver's seat and floored it, turning a two-hour drive into a high-speed dash that took less than an hour.

Elder Mo and Lee Wei were unfazed by Mo Xiaoyu's driving prowess, lounging comfortably in the back seat. Liu Gaang, however, was a different story. Clambering out of the front passenger seat, he was visibly pale and disoriented.

"You okay?" Mo Xiaoyu asked, a touch of concern in her voice.

"I'm fine. I was part of a street racing crew back in the day," Liu Gaang replied, trying to regain his composure.

He couldn't afford to look weak in front of a woman; that was Liu Gaang's rule.

Though Liu Gaang claimed to be a former racer, his experience was nothing more than amateur hour, nothing like the thrill ride he'd just endured.

"I've always been passionate about racing and even went pro for a while. But my family deemed it too risky, so I had to switch careers. That's how I ended up as a hospital orderly," Mo Xiaoyu shared, seemingly reading Liu Gaang's mind.

Liu Gaang was taken aback. He never would have guessed that beneath the gentle facade of this nurse was a formidable force to be reckoned with, in addition to her fiery temperament.

A professional racer, huh? You don't say!

Lee Wei caught the exchange and sidled up to Elder Mo, whispering conspiratorially, "Elder Mo, do you think Xiaoyu and Liu Gaang might be hitting it off?"

Elder Mo was momentarily taken aback by Lee Wei's remark. He had never questioned his beloved granddaughter's beauty—she was undeniably stunning. But her personality, well, that was another story...

Despite her noble upbringing, she lacked the demure grace expected of a lady from a distinguished family, often behaving more like a wild child.

One moment a goddess, the next a tomboy!

The phrase popped into Elder Mo's head, a trendy expression that seemed to fit.

"Elder Mo, what's your take on this?" Lee Wei prodded, noticing Elder Mo's silence.

After a brief pause, Elder Mo nodded thoughtfully. "I haven't known Liu for long, but he strikes me as a decent young man. Plus, he's got an incredibly keen eye for things. I can see him going far. Lee, do me a favor and look into him a bit more. If all checks out, I have no objections."

"Elder Mo, rest assured. I've already dug into the kid's background. His father, Liu Lei, owns a leather factory. He got swindled by a friend recently, but with the windfall from yesterday, they're set to weather the storm. Liu Lei is a military man, served in the Capital Garrison's Dragon Lake Special Ops. His mother, Ho Lan, though, she's shrouded in mystery. I've only managed to uncover a vague military connection; the rest is unknown," Lee Wei reported with a grin.

"You've been investigating him?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it investigating. It's just due diligence, given our position. We need to be cautious, guard against those with hidden agendas. But now that I've got the full picture, I can interact with him with peace of mind. Honestly, I think highly of the guy. It's a shame we didn't meet sooner."

Elder Mo gave an exasperated roll of his eyes. "Your family, always the astute ones, just like your grandfather. Your father, and now you. As for Liu Gaang's mother, her mystery is intriguing. Even with your connections, you can't pin down her past. But the military, that's a different story—I still have my contacts there."

Elder Mo was quite pleased with the investigative results provided by Lee Wei, but when it came to the happiness of his own granddaughter, he knew he couldn't be too careful. Despite his favorable impression of Liu Gaang, he understood that some matters required extra caution.

It was essential to delve further into the background of Liu Gaang's mother.

"Let's go, we should head inside and have a look," he said.

Just then, Liu Gaang and Mo Xiaoyu approached. Elder Mo spoke up and led the way inside.

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