Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C23 Betting
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Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C23 Betting
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C23 Betting

Guards were stationed at the entrance, but upon seeing the invitation in Lee Wei's hands, they respectfully waved him through.

Liu Gaang was well-acquainted with Yao Mountain Resort, the most prestigious resort in Pingnan City. Securing the entire place wasn't just a matter of wealth; it symbolized a certain level of status.

Following a meandering pathway lined with babbling brooks, the group wove through a series of elegant villas to reach the resort's expansive back garden. The area, replete with lush greenery and amenities, was anchored by a golf course. However, it had been transformed into a showcase of raw jadeite stones, complete with stone cutting machines and other related equipment.

The place was bustling with activity. Some attendees roamed about, eyes darting from stone to stone, while others hunched over, scrutinizing the jadeite with great concentration. A few were so engrossed that they lay atop the stones, magnifying glasses in hand, examining every detail.

"Mr. Lee, those are all raw jadeite stones, aren't they?" Liu Gaang asked. He had heard of stone gambling, but this was his first encounter with raw jadeite.

Lee Wei nodded in confirmation. "Yes, they are. Let's go have a look. But be cautious—playing around with small bets is fine, but don't get caught up in gambling millions."

"Mr. Lee, it seems you're the only one bold enough to throw millions into this," Liu Gaang said with a chuckle. "We're just ordinary folks; we don't have that kind of money."

Upon reaching the stone gambling area, Liu Gaang was once again struck by the sheer volume of jadeite. "I've never seen so many raw jadeite stones in one place!"

Lee Wei laughed. "And this is just a small festival. Wait until the annual grand Stone Gambling Festival in Pingnan starts—I'll take you there. That's where you'll see a real abundance of jadeite. But even that pales in comparison to the festival in Yunhai."

Liu Gaang sighed, a mix of awe and envy. There was nothing quite like the feeling of wealth.

Elder Mo wandered off to explore the market, and Lee Wei was pulled away by social obligations, leaving Liu Gaang and Mo Xiaoyu alone.

"Come on, let's take a stroll. Show me how a stone gambling expert like you operates," Mo Xiaoyu said cheerfully, playfully linking her arm with Liu Gaang's.

This woman's prowess was truly beyond that of any earthly being, yet the wafting fragrance and the softness emanating from her were rather delightful.

The Stone Gambling Market was segmented into three distinct zones: A, B, and C. Zone A boasted the most valuable raw jadeite, with prices starting above 500,000 yuan. Zone B offered more affordability, with prices ranging from 100,000 to 500,000 yuan. Zone C, on the other hand, was the most economical, with the priciest pieces capping at a few tens of thousands of yuan, and some raw jadeite going for just a few thousand or even a few hundred yuan.

Liu Gaang and Mo Xiaoyu made their way to Zone C first. This was the most budget-friendly section, and upon entering, they were engulfed by a throng of people. Given the lower prices, it was no surprise that the crowd was denser here.

Visitors to this area typically had a net worth in the tens of millions, but in the grand scheme of things, is tens of millions really that much? In Zone A, that amount might only fetch a handful of stones.

The raw jadeite was categorized into three types: completely untouched, partially cut or polished, and fully exposed. The untouched jadeite had not seen any cutting or polishing, while the partially processed stones had been selectively cut or polished by merchants to enhance their value—if they revealed the coveted green, their worth could skyrocket. However, if no green was found, they'd be rendered worthless. The fully exposed jadeite, meanwhile, had been completely cut open but not yet carved into finished pieces.

Liu Gaang's interest lay solely in the untouched jadeite. Armed with his special ability to assess the internal quality of the stones, he had no fear of making a bad cut.

Each zone was equipped with a dedicated Stone Cutting Machine. Customers could buy a stone and have it cut right there and then, adding a layer of excitement to the experience. The reveal could elicit smiles of triumph or furrowed brows of disappointment. In the end, while a few struck it rich, the majority faced losses.

In Area C, the two made their way through the crowd, moving at a deliberate pace. Along their path, they couldn't help but draw the attention of onlookers, largely due to Mo Xiaoyu's undeniable allure.

"Bet on raw jadeite, and you're bound to lose."

"Bet on raw jadeite, and you're bound to lose."


Searching for jadeite-laden raw stones was a tedious task. Liu Gaang meticulously examined over a hundred stones, but only two held any real value.

Naturally, the stones Liu Gaang picked were of the finest quality. His strategy was clear: buy fewer, but buy the best.

After all, purchasing a mountain of stones and revealing jade in each would be far too showy. Subtlety was the better approach.

As for identifying the types of jade, Liu Gaang wasn't concerned. His unique abilities took care of the valuation.

Liu Gaang kept a steady control over the mist emanating from his wrist, scanning the area as he went. The disappointing results were a hard pill to swallow.

"The raw jadeite contains jade."

When the mist hovered over a basketball-sized stone, a familiar voice resonated. Liu Gaang's heart skipped a beat. He directed a more concentrated flow of mist into the stone and was soon flooded with information.

His supernatural assessment revealed a fist-sized piece of Ice-type high green jadeite within, of exceptional quality and significant value. While Liu Gaang couldn't pinpoint the exact price, a comparison with data from his books suggested it was worth at least a million.

"Damn! Stone Gambling is one lucrative business. A basketball-sized raw stone for just 600 yuan can flip for millions. What other job rakes in cash faster than this?"

After his tour of Area C, Liu Gaang had purchased six raw stones for less than 20,000 yuan. The largest was as big as a bridge car tire, and the smallest was the one that had earlier caught his eye, a basketball-sized stone with a rich vein of high green jadeite.

"Come on, Liu Gaang, don't let me down. My main reason for coming today was to witness your knack for finding hidden gems," Mo Xiaoyu said with a playful smile, eyeing the six raw stones in the cart.

Scratching his head, Liu Gaang replied with a smile, "It's all about luck, pure luck!"

"Tsk!" Mo Xiaoyu scoffed dismissively.

Pushing the cart, with Mo Xiaoyu clinging to his arm, the two approached the counter to settle the bill. Just then, an excited male voice called out.

"Xiaoyu, is that really you, Xiaoyu?"

Turning around, they saw a man dressed in a suit and leather shoes approaching. In Liu Gaang's eyes, the man was nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing, especially with the way he affectionately called out to Xiaoyu and the covetous look in his eyes.

Liu Gaang was certain this predator's gaze was practically undressing Mo Xiaoyu.

Despite her fiery temperament, Mo Xiaoyu was undeniably a breathtaking beauty, the kind that would tempt any normal man to want her in his life, and Liu Gaang was no exception.

"Oh, you're here too," Mo Xiaoyu responded coolly.

"Yes, Fengyuan Jewelry is one of the sponsors for this Stone Gambling Festival. I had to be here," the man replied with an air of arrogance.

Mo Xiaoyu acknowledged him with a brief nod and fell silent.

"Xiaoyu, and who might this be?" the man asked, pointing at Liu Gaang. He had clearly seen Mo Xiaoyu's arm linked with Liu Gaang's, suggesting a close relationship.

The man had long harbored feelings for Mo Xiaoyu and was visibly displeased to see her so close to another man.

"Just a friend," Mo Xiaoyu answered tersely.

The man's eyes then fell on the raw jadeite in Liu Gaang's cart, and he laughed scornfully. The quality of the stones was mediocre at best, with one particularly poor specimen. He thought it would be a miracle if any jade could be cut from them.

"Looking at these stones, I doubt you'll break even," he taunted.

Liu Gang was already displeased with the scoundrel, and his dissatisfaction only grew when he heard him critiquing the raw stones he had purchased. "Oh, you talk as if you're quite the expert," Liu retorted sharply. "Are you so sure that these stones of mine are a sure loss?"

"I'm Sunn Jin, the manager of Fengyuan Jewelry, the main sponsor of this Stone Gambling Festival. I've been in the business for over a decade. While I wouldn't claim to have exceptional judgment, I do have a discerning eye. Based on the quality of your stones, I can confidently say you won't get any jade out of them," the man boasted smugly.

"Really?" Liu Gang responded coolly, his gaze turning icy as he fetched a basketball-sized stone from his cart and challenged Sunn Jin. "Manager Li, since you're so confident in your expertise, would you dare to wager against me, an amateur?"

"Absolutely, let's make a bet!" Mo Xiaoyu exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly, eager for the drama to unfold.

Like antique appraisal, Stone Gambling was all about having a keen eye.

Mo Xiaoyu had faith in Liu Gang's judgment. After all, witnessing Liu's knack for finding bargains was precisely why she had come today. Adding a wager to the mix only made things more thrilling.

"Alright, what are we betting on?" Sunn Jin asked, eager for the chance to impress Mo Xiaoyu.

Holding the stone, Liu Gang smiled and said, "Manager Li, didn't you just tout your decade-plus of professionalism? Let's bet on this stone. I wager it will greatly increase in value. If I'm right, I win, and you lose."

"And if I'm wrong, or it doesn't significantly increase in value, then you win," Liu added. A significant increase meant the stone's value had to exceed ten times its original price.

"Okay, no problem," Li Jin agreed with a grin. "But since we're betting, we should have some stakes. It's not as interesting if we're just determining winners and losers."

He had already examined the raw stone and deemed it of very poor quality, certain it wouldn't yield anything worthwhile.

"The stakes are set. If you win, the four million on my card is yours. But if you lose, you'll cover everything I've spent here today. How does that sound?" Liu Gang proposed, brandishing his bank card in front of Sunn Jin.

"Deal. We'll play by your rules," Sunn Jin responded confidently. "I win, I take the money from your card. I lose, I'll foot the bill for your spending today. But let's cap it at eight million, agreed?" Sunn Jin had already scrutinized the raw jadeite Liu Gaang was holding—a common piece, its surface skin shaped by the elements after resting in a riverbed.

Liu Gaang's eyes sparkled with excitement. "You've got yourself a deal," he said eagerly.

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