Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C3 It Was Actually Him!
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Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C3 It Was Actually Him!
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C3 It Was Actually Him!

The instant the elderly man produced the stamps, his expression solidified in shock. Quickly regaining his composure, he passed them to Liu Gaang with a steady hand.

"Great Qing, Double Dragon Stamps," Liu Gaang declared, trying to sound knowledgeable.

The old man in the suit responded, "I'm impressed by your insight into stamps. Indeed, these are the Great Qing Double Dragon Stamps. It's curious, though, why someone hid them in the compartment of this mirror."

Feeling a bit sheepish after the old man's comment, Liu Gaang admitted, "I don't really have much expertise—I just happen to recognize them."

The old man in the suit chuckled and probed further, "Young man, what do you intend to do with these stamps?"

"Sell them, of course," Liu Gaang answered promptly. His primary concern was to secure enough money to help his family through their current hardship.

"Well, in that case, let me connect you with a buyer. Rest assured, the price will be fair," the old man in the suit offered. The Great Qing Double Dragon Stamps were highly valuable to collectors, and it just so happened that he knew a young enthusiast who would be interested—a perfect opportunity to do a good turn.

"That works for me," Liu Gaang agreed. Though he had a special talent for authenticating antiques, he was admittedly clueless about their market value.

The old man in the suit smiled and said, "Alright, here's five thousand yuan for the mirror from the Republic of China era. I trust you can see it's a reasonable price." With that, he counted out the money and handed it over.

Liu Gaang accepted the cash, meticulously counted out twenty notes, and handed back the excess. "We agreed on a price—two thousand."

"Haha! Alright, two thousand it is," the old man in the suit laughed, accepting the returned money without fuss. "Come with me. I'll introduce you to someone who cherishes antiques, especially stamps. You'll be pleased with the price."

With a smile, Liu Gaang followed the old man, leaving a visibly frustrated stall owner in their wake.

After exiting Antique Street, the elderly gentleman in the traditional Chinese suit led Liu Gaang to an Audi A6 parked curbside. With a mention of "Rich Beauty View," the driver ignited the engine and they were on their way.

Liu Gaang was familiar with "Rich Beauty View"—it was the crème de la crème of residential living in Pingnan City, housing only the wealthy and influential. Clearly, the old man was no ordinary individual.

"Sir, I've noticed you have a real knack for collecting," Liu Gaang ventured in the car, observing the old man's expertise. "I'd be honored to learn from you if you're willing."

Despite possessing a unique ability, Liu Gaang was admittedly a novice when it came to antiques.

"You seem to have a decent eye yourself," the old man responded with a chuckle.

Feeling a bit sheepish, Liu Gaang grinned and scratched his head. "Oh, that was just luck, pure luck."

The old man in the Chinese suit laughed gently and said, "No need for formalities. You can call me Elder Mo. And what might I call you, young man?"

"Elder Mo, I'm Liu, just Gang for the given name," Liu Gaang replied, returning the smile.

Elder Mo nodded in acknowledgment, "When it comes to antiques, there's not much to teach, really. It's all about studying the right books to grasp the basics, then visiting museums to get a feel for authentic pieces. In this business, it's all about the discernment of the eye. Take down my number; if you ever have questions, feel free to call me. 135..." Elder Mo rattled off, pausing to add, "And remember, never deal in items unless you're certain of their value. Even seasoned collectors can be mistaken."

Liu Gaang made a mental note of Elder Mo's number as they reached "Rich Beauty View."

Pulling up to a standalone three-story villa, the car came to a halt. Elder Mo had called ahead, and now a young man, likely in his late twenties, stood waiting at the villa's entrance.

Elder Mo stepped out of the car, with Liu Gaang trailing close behind.

"Elder Mo…" Upon spotting Elder Mo, the young man quickly offered his greetings.

Elder Mo gave a nod and gestured silently in response.

Liu Gaang, standing behind Elder Mo, also gave a subtle nod. As Pingnan's most elite scion, he was selective about who caught his attention.

Liu Gaang was taken aback. He hadn't anticipated that the buyer Elder Mo was introducing him to would be himself.

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