Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C4 Fan Zeng Was the One Who Raised His Hand
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Eternal Emperor's Legacy/C4 Fan Zeng Was the One Who Raised His Hand
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C4 Fan Zeng Was the One Who Raised His Hand

Could he have been mistaken? Liu Gaang rubbed his eyes in disbelief. There he was, the heir to Lee's Group in Pingnan City, Lee Wei himself.

Lee's Group was a household name in Pingnan City, a massive conglomerate with numerous subsidiaries in fashion design, food service, hospitality, operations, real estate, supermarkets, and more.

In comparison to Lee's Group, his own family seemed as insignificant as an ant next to an elephant.

Liu Gaang had met Lee Wei just once, but that single encounter had made a lasting impression. Liu Gaang harbored a dream to one day emulate Lee Wei, feeling that such an achievement would give his life purpose.

Upon entering the villa, Elder Mo gestured toward Liu Gaang and began the introductions. "Lee Wei, meet Liu Gaang. I told you over the phone about a treasure you'd surely appreciate. This young man here discovered it on Antique Street. He's got a sharp eye, this one!"

Liu Gaang's ability to uncover the hidden layers of the copper mirror and identify both the Republic-era mirror and the Qing Dynasty Double Dragons stamps attested to his discerning eye. While he might not yet be on par with the best, his talent was certainly commendable.

Elder Mo was among the most esteemed experts on Pingnan's Antique Street, especially renowned for his expertise in jade.

"It's just luck, pure luck!" Liu Gaang said modestly, blushing at the praise.

"Lee Wei." Lee Wei reached out with a smile. Although Elder Mo had merely complimented his good eye, Lee Wei understood that such praise from Elder Mo was rare.

A nod to Liu Gaang's eye for detail suggested he was at least of intermediate skill.

Lee Wei, the sole heir to Lee's Group, was not your typical frivolous rich second-generation heir. Far from it, his acumen was sharp. Not yet thirty, he had already taken the reins of half the group's enterprises from his father, driving the businesses to new heights.

"Liu Gaang," he said, offering a smile as they shook hands.

"Elder Mo, you mentioned a treasure for me to see. What exactly is it?" Lee Wei asked, barely able to contain his eagerness as they settled in.

"Stamps, the Qing Dynasty Double Dragons."

Upon hearing this, Lee Wei was utterly dumbfounded. He was in the midst of collecting a Qing Dynasty stamp set, and this Double Dragons stamp was the only piece he was missing to complete it. The revelation that this gem was the very Double Dragons stamp he sought sent waves of excitement through him.

"Elder Mo, where is it? Show it to me, quick!" Lee Wei managed to regain his composure and spoke with palpable excitement.

Before Elder Mo could respond, Liu Gaang produced the stamp and passed it to Lee Wei, whose hands shook as he took it.

At last, the collection was complete!

Lee Wei trusted Elder Mo's judgment implicitly; he was certain the stamp was authentic, or else Elder Mo wouldn't have brought someone along.

"Mr. Liu, name your price," Lee Wei prompted.

Liu Gaang offered a smile and said, "Mr. Lee, I'm not up to speed on the value of this item, so I'll leave it to you to make an offer."

After a moment's thought, Lee Wei suggested, "How about we have Elder Mo appraise it?"

Liu Gaang agreed with a nod.

"I've already done the valuation. Based on the current market rate, and adding a ten percent premium, the price is two million two hundred thousand," Elder Mo declared.

"Two million two hundred thousand! To think that something I bought for a hundred yuan could turn into two million two hundred thousand," Liu Gaang marveled, having never encountered such a sum before. Though his family's wealth included tens of millions in assets during better times, most were tied up in fixed assets, with liquid assets amounting to less than two million.

Elder Mo gave him a sharp slap. "Snap out of it, and don't lose your head!"

Liu Gaang came back to his senses.

"Alright, then two million two hundred thousand it is," Lee Wei said nonchalantly. To someone of his standing, two hundred thousand was as trivial as two hundred.

"Mr. Lee, as Elder Mo mentioned, he's priced it at a ten percent premium over the market value. I'm fine with selling the stamp, but I'll only ask for two million. Take it for two million, or leave it," Liu Gaang stated plainly. His forthright nature wouldn't allow him to profit from the additional premium once he knew Elder Mo's valuation.

Lee Wei couldn't help but give Liu Gaang a few extra glances. To refuse an additional two hundred thousand yuan, this guy was certainly commendable.

"Alright, that's the spirit. Two million yuan it is. I'll write you the check this very moment. You, my friend, I, Lee Wei, am making my brother from now on," Lee Wei declared, bursting into hearty laughter.

"Little brother Liu Gaang, at your service, Mr. Lee," Liu Gaang said, smiling.

"Enough with the formalities, you two," Elder Mo chimed in with a chuckle. It warmed his heart to see the progeny of an old friend hit it off with Liu Gaang.

Though they had only just met, Lee Wei felt a fondness for Liu Gaang as if he were kin. Lee Wei was an antique collector but lacked a discerning eye. While Liu Gaang's expertise didn't quite match that of the top connoisseurs, his performance today was impressive. If they became close, Lee Wei would surely avoid purchasing more fakes.

After handing over a check for two million yuan to Liu Gaang, Lee Wei insisted on celebrating, eager to commemorate his recent acquisition of the complete set of the Great Qing Double Dragon Stamps.

Elder Mo had prior engagements, and Liu Gaang was keen to leave, hoping to scour Antique Row for potential treasures. But Lee Wei was adamant about not letting him go, and Liu Gaang reluctantly curbed his eagerness to explore.

The Celestial Eternity Great Hotel was a landmark in Pingnan, known to locals and visitors alike for its dining, spa, accommodations, and fitness facilities – truly the city's premier destination.

Owned by Lee's Group, the Celestial Eternity Great Hotel welcomed Lee Wei and Liu Gaang as they arrived. The valet promptly greeted them, and with a nonchalant toss of the keys, Lee Wei ushered Liu Gaang into the hotel, arm over his shoulder.

This was only Liu Gaang's second visit, the first being when his father hosted a banquet for a significant client. The opulence of the hotel's interior, just as breathtaking as before, still stirred a sense of excitement within him.

Upon entering, the floor was blanketed in a thick, red carpet. Dominating the center of the lobby was an enormous piece of chicken blood stone, displayed for guests to admire—a piece rumored to be valued at over a hundred million yuan.

"Nice muscles, brother," Lee Wei commented with a grin as he gave Liu Gaang's shoulder a squeeze.

A shiver ran down Liu Gaang's spine, and he quickly shrugged off Lee Wei's hand. "Back off, I'm not into guys."

"Hey, my preferences are perfectly straight," Lee Wei retorted with a chuckle.

Liu Gaang couldn't help but join in the laughter. Their playful banter brought them closer together.

Once they had secured a private room, Lee Wei casually tossed the menu to Liu Gaang, who didn't hesitate to order a feast. He hadn't eaten much during his last visit and was determined to make up for it this time.

After all, Lee Wei had deep pockets—no reason for Liu Gaang to hold back.

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