Eternal God Clan/C11 The interior of an ancient ship
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Eternal God Clan/C11 The interior of an ancient ship
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C11 The interior of an ancient ship

This was also something that Ye Wenxuan wanted to know. However, the situation now was that Ye Wenxuan had no idea where this corridor led to. This was also the reason why Ye Wenxuan was puzzled. Why was this corridor so complicated?

The huge fellow behind him obviously wanted him to enter this ancient ship, but what kind of secrets were inside? Inside the ancient ship, Ye Wenxuan could feel that there were differences everywhere on the ship. If he didn't know the way, he would have accidentally walked on the ground. Didn't Ye Wenxuan have to bear a lot more danger?

This was something Ye Wenxuan couldn't handle. If this went on, who knew how long he would have to walk for. If he didn't get any food, he wouldn't be able to handle it. There were no signs of food here.

If he were to get hungry here, he would be even less confident in getting out. What was going on? What kind of secret could be hidden within this mysterious ancient ship?

Right now, Ye Wenxuan didn't know what to do in this place. This was the most important thing for Ye Wenxuan, and it was also the most difficult place for him. If he continued to stay here, he would only starve to death.

This was what Ye Wenxuan was thinking right now. There was no way to separate the routes here because Ye Wenxuan couldn't find any signs of them here. There were a lot of gaps in front of Ye Wenxuan, and they were all in front of him. This was basically framing Ye Wenxuan, and if he continued like this, then there really was nothing he could do about it.

"Could it be that it has been running in circles inside this place all along?" Ye Wenxuan helplessly said as he looked at the gap in front of him. There were no signs of anything happening at all. This was also why Ye Wenxuan felt helpless. Perhaps it was because Ye Wenxuan had no way to continue walking down this path.

"Hello? Is anyone there? " At this time, Ye Wenxuan had no other choice but to face the inside of the ancient ship and start rescuing it. There were no signs of him entering the ancient ship. This was probably what Ye Wenxuan felt was strange about. Since he was going to let him in, why didn't he give him a reminder?

When he was outside, he had wanted to enter the ancient ship, because the height of the gate was too high, and there was no way to enter, but he had not expected that the final result would be like this. Then, the huge fellow behind him let out a roar, and the ancient ship began to move, causing the interior of the ancient ship to open.

Since such a thing could have happened just now, could the danger at hand have prevented such a thing from happening? Why couldn't something happen that would allow the old ship to start running? Now, he didn't know what to do with this ancient ship.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he still didn't know where he was going. The ship should've opened up a path for him, but now it didn't make any sound at all. Was it because she didn't hear him?

"That's not right, the ancient ship was already operational just now. Why is there no reaction right now?" At this moment, Ye Wenxuan was the only one who didn't have any reaction to this ship. This was why Ye Wenxuan felt this was strange. Although he didn't know what the conditions were for this ship to run under, it should have a certain degree of control.

Seeing the current situation, Ye Wenxuan knew the purpose of this ancient ship. It was definitely to let him in, but the question now was, what was the purpose of making him come in? This was also what Ye Wenxuan was puzzled about.

"Hey, I can't find a way forward. What exactly should I do!? " Looking at this mysterious ancient ship, Ye Wenxuan naturally didn't know what to do, so he naturally shouted at the ancient ship. Perhaps this was Ye Wenxuan's final plan, but if there was no other way, then Ye Wenxuan would have no solution, because in front of him, all of the destinations of this ancient ship were just things he could understand, and this was also what Ye Wenxuan felt.

"If something unexpected were to happen at this time, I would have really died here." After this loud roar, the ancient ship did not have any reaction. It was as if this ancient ship had some sort of special feeling. This was also something that Ye Wenxuan needed to know. But now, this ancient ship didn't have any reaction at all, as if it hadn't heard Ye Wenxuan's roar.

Perhaps, in this world, there was nothing that could be obtained without working hard. Ye Wenxuan had relied on the help of the big guys behind him in order to get to this place, and now, he no longer had anything to rely on. The big guys here were already dead, and everything was thanks to Ye Wenxuan's help.

Ah!" Is there anyone here? " At this moment, the roar erupted once again. This was because Ye Wenxuan could feel that the ancient ship might not have heard his roar, so it exploded once again. Compared to the roar just now, it was much stronger.

Perhaps there was someone as big as him on this ancient ship. The destination was very simple, it was to bring him in, and that was the purpose of the big fellow behind him. Now that he had completed his mission, it was time to leave Ye Wenxuan.

Now that Ye Wenxuan had entered the ancient ship, he finally realized the secret behind the ancient ship. This was what Ye Wenxuan wanted to know. Maybe there were other creatures inside the ship.

"The entrance to the ancient ship descended just now was quite strange as well." Ye Wenxuan had also discovered this secret. Although he didn't know what kind of secret this represented, the huge fellow behind him let out a roar and the ancient ship began to move. This was also what Ye Wenxuan felt was strange about this.

Was it because there were other creatures on this ancient ship? Was it because of the giant creature's roar, or was it because of its own clarity?

All of this was in Ye Wenxuan's mind, but the problem was that these problems couldn't be solved. In other words, what kind of secrets were on this ancient ship? This was also something Ye Wenxuan couldn't know. Although he didn't know what this meant, Ye Wenxuan was sure that there was something similar to the huge thing behind him on this ancient bed. Otherwise, how could that roar be the command of this ancient ship? He had been roaring like that just now, but he really didn't have any reaction. In this situation, there was only one possibility and that was that there was a giant beast behind him on this ancient ship.

"Damn it, what is going on?" This was also a way for Ye Wenxuan to vent his anger. Now that he was faced with this situation, Ye Wenxuan also felt helpless. There was nothing he could do, and it was just the opposite.

Suddenly, right after Ye Wenxuan's fist hit the ground, the ancient ship, which had originally been motionless, suddenly reacted. This was also the thing that Ye Wenxuan found very strange.

boom rumble rumble *

After this punch, the ancient ship, which was originally completely still, suddenly began to move. Ye Wenxuan also felt this was inconceivable, but this was happening right in front of him. Although it was very strange, it was real.

"Unexpectedly, this punch is still able to move this guy." Ye Wenxuan also felt this was strange, although he didn't know what it was. However, Ye Wenxuan also knew that this was Ye Wenxuan's ability.

Perhaps this was the way to start the ancient ship, Ye Wenxuan thought at this time. After all, it was only after he had shouted continuously that the ancient ship didn't have any effect, and when he punched, the ancient ship would be in front of him. This was also the reason why Ye Wenxuan was moving this way at this moment, perhaps because he felt the pressure from his fist, and the ancient ship began to move?

This was also what Ye Wenxuan had in mind. This time, the intuition in Ye Wenxuan's heart began to take effect again, and perhaps, at this time, Ye Wenxuan also felt that his intuition also had no idea what was going on, so he came up with this idea.

Without any warning, right in front of Ye Wenxuan, the ancient ship, which had no movement, suddenly began to emit a blinding light. Even when the ancient ship had started to descend, the only difference was that the inside of the ship was now emitting a blinding light. Ye Wenxuan knew that the reason the ancient ship was moving was because of his punch, although he didn't know what the purpose of the ancient ship was.

A blinding light appeared in front of Ye Wenxuan's eyes. Then, the light turned into a blinding light, and started to darken continuously. Although Ye Wenxuan did not know the reason behind it, he did know that something was happening inside the ancient ship.

"Thump thump!"

Just as Ye Wenxuan was puzzled, the glowing gate suddenly appeared in front of him.

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