Eternal God Clan/C9 Another existence
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Eternal God Clan/C9 Another existence
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C9 Another existence

In the dead forest, Ye Wenxuan had been forced to this place by the huge fellow behind him. Although this wasn't what he had expected, right now, the huge fellow behind him had no intention of letting Ye Wenxuan leave this place.

The terrifying aura told Ye Wenxuan that he had to enter the ancient ship today, but the problem was that the inside of the ship now was several tens of meters taller. Ye Wenxuan had not expected this to happen, and it also prevented him from entering the ancient ship. After all, this ancient ship's entrance was too high, and Ye Wenxuan had no other way out.

Facing such a situation, Ye Wenxuan could only let out a loud roar and directly roared at the huge fellow behind him. This was the only option he had left. Just as Ye Wenxuan was prepared to wait for this big fellow to deliver the goods, he discovered that this big fellow didn't make the slightest movement. It didn't emit any terrifying aura towards Ye Wenxuan, nor did it make any other movements.

Ye Wenxuan was puzzled by this strange action. This was what puzzled him. Even if this guy didn't have any objections, he should have at least made some noise. This was something that he couldn't do anything about.


Just when Ye Wenxuan felt this was strange, the big guy, who had been silent all this time behind Ye Wenxuan, suddenly exploded again. And then, a series of ear-piercing sounds continuously exploded towards Ye Wenxuan. Right behind Ye Wenxuan, this huge sound immediately made Ye Wenxuan's heart tremble.

All of this also caused Ye Wenxuan to panic for a moment. Not to mention other things, even if he had the chance to escape now, he didn't know what kind of thing would exist in this forest. Furthermore, if he didn't run, that huge guy who disappeared earlier would immediately appear and kill him.

All of this made Ye Wenxuan feel helpless. In this world, there were many dangers, but he never thought that he, Ye Wenxuan, would be the one facing them today. Moreover, Ye Wenxuan had no way to deal with all of this.

After all, Ye Wenxuan felt endless terror from this big guy. If he ignored this terror, Ye Wenxuan still had some chance to escape. However, he couldn't avoid these problems.

Ye Wenxuan, who didn't have much courage to face all of this, was completely flustered. There was nothing he could do about all of this. At this time, Ye Wenxuan couldn't change anything. His usual courage had completely disappeared. At this moment, Ye Wenxuan's eyes were filled with fear and nothing else could be seen.

This was Ye Wenxuan's real performance. Under the roar of this big fellow, Ye Wenxuan fell flat on the ground, trembling nonstop. This apocalyptic scene left Ye Wenxuan at a loss as to what to do. Even with Ye Wenxuan's current appearance, he still couldn't think of any way.

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan could feel the dangerous aura around him growing stronger.

"Am I, Ye Wenxuan, going to die here today?" Feeling the terrifying aura, Ye Wenxuan didn't have any other choice. However, all he could do was wait for this big guy's reaction.

Everything was changing. The ancient ship, which was originally still without movement, was now emitting light under the roars of the huge creature behind him. This was what Ye Wenxuan was feeling right now.

The ancient ship, which was completely silent, seemed to have undergone a huge change as it constantly emitted bursts of intense light. This was everything that had erupted from the ancient ship. This strange scene immediately caused everyone to be shocked, even though this was the case. However, this was a situation that no one expected.

Right now, in this dead forest, such a shocking scene had appeared in this world. Although this scene hadn't revealed any signs of danger, Ye Wenxuan still couldn't help but feel astonished. This was completely out of Ye Wenxuan's expectations.

Just as the huge fellow behind Ye Wenxuan roared, something unexpected happened to the ancient ship in front of him. No one knew what this huge fellow's roar meant, but Ye Wenxuan knew that there must be some shocking secret inside this ancient ship.

"It seems like this ancient forest, as well as the huge thing behind it, are all related to these things." With this thought in mind, Ye Wenxuan understood why this big guy wanted to bring him here. Obviously, everything that happened in this forest was related to the movements of this ancient ship.

Mysterious old ship mysterious big thing. These were all things that Ye Wenxuan felt now. These were things that didn't belong to this world. He really didn't think that all of this would happen to Ye Wenxuan.

There was nothing Ye Wen Xuan could do about it. Only after the roaring from the huge beast was over, Ye Wen Xuan finally felt a little better. Although the terrifying aura behind him hadn't disappeared, Ye Wen Xuan knew that it was only temporarily disappearing.

The big guy behind him was trying to make him enter the ancient ship. He couldn't reach his current goal, so how could he just let himself get away like that? This was definitely impossible.

Thinking of all of this, Ye Wenxuan also understood that just now, when he bumped into the other guy, the guy would let out a roar and he would disappear. Now, Ye Wenxuan completely understood that the guy behind him had his own mission, so if he didn't, then how could the guy behind him be stopped by something else?

"Looks like I will still be in this ancient ship today." Amidst the roar of the big guy behind Ye Wenxuan, the ancient boat began to emit a dazzling light. In this environment, Ye Wenxuan knew that the old boat was definitely going through some sort of change under the roar of this big guy, otherwise this big guy would not be like this. Although he didn't know what kind of change this big guy was, Ye Wenxuan knew that before the big guy's mission was completed, everything that was in front of Ye Wenxuan would have been cleared away. A very clear feeling.

Finally, the roaring from the huge fellow behind him had disappeared, and Ye Wenxuan also felt the pressure from behind him disappear. This was also the moment when Ye Wenxuan felt strange. Why did this huge fellow still talk about restraining his aura?

Didn't this big guy want me to enter this ancient ship? Or could it be that this big guy had already reached his destination? However, the problem was that in the current situation, Ye Wenxuan couldn't do it. After all, there were only some dead trees around this ancient ship, and nothing else.

Even if Ye Wenxuan wanted to do something, he would immediately be seen by the huge fellow behind him. This was something Ye Wenxuan himself knew, and after finding out what else he could do, Ye Wenxuan also knew that he had to wait for his ship to take action.

As expected, it didn't go beyond Ye Wenxuan's imagination. Just when he was imagining things, everything began to change. Everything went beyond Ye Wenxuan's imagination.

The gate that was originally dozens of meters tall was now descending rapidly. This sudden change was in front of Ye Wenxuan. This sudden change naturally startled him.

"Looks like I really have to enter the ancient ship." Ye Wenxuan was also shocked as he muttered to himself as he watched the door start to descend. All of this had happened in such a way. First, he let the big guy behind him bring him here, then he chased away the other big guy he met just now. Now, it was after he couldn't fly.

The door that was originally dozens of meters tall was now filled with the roars of the people behind him. All of these were just the beginning of preparations. He just did not know why these were all meant for him to come here.

Ye Wenxuan didn't know about any of this, which made him feel confused. He didn't have the power to save the dead ancient forest, so if he were to save the dead forest, Ye Wenxuan could only smile. How could he possibly save the dead ancient forest by himself?

Ye Wenxuan was incomparably surprised by all of this. Was this the so-called surname and person? However, right now, he was just a person who could not complete the mission. Even if he was entrusted with everything, what could he do?

While Ye Wenxuan was still imagining this, the gate that had always been tightly shut was now opened in midair. Was this the power of an ancient ship?

Seeing the changes on the ancient ship, Ye Wenxuan felt even more amazed. Although this ancient ship gave Ye Wenxuan a deathly aura, this still couldn't make him feel disgusted. Perhaps this was the result of the ancient ship's aura.

There was no change at all. Although this ancient ship's door was still as huge as before, the height of this ancient ship's door was still dropping lower and lower. All of this was accomplished by the roaring of the people behind them.

"Looks like this big fellow will start to leave after he completes his mission." Just when Ye Wenxuan felt that it was extremely strange, he felt that the guy behind him had already started to disappear. This was probably the reason why this guy could leave after completing anything.

While Ye Wenxuan was lost in thought, the entrance to the ancient ship started to descend lower and lower. Perhaps this was because the entrance was meant for Ye Wenxuan to enter, so it became human-like.


With a loud crash, the ancient ship's door descended a few dozen meters, finally reaching the height where Ye Wenxuan could enter. This miraculous change immediately caused Ye Wenxuan's eyes to light up.

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