Eternal God King/C19 Swordmaster and Sword Seed
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Eternal God King/C19 Swordmaster and Sword Seed
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C19 Swordmaster and Sword Seed

"I really can't touch a tigress' butt." After bidding farewell to Sima Loongtian, Ye Feng let out a sigh as soon as he returned to the restaurant. Even though he was a third or fourth grade Spirit Master, under Sima Loongtian's deliberate suppression, he still felt a huge amount of mental pressure. He even suspected that Sima Loongtian had already broken through the fifth stage and reached the Sixth-Grade. When facing it head on, the surging spiritual oppression was even stronger than his own Master Duan Hun.

Thinking about this spiritual pressure, Ye Feng couldn't help but to think of the experience he had in his life that he would never forget in his entire life …

That was when he was fifteen or sixteen years old.

One day, Master Duan Hun, who was taught by him, came to find him and praised him for his hard work. He said that at such a young age, Master Duan Hun had already reached the next level. As a talented person who possessed great potential and strength, he had to carefully cultivate her. Therefore, he recommended it upwards, hoping to obtain Hidden Sword Valley and Valley Lord's reward Sword Seed.

At that time, Ye Feng was curious, as he did not know what the Sword Seed was, he asked Master Duan Hun. When Duanhun heard it, he explained with a face full of longing, that this so called Sword Seed, was the sword spirit seed cultivated by the Hidden Sword Valley Valley Lord, its might was extremely great. Only those with special talents would be able to obtain the appreciation of Hidden Sword Valley Lord, which was why they were bestowed with a little spirit seed and kept in their body. As long as they nurtured and nurtured properly, when the Sword Seed grows up, they could use their mind control to attack.

In actuality, as long as he had the sword spirit seed, he would be able to sense the condensation of a Sixth-Grade expert's true form ahead of time. For example, the fifth stage Emptiness of Impression could be considered as directly passing through, so there was no need to spend anymore time and effort on turning it into a void. At that time, it was because he had obtained the Sword Seed from the Hidden Sword Branch Chief that he had the experience to move forward, which allowed him to move at a speed that was multiple times faster than an average person, and advance to the fifth stage. Furthermore, he was stronger than an ordinary fifth rank expert. Unless they met an expert from the Sixth-Grade, they would only be able to lose.

When Ye Feng heard it, he was overjoyed, and followed along to the depths of Hidden Sword Valley. He remembered that he had walked for a long time. After going through hundreds of turns, he finally arrived at the heart of the valley, where Valley Lord, the Hidden Sword, rested.

Ye Feng still remembered that when he stopped in front of the last large iron door, Duanhun showed a respectful expression and greeted him with rare respect before pushing the door open and entering.

As soon as Ye Feng entered the door, he immediately felt a chilling cold surrounding his body. It was so cold that even moving his limbs was difficult, as if he had become rigid as a whole.

The hall behind that door was very large and wide. In the surroundings, there was a large copper pillar every ten meters. On top of the pillar, there were many indentations that looked like containers filled with oil. Fiery light flickered above, emitting a hazy light. Like balls of misty fog, it enveloped the entire hall.

Beneath his feet was a hard rock that was also emitting a cold air. The two streams of energy from the Yongquan acupoints under his feet were attacking his feet. Because of this, the lower half of his body had almost lost all feeling, and he was treading arduously.

Luckily, Ye Feng's strength was not bad and his foundation was solid, which was why he was barely able to resist it. After a period of hard work, he finally walked into the main hall. Duan Hun had been waiting there for a long time. From this, it could be seen that the huge difference in levels was indeed something to be reckoned with.

Seeing Ye Feng walk over, he smiled in satisfaction and said in a low voice: "To be able to walk this path, proves that you have really put in great effort in your cultivation. Your foundation is solid enough. This way, after I awaken the Sword Master later, you will basically be able to gain the favor of the old man and receive a bit of the Sword Spirit Seed. With the Sword Seed, your cultivation path will be even faster in the future. "

Ye Feng nodded, expressing that he understood. Duanhun immediately faced forward with a solemn expression as he chanted something in a low voice.

Ye Feng waited on the side, while the man with eyes looked around. Before the two of them, there was a huge chair that looked as if it was made of many bones. There were faint rays of light emitting from it. At first glance, it was nothing much, but if one were to look at it a few more times, they would see a strange illusion.

At first, the ghostly light gradually brightened, and it divided itself into various levels. Then, it began to change in succession, revealing the rainbow's seven colors. In the end, the seven colors slowly fused with each other, seeming both real and illusory, causing one to be unable to differentiate between the two.

If one was still paying attention, the seven colors that were indisputably real and illusory would change abruptly, forming a huge vortex that circulated rapidly.

As the vortex rotated, the spectator's mind would gradually separate from the body. As for the person who was unaware of it, their mind would be sucked into the vortex and then devoured.

Ye Feng obviously didn't know about this, so he looked at it a few more times. Just as he was about to continue watching, Broken Soul's prayer-like chant finally came to an end.

In that instant, the enormous bone structure released a tremendous pressure. Even Duanhun could not withstand it and dropped to his knees. It was also because of this that Ye Feng was able to avoid suffering the moment the vortex formed. His body could not help but kneel down and submit to the vortex.

Ye Feng felt as if his mind was being crushed after being pressured by this aura. His entire body trembled uncontrollably. It was as if the sky had collapsed and the earth caved in. It was like the end of the world. Once a person felt it, it was as if they were being burned in a blazing fire and boiled in a wok of oil. Cold sweat poured out like rain, rolling down unknowingly. Ye Feng was like a child who had no way to hide, waiting for his fate in despair.

Submission and becoming a slave was the only thought that was within his mind. He believed that under this pressure, as long as the other party requested something, they would do it as if it were a celestial sound, rushing to do it.

"Ah!" As if he had been asleep for a long time and had been disturbed by someone, a long and low voice echoed within the great hall.


In the air above the empty seat, a little light suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle, swaying gently like a candle flame in the wind. An aged voice started to sound. Who is disturbing me? "

Duanhun quickly replied respectfully: "Another disciple with an extremely high aptitude has been discovered, so I have come to ask Sword Master to order a Sword Seed for him."

"Oh." The voice only replied once before going silent.

Just when Ye Feng was puzzled, he heard a light "peng" sound coming from around his body. With him at the center, the light instantly became dazzling and it was difficult to open his eyes. Ye Feng squinted, but he couldn't see anything.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a strange feeling, as if someone was staring at him. Although he couldn't see it clearly, he could feel two pairs of eyes on him. Ye Feng couldn't help but be shocked. That gaze seemed to be able to see through everything, from Ye Feng to the outside.

It was only until Ye Feng was covered in sweat, as if he had just come out of a water well, that his gaze disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. The light around his body also disappeared without a trace.

"That's right." An aged voice rang out as the light suspended in the middle of the enormous bone chair wavered. Soon after, a ray of light shot out like a shooting star. While Ye Feng had no time to dodge, he had already entered into his body …

With the acquisition of the Sword Seed, Ye Feng's subsequent improvement in strength was indeed faster. This allowed him to reach the third rank in just a few short years.

When he thought back to this experience, Ye Feng realized that he was drenched in sweat once again …

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