Eternal Thunder God/C10 Nine Flames Fruit
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Eternal Thunder God/C10 Nine Flames Fruit
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C10 Nine Flames Fruit

"Everyone, stay calm. I'm just trying to offer some friendly advice," Lee Yifan said, his smile growing wider.


Everyone felt an overwhelming urge to spit in Lee Yifan's face. You deceitful jerk, still trying to play us? As if we'd trust you!

Noticing that no one made a move, Lee Yifan turned his attention to Jiang Kui. "Jiang Kui, isn't this your cousin? He's been injured by me. Don't you want to seek revenge for him?"

"If you do nothing, wouldn't that let your cousin down?" he taunted.

Jiang Kui's face contorted with frustration.

He had already been electrocuted by Lee Yifan that morning and had no desire to experience that again.

Besides, it was clear that Lee Yifan had malicious intentions. If Jiang Kui took the bait, he'd likely end up being the one to suffer.

"Lee Yifan, you won't provoke us that easily. Ambushing Brother Shan doesn't show any real skill. If you're so capable, why not challenge him to an open fight?" Jiang Kui challenged loudly.

Lee Yifan nodded in agreement. "As you wish."

Everyone stared at Lee Yifan, astonished.

This scoundrel, challenging Jiang Yishan to an open fight? Did he truly believe he could defeat Jiang Yishan?

No way!

Many shook their heads in disbelief. Jiang Yishan was a formidable seventh-level Beginning practitioner, while Lee Yifan was a cripple with a destroyed dantian. There was no way he could be a match for Jiang Yishan.

As confusion spread among the crowd, Lee Yifan approached Jiang Yishan.

Looking down at Jiang Yishan, who lay on the ground, Lee Yifan declared with feigned honor, "I want to fight you fair and square. Make your move."


Jiang Yishan couldn't help but snort.

Jiang Kui snorted.

Everyone snorted.

Jiang Yishan, still paralyzed from the electric shock, could barely stand, let alone fight. Was this Lee Yifan's idea of a fair fight?

He was clearly aiming to torment Jiang Yishan once more.

Indeed, everyone agreed internally, he was nothing but a scoundrel!

"If you remain silent, I'll take it as consent. Here comes my attack!"

Before Jiang Yishan could utter a word, Lee Yifan's hand was already striking.

And once more, Jiang Yishan was hit by an electric shock.

Jiang Yishan's body convulsed, his eyes rolling back to reveal the whites, eerily reminiscent of the dead fish eyes of legend.

"You can't even handle a single move from me. Are you truly a master of the seventh level of the Beginning?" Lee Yifan eyed Jiang Yishan skeptically.


Unable to contain himself any longer, Jiang Yishan spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out from sheer rage.

Lee Yifan frisked Jiang Yishan's body once more, hoping to find something of value, but came up empty-handed.

"Damn it, you're broke? You dare to come after me with empty pockets? You might as well drop dead," Lee Yifan grumbled, delivering a kick that sent Jiang Yishan flying several meters.

The onlookers shivered in silence, too frightened to speak up and risk the wrath of a villain like Lee Yifan, lest they bring misfortune upon themselves.

Lee Yifan turned his attention to Jiang Kui. "I told you before, if you're going to trouble me, you'd better bring some cash. Now that you have, isn't it time to settle up?"

Jiang Kui was close to tears, his face the picture of misery. "I have nothing left. You took all my banknotes this morning. I'm broke."

"Fine, you can owe me. Let's call it 100,000 silver this time. Write an IOU," Lee Yifan said nonchalantly.

Everyone was dumbfounded by Lee Yifan's tactics as he walked away with Jiang Kui's IOU in hand.

He was not only cunning but also insistent on being paid.

Many resolved never to cross paths with Lee Yifan again. They worked hard for their money and didn't want to end up inadvertently working for him.

Lee Yifan didn't give a second thought to their opinions. He left for the Jiang family estate with a clear goal in mind.

He was after the Nine Flames Fruit, a treasure exclusive to the Jiang family.

So, he had to seek out the head of the Jiang family.

Yet, even with the leverage he held, Lee Yifan wasn't entirely sure he could secure the Nine Flames Fruit.

Lee Yifan quickly made his way to the Family Head's residence. Yet, before he could even step through the door, he was halted by someone.

"Halt!" Two guards stood in Lee Yifan's path.

Lee Yifan wasn't taken aback. Whether it was the Jiang Family or any other, gaining an audience with the Family Head was never simple without a notable status.

Yet, Lee Yifan's standing within the Jiang Family was peculiarly uncomfortable.

In theory, as Jiang Yurou's husband, he should be in the limelight. But since his dantian was destroyed, he was seen as nothing more than a cripple to these people. Thus, Jiang Yurou being with him was likened to a flower in cow dung.

Nobody had respect for a worthless person.

"My name is Lee Yifan, and I wish to speak with the Patriarch. Could you please announce my arrival?" Lee Yifan requested.

No sooner had he spoken than a look of scorn crossed the guards' faces. They sneered, "The Patriarch is swamped with duties. If he had to meet with every Tom, Dick, or Harry, he'd be worked to death."

"Exactly. Why can't some failures understand their place?"

Though Lee Yifan had braced himself for rejection, the guards' words still grated on his ears.

His gaze turned icy in an instant.

"What was that?"

Lee Yifan stepped up to the guards, fury blazing in his eyes.

Rather than being intimidated by his anger, the guards doubled down, taunting, "Can't understand? Let me spell it out for you: a piece of trash like you doesn't deserve to see the Patriarch. Leave now, or don't blame me for not being polite."


The guard had barely finished his sentence when Lee Yifan's palm struck his face.

The forceful slap sent the guard flying, teeth scattering in the process.

"Lee Yifan, how dare you resort to violence at the Patriarch's doorstep..."


Before the other guard could finish his sentence, Lee Yifan delivered a backhanded slap. Following the blow, he kicked both men, declaring, "You mongrels, I'm here to discuss urgent matters with the Patriarch. You think you can stop me?"

"You dare to strike us, I'll end you."

The two guards' eyes blazed with fury. Being struck by a nobody was an unbearable disgrace for them.

They were itching for retribution.

Rising from the ground, they lunged at Lee Yifan.

The guards were merely at the fifth level of the Beginning stage. Even without employing his Lightning Flash, Lee Yifan could easily subdue them.

As they charged, he snatched one up as effortlessly as if he were lifting a rag doll and hurled him at the other.


They hit the ground hard, their bones seeming to nearly come apart. They stared at Lee Yifan as if they had seen a specter. Wasn't this man supposed to be a has-been? How could he still be so formidable?

Little did they know, a tiger's presence lingers even after its demise.

Even a fallen Lee Yifan was not someone they could trifle with.

And as it turned out, Lee Yifan was far from finished.

"May I proceed to see the Patriarch now?" Lee Yifan demanded, his voice thick with lethal intent.

The guards shivered, their gut telling them that uttering a single word of refusal could cost them their lives.

"Yes... of course!"

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