Eternal Thunder God/C12 I Want Him Dead
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Eternal Thunder God/C12 I Want Him Dead
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C12 I Want Him Dead

"Such good boys!"

Lee Yifan watched them with a smile, then gave their shoulders a pat and said, "Since you've called me 'daddy,' I'll let it slide this time. But let me remind you to be more prudent in the future. Not everyone is as forgiving as I am. Cross the wrong person, and it won't just be a matter of calling them 'daddy'—it could cost you your life."

"Take heed."

Jiang Yishan and Jiang Kui were seething with anger, their faces pale with rage.

They were dying to knock Lee Yifan out with a punch, but they managed to restrain themselves.

Instinctively, they knew that if they acted on their impulses, the consequences would be dire.

Lee Yifan was indifferent to their inner turmoil and continued, "Feeling defiant, wanting to hit me? If you go through with it, you'll become the Jiang Family's traitors."

"Hmph, you really think you're the top dog?" Jiang Kui blurted out.

"I'm married to the Jiang Family's top prodigy, Jiang Yurou. Does that make me the top dog? I share a sibling-like bond with Bai Ruoyun, the alchemist from White Cloud Ravine. Does that make me the top dog?"

"Why did the head of the Jiang Family ask you to apologize to me? It's because I can broker an alliance between the Jiang Family and White Cloud Ravine. Once that alliance is in place, the Jiang Family will never be short on medicinal pills. You don't have to suck up to me, but making my life difficult? If the alliance with White Cloud Ravine falls through, do you think the Jiang Family won't hold you two accountable?"

Lee Yifan's smile never wavered as he observed them.

Jiang Kui and Jiang Yishan's faces went through a series of changes. If Lee Yifan's words held truth, and they were responsible for sabotaging the alliance with White Cloud Ravine, their family would certainly hold them in contempt.

"Do you expect us to believe you?" they challenged.

Though a nagging suspicion hinted at the truth of his claims, they were still in denial, unable to fathom that someone they deemed worthless could have ties to White Cloud Ravine.

"If you doubt me," Lee Yifan said, "feel free to verify it with Patriarch Jiang."

The two couldn't help but turn to Jiang Mengyuan, silently pleading for him to refute what they feared to be true.

But reality was brutally unforgiving.

Jiang Mengyuan nodded, confirming, "Yifan came to me indeed regarding the alliance between White Cloud Ravine and the Jiang Family."


Jiang Kui and Jiang Yishan felt as if struck by lightning, a chill settling in their hearts. They had once dreamt of exacting revenge on Lee Yifan, but with White Cloud Ravine's support, they realized that touching him in the future would be a challenge.

Unable to retaliate after enduring such humiliation, the pair were in extreme distress.

Witnessing their sour expressions, Lee Yifan couldn't help but smile at them. "Young men, focus on cultivating your strength. That's the true path. Don't squander your time. Without strength, you can't even avenge an insult from the weakest of opponents. Go back and train diligently."

Jiang Kui and Jiang Yishan departed.

They feared that if they stayed any longer, they might lose control and lash out at Lee Yifan, who was infuriatingly provoking.

Once they had left, Lee Yifan dropped his playful demeanor and spoke earnestly, "Clan Master Jiang, White Cloud Ravine is seeking an alliance with the Jiang family, but they have one condition."

"What condition?"

Jiang Mengyuan wasn't surprised that White Cloud Ravine had stipulations. Without them, he would've suspected some underlying trickery.

"White Cloud Ravine requires the Nine Flame Fruit," Lee Yifan stated plainly.

"Nine Flame Fruit?"

Jiang Mengyuan's brow creased. The Jiang family indeed possessed the Nine Flame Fruit, brought back by Jiang Yurou from the Setting Sun Mountain Range. Moreover, the Nine Flame Fruit was exceedingly rare, and the Jiang family had only one.

Jiang Mengyuan didn't immediately reply, obviously contemplating whether trading the Nine Flame Fruit for an alliance with White Cloud Ravine was worthwhile.

Lee Yifan remained silent, patiently waiting on the side. He was confident that Jiang Mengyuan would consent.

After pondering for a short time, Jiang Mengyuan decided to ally with White Cloud Ravine by offering the Nine Flames Fruit.

Shortly thereafter, Jiang Mengyuan handed the Nine Flames Fruit to Lee Yifan, who in turn presented Jiang Mengyuan with the Golden Cloud Badge of White Cloud Ravine.

"Clan Master Jiang, should you wish to refine pills in the future, simply provide the materials, and White Cloud Ravine will undertake the task unconditionally. Any member of the Jiang family in possession of the Golden Cloud Badge will receive the same service," Lee Yifan assured.

Jiang Mengyuan nodded, his expression easing into one of clear satisfaction.

"Congratulations, Clan Master Jiang, on your alliance with White Cloud Ravine. I will now go and share this excellent news with the people there," Lee Yifan said, bowing slightly before swiftly departing the Jiang residence for White Cloud Ravine.

Upon Lee Yifan's return to White Cloud Ravine, Lee Yao eagerly greeted him, bursting with news, "Yifan, the Jiang Family has agreed to—"

Before he could finish, Lee Yifan produced the Nine Flames Fruit and handed it to Bai Ruoyun.

"Here is the Nine Flames Fruit. Go ahead and start the refinement process."

"I'll begin crafting the Flaming Sun Pill immediately," Bai Ruoyun declared, taking the fruit as the other necessary ingredients were already prepared. She set to work without delay.

Two hours later, Bai Ruoyun successfully completed the Flaming Sun Pill.

With trepidation, Lee Yao administered the Flaming Sun Pill to Lee You'er and watched over her with bated breath.

Soon after, Lee You'er's eyes fluttered open.

"She's awake, she's awake! Yifan, You'er has woken up!" Lee Yao exclaimed, tears of joy streaming down his face.

Lee Yifan refrained from teasing him, instead quietly stepping out of the room to give Lee Yao and his sister some privacy.


At the Jiang residence, Jiang Kui and Jiang Yishan were drinking heavily.

Having been embarrassed by Lee Yifan earlier that day and coerced into calling him father, the two were seething with frustration. Unable to release their anger, they resorted to drowning their sorrows in alcohol.

"Kui, I'm feeling really unsettled. If I don't give Lee Yifan a piece of my mind, this grudge will stick in my throat," Jiang Kui said.

Jiang Kui looked visibly frustrated. "Believe me, I want to teach him a lesson too, but the kid's got ties with White Cloud Ravine now, and the Patriarch won't let us lay a finger on him."

"I've got a plan that might just work. We could take him down indirectly," Jiang Yishan suggested with a cunning look.

"What's the plan?" Jiang Kui's eyes sparkled with interest.

"Since Lee Yifan is involved with White Cloud Ravine, we could start a rumor that he's carrying a Quasi-grade Three pill. Imagine how others will react when they hear about it."

Jiang Kui couldn't help but smile, "They'd be desperate to tear him apart and seize that Quasi-grade Three pill for themselves."

Ilanahil was a modest city where the market was mostly flooded with First Grade Pills. Second Grade Pills were scarce and fetched exorbitant prices.

Third Grade Pills were even rarer, commanding sky-high prices that were beyond the reach of the average person.

But if word got out that Lee Yifan possessed a Quasi-grade Three pill, people would turn into bloodthirsty sharks, eager to shred him to pieces and claim the pill as their own.

Thinking of the predicament Lee Yifan would face brought a gleeful smile to Jiang Kui's face. "Brother Shan, let's spread the word right away. This time, we're going to make sure Lee Yifan can't wriggle out of this one."

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