Eternal Thunder God/C14 You Can Leave but the Pills Are Left Behind
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Eternal Thunder God/C14 You Can Leave but the Pills Are Left Behind
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C14 You Can Leave but the Pills Are Left Behind

"Yifan, do you really think You'er has stumbled upon a heavenly-level cultivation technique? How on earth did she manage to find it?" Lee Yao chattered incessantly as they left White Cloud Ravine. The news about Lee You'er was so astonishing that he was still reeling from the shock.

"You'll see for yourself soon enough. If it's genuinely a heavenly-level cultivation technique, we could all stand to benefit from it," Lee Yifan replied.

"But when it comes to cultivating, You'er only mentioned you. She didn't even bring me up, her own brother," Lee Yao remarked, his face etched with a look of hurt. After all, he was Lee You'er's biological brother.

Yet, when Lee You'er discovered something valuable, her first thought was of Lee Yifan, relegating her own brother to the sidelines. It was a stinging blow to Lee Yao.

Lee Yifan sympathized with Lee Yao. If he had a sister who acted like that, he imagined his heart would be broken into countless pieces.

"You'er was aware that my dantian is shattered and that I can't cultivate, which is why she thought the cultivation technique would suit me better. She was trying to offer me some solace," Lee Yifan explained.

Lee Yao nodded in agreement. "Yeah, You'er has always been a kind soul, even as a child..."

"This way," Lee Yifan suddenly instructed.

"Yifan, aren't we headed to the Lee family's place? The Lee family is in that direction," Lee Yao said, confused.

"It seems like we're being tailed. I want to make sure if that's the case," Lee Yifan stated.

"What? Someone's following us? Could they know about our discovery of the heavenly-level cultivation technique and be plotting against us?" Lee Yao asked, his face tense with caution.

Lee Yifan gave him an exasperated look. "Only you, You'er, and Ruoyun know about this. Who do you think would sell us out?"

"So, you're saying these people aren't after the cultivation technique?" Lee Yao asked, visibly relieved. If these individuals were aware of their possession of a heavenly-level cultivation technique, their chances of surviving until tomorrow would be slim. Such a technique would be irresistibly alluring to the major families.

An innocent man is not to blame, but he becomes guilty when he possesses a gem. A weak man who holds a supreme treasure is in peril once it becomes known.

"Even though they're not after the cultivation technique, I'm afraid their intentions are still malevolent," Lee Yifan said, a sharp glint in his eyes.

"Yifan, why don't we head to White Cloud Ravine first and find time for the other place later?"

"It's like guarding against thieves the day before yesterday. Should we just stay in White Cloud Ravine indefinitely because these people are watching us every day? I'm curious to see what they're planning."

Lee Yifan wasn't panicked when he realized he was being followed.

In fact, he deliberately headed towards a secluded area. Rather than having these people tail him endlessly, he preferred to confront them and see what they were after.

After walking for over ten minutes, Lee Yifan and Lee Yao reached a desolate spot. Lee Yifan abruptly halted, turned around, and called out, "Friends, you've been following us for quite a while. How about coming out for a little chat?"

As expected.

Shortly after Lee Yifan spoke, three men emerged.

"Who are you, and why are you following us?" Lee Yao demanded, eyeing the trio with suspicion.

The three men remained silent, seemingly waiting for something—or someone.

Lee Yifan realized these men were likely under orders, now apparently waiting for their leader to arrive.

Seeing that they were mere underlings, Lee Yifan paid them no mind and stood his ground.

A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps approached.

The main event was about to unfold.

Lee Tao!

Surprise flickered in Lee Yifan's eyes upon recognizing the figure, but he quickly composed himself. So it was the Lee family stirring up trouble for him.

"Yifan, it's Lee Tao."

Worry was evident in Lee Yao's expression. He knew the Lee family members all too well.

In the Lee family, Lee Tao wasn't a prominent figure, but no one dared to cross him.

His grandfather was the Lee family's second elder and a renowned blacksmith.

Many of the Lee family's weapons were crafted by Lee Tao's grandfather.

Despite having a blacksmith for a grandfather, Lee Tao didn't stand out much in the Lee family. His talents were modest, and his strength was not particularly remarkable.

"Lee Tao, these are your men, aren't they? What's your intention in having them follow me?" Lee Yifan confronted Lee Tao directly.

Lee Tao let out a sly chuckle, "Yifan, don't get me wrong. I had them tail you because I'm looking to strike a deal with you."

"A deal?"

"You're aware that I'm not the most talented, Yifan, but I refuse to live out my days in the shadow of my grandfather. I aspire to be a master, to represent the younger generation of the Lee family. I'm determined to grow stronger!" Lee Tao's eyes blazed with fervor.

"If you're so eager to improve, why don't you ask your grandfather for help? What do you need me for?" Lee Yifan responded coolly.

"Yifan, you know exactly why I've come to you. You possess a third-grade pill. If you're willing to sell it to me, I'm certain it will transform me. Name your price, any conditions, I'll meet them," Lee Tao pleaded urgently.

A glint appeared in Lee Yifan's eyes. "Who told you I have a third-grade pill?"

In truth, Lee Yifan did not have a third-grade pill.

But he did have a nearly third-grade pill that Bai Ruoyun had given him that day.

At the time, only he and Bai Ruoyun were present, no third party. How did Lee Tao come by this information?

"Yifan, all of Ilanahil is talking about it. Why act so surprised?" Lee Tao said with a casual smile.

"Everyone in Ilanahil knows? How is it that I'm the last to find out? Yifan, do you really have a third-grade pill?" Lee Yao asked, his eyes bulging with curiosity.

Lee Yifan's brow furrowed. Bai Ruoyun had given him a near third-grade pill earlier that day, and in less than an hour, it seemed the whole of Ilanahil was in on it.

Could it be that White Cloud Ravine is riddled with informants from the major families?

No, that can't be it!

There has to be a mistake somewhere.

Though he couldn't pinpoint the exact issue, Lee Yifan sensed something was amiss.

"I don't have a third-grade pill, so it looks like our deal is off the table."

The smile on Lee Tao's face stiffened at Lee Yifan's declaration.

Even though he suspected Lee Yifan wouldn't trade a third-grade pill so readily, the outright rejection still stung.

In the past, he would never have dared to cross Lee Yifan.

But now, Lee Yifan was nothing more than a has-been, yet he still had the audacity to refuse him.

"Lee Yifan, do you actually believe that just because I call you 'Yifan,' you remain the young master of the Lee family? You're currently in the crosshairs of many. If you sell the elixir to me, you might gain some advantage. Others might not be so diplomatic and simply take it by force. Out of respect for our shared surname, I'll offer you some advice: it's wise to recognize the situation you're in. Don't you agree?"

Lee Tao's latter words were clearly a mix of warning and threat aimed at Lee Yifan.

Unperturbed, Lee Yifan responded coolly, "And if I refuse to make the deal, will you resort to taking it by force?"

"Only as a last resort would I consider that. I trust you're intelligent enough to see that, right?" Lee Tao's smile was smug as he eyed Lee Yifan, exuding confidence in his upper hand.

"And what if I'm not intelligent?"

The smile vanished from Lee Tao's face as he replied icily, "Are you certain you want to reject a friendly offer for a harsher consequence?"

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