Eternal Thunder God/C15 You Are so Powerful
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Eternal Thunder God/C15 You Are so Powerful
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C15 You Are so Powerful

Lee Tao's eyes were hostile, radiating an icy aura of murderous intent. He towered over Lee Yifan, his voice dripping with condescension, "I'll give you one more chance. Say it again."

"What are you to me that I should need your chances?" Lee Yifan retorted with a sneer, clearly unimpressed by Lee Tao.

Lee Tao's pride was wounded by Yifan's blatant scorn, the kind that cut deep. The glint in his eyes turned frosty, his face contorted with anger as he hissed, "I'm offering you a chance, but if you refuse to seize it, don't blame me for not being polite."

"Haha, don't try to make yourself sound so noble. What are you to me, Lee Yifan, that I should need a chance from you?" Lee Yifan scoffed.

"Hmph, still so arrogant, Yifan. Do you actually believe you're still the young master of the Lee family? You're nothing but trash now," Lee Tao snapped back with venom.

"Even if I am trash, I'm still better than the likes of you. Get out of my sight, or I won't hesitate to teach you a lesson," Lee Yifan declared with unyielding strength.

Yifan had always been assertive, but his resolve had only hardened. Since the moment he was expelled from the Lee family, he understood that weakness invited aggression. To deter others from targeting you, you had to show strength—even if it meant bluffing.

Recently, rumors had spread throughout Ilanahil that Lee Yifan possessed a third-grade pill. If he didn't maintain a strong front, he knew people would swarm him like locusts, ready to trample him underfoot.

Now, it was time for Yifan to make an example—to show that whether he had the pill or not, taking anything from him would be no easy feat. He had to make his stance clear.

Moreover, despite his crippled dantian, he was no pushover.

Threatened by Yifan, Lee Tao's complexion shifted between shades of anger and embarrassment. To be intimidated by someone deemed worthless—if word got out, it would be utterly humiliating.

"Very well, Lee Yifan, you think you can bare your teeth at me? If I don't put you in your place, others might start to believe that Lee Tao is a pushover."

"If it's a death wish you have, consider it granted!"

"Come forth!"

As Lee Tao's command echoed, his cronies stood to attention.

"This fool doesn't know his place. Whoever can teach him a lesson will be rewarded with a pill," Lee Tao commanded with an air of superiority.

The mention of a pill as a reward made the lackeys' eyes gleam with greed. They stared at Lee Yifan as if he were prey to a pack of wolves.

And so, they closed in on Lee Yifan.

Lee Yao stepped in front of Yifan, challenging them, "What are you planning? If you want to get to Yifan, you'll have to go through me first."

"Lee Yao, step aside. Everyone thinks I'm finished, that they can walk all over me. We'll see who's really got the guts," Lee Yifan declared with authority.


Lee Yao began, but was stopped by the resolute look in Lee Yifan's eyes.

It was as if...

A jolt of realization hit Lee Yao, and his face broke into an ecstatic grin. He was overjoyed. Yifan had returned, truly returned.

Since his dantian was destroyed, Lee Yifan had been a shadow of his former self, lacking the edge he had as the young master of the Lee family.

But in this moment, Lee Yao saw that the once dazzling, sword-like brilliance of Lee Yifan was back.

"Yifan, give these blind fools a lesson they won't forget. Show them that you are not to be dishonored!" Lee Yao cheered, pumping his fist.

"Not to be dishonored? Do you still think this nobody is the young master of the Lee family?"

"He's nothing but trash now. Today, I'll show you how we'll crush him underfoot."

"Get him!"

"Go for the face!"

The assailants charged at Lee Yifan, fists swinging.

But Lee Yifan was ready.

This time, he didn't rely on electric currents; he met their charge with the raw power of his own body.

In the blink of an eye, Lee Yifan charged at his opponents, his fists like iron hammers, delivering punishing blows. Despite his weakened state from a crippled dantian, Yifan was not someone to be trifled with.

The cronies by Lee Tao's side stood no chance against him.

With each punch Yifan threw, his adversaries were sent crashing to the ground.

This time, Yifan showed no restraint. His opponents ended up with either broken arms or severed ties, some with ribs shattered, writhing in agony on the ground.

Yet, Yifan's expression remained unchanged, devoid of any pity.

Within minutes, he had floored all of them, leaving them sprawled out like lifeless dogs.

Standing over their bodies, Yifan turned to Lee Yao with a cool detachment, "Lee Yao, it seems your henchmen aren't up to the task. How about you step in?"

"Do you want to go toe-to-toe with me?"

Lee Tao arched an eyebrow, eyeing Yifan with scorn. "In the past, I might not have been a match for you, but now..."

He extended his little finger, oozing contempt.

Clearly, he held Yifan in low regard.

"Ever heard the saying, a dragon will always be a dragon, and a worm will always be a worm? In my eyes, you're nothing but a lowly worm. Oops, my apologies, I was a bit too blunt—didn't mean to bruise your ego."

"I'll be more subtle next time," Yifan said, his smile unwavering.

Lee Tao's face turned a livid shade of green as he forced a smile, "A worm? Yifan, I didn't expect you to remain so cocky after your downfall. You wanted to play? Well, today I'll indulge you."

Suddenly, Lee Tao's presence erupted.

"The Seventh Level of the Beginning!"

Lee Yao gasped, staring at Lee Tao in disbelief.

Previously unremarkable and not particularly strong, Lee Tao's sudden surge revealed his newfound power at the Seventh Level of the Beginning.

Not just Lee Yao, but even Yifan showed a flicker of surprise on his face.

Clearly, Lee Tao's abilities had taken him by surprise.

With a smug look on his face, Lee Tao boasted, "How about that? Surprised, aren't you? I may have been under the radar before, but did you actually believe I was a nobody like you? I've been biding my time, waiting for the right moment to rise to greatness. Once I get that third-grade medicinal pill from you, I'll shoot straight to the top."

"Give me the pill now, and I might go easy on you."

"Do you know what I'm about to say?" Lee Yifan asked.


"I bought a watch last year. You know what that means? It means go to hell!" Lee Yifan raised both middle fingers defiantly.

Lee Tao's expression darkened once more as he said with a murderous aura, "Since you're begging for death, I'll grant you your wish. Today, you'll witness my true power."

"You've been in hiding for so long; I'm curious to see just how much weight you can pull."

Lee Yifan remained nonchalant. If Yifan, who had reached the seventh level of Beginning, was getting thrashed to the point of submission, what chance did Lee Tao stand?

Both men launched their attacks simultaneously, each brimming with confidence.

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